Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Dopoguerra - Indocina / Vietnam
Guerra Fredda
Post 1945 - Asia
Post 1945 - Missioni Est.
Risultati della Ricerca: 333 Prodotti
65159 - Jennings, L.:
19 Minutes to Live. Helicopter Combat in Vietnam. A Memoir
27.00 €
57342 - Dutrone-Maily, C.-J.M.:
2e BCCP. Battalion Coloniale de Commandos Parachutistes. Indochine 1947-1949
49.95 €
67622 - Schoendoerffler, P.:
317a Sezione (La)
20.00 €
15069 - Logan, D.:
388th TFW at Korat Royal Thai Air Force base 1972
39.95 €
29987 - Dufour, P.:
5eme Etranger Tome 1. Tome 1 Indochine 1883-1946
39.00 €
23164 - De Groot, G.:
A Noble Cause?
39.95 €
26262 - Mutza, W.:
A-1 Skyraider in Vietnam. The Spad's last War (The)
65.00 €
35837 - Shay, J.:
Achilles in Vietnam. Combat Trauma the Undoing of Character
19.95 €
15147 - Cook, J.:
Advisor: the Phoenix program in Vietnam
45.00 €
64035 - Hallion, R.P.:
Air Campaign 003: Rolling Thunder 1965-68. Johnson's air war over Vietnam
27.00 €
64840 - Michel, M.L.:
Air Campaign 006: Operation Linebacker II 1972. The B-52s are sent to Hanoi
27.00 €
63103 - Michel-Tooby, M.L. III-A.:
Air Campaign 008: Operation Linebacker I 1972. The first high-tech air war
27.00 €
15145 - Davies-Tooby, P.E.-A.:
Air Campaign 018: Ho Chi Minh Trail 1964-73. Steel Tiger, Barrell Roll, and the secret air wars in Vietnam and Laos
27.00 €
60086 - Drendel-Taylor, L.-N.:
Air Force Legends 216: United States Air Force in Vietnam
65.00 €
64455 - Emerson, S.:
Air War Over North Vietnam. Operation Rolling Thunder 1965-1968
25.00 €
63084 - Toperczer-Laurier, I.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 135: MiG-21 Aces of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
27128 - Andrade, D.:
America's Last Vietnam Battle: halting Hanoi's 1972 Easter Offensive
39.00 €
49681 - Lawrence, C.A.:
America's Modern Wars. Understanding Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam
39.95 €
54333 - Robinson, M.P.:
American Armor in Vietnam
55.00 €
39561 - Robinson, M.P.:
American Artillery in Vietnam
55.00 €
51234 - Monroe-Pickrall, C.-C.:
American Web Equipment 1967-1991 - Europa Militaria 37
19.95 €
62299 - Chi Minh, H.:
Anche i poeti imparino a combattere
14.00 €
27171 - Coppola, F.F.:
Apocalypse Now Redux DVD
33.00 €
71058 - Crosnier, A.:
Armee de l'Air en Indochine 1945-1956 (L')
36.00 €
65567 - AAVV, :
Armes da la Guerre d'Indochine (1945-1954) Les Francais, les indochinois, les suppletifs, le Vietminh - Gaz. des Armes HS 27
25.00 €
32727 - Fiedler, L.:
Arrivederci alle armi. L'America, il cinema, la guerra
19.90 €
54707 - Camp, D.:
Assault from the Sky. US Marine Corps Helicopter Operations in Vietnam
33.00 €
70236 - Renaud, P.C.:
Aviation a Dien Bien Phu. De la genese a la chute du camp retranche. Novembre 1952-juin 1954 (L')
45.00 €
55836 - Dumont-Krizan, R.-J.:
BAC SI. A Green Beret Medic's War in Vietnam
33.00 €
40216 - Maisonneuve, C.:
Bataille de Dien Bien Phu. Les chevaliers condamnes de l'armee coloniale (La)
65.00 €
73523 - Gras, P.:
Batailles Aeriennes de la Guerre d'Indochine. De Na San a Dien Bien Phu
45.00 €
63595 - Ruiz Vidondo, J.M.:
Batalla de Dien Bien Phu. El principio del fin del colonialismo frances (La)
21.00 €
33469 - Gilbert, E.:
Battle Orders 019: US Marine Corps in the Vietnam War. III Marine Amphibious Force 1965-75
29.95 €
37155 - Rottman, G.L.:
Battle Orders 030: Mobile Strike Forces in Vietnam 1966-70
29.95 €
38025 - Rottman, G.:
Battle Orders 033: US Army in the Vietnam War 1965-73
29.95 €
54007 - Rawson, A.:
Battle Story: Tet Offensive 1968
15.00 €
34927 - Sorley, L.:
Better War. The unexamined victories and final tragedy of America's last years in Vietnam (A)
33.00 €
51075 - Gillespie, R.M.:
Black Ops Vietnam. The Operational History of MACVSOG
39.95 €
62613 - Maras-Sasser, R.-C.W.:
Blood in the Hills. The Story of Khe Sanh, the Most Savage Fight of the Vietnam War
36.00 €
55235 - Evans, C.:
Bloody Jungle. The War in Vietnam - Military Photo Series
35.00 €
56338 - Brown, N.G.:
Blue Max. Missions and Memories
25.00 €
56584 - Carpenter, S.A.:
Boots on the Ground. The History of Project Delta
39.95 €
52408 - Wiest, A.:
Boys of '67. Charlie Company's War in Vietnam (The)
29.95 €
53028 - Perry, S.:
Bright Light. Untold stories of the Top Secret War in Vietnam
19.95 €
20862 - Arnold, J.:
Campaign 004: Tet Offensive 1968. Turning Point in Vietnam
27.00 €
30582 - Rottman-Dennis, G.-P.:
Campaign 150: Khe Sanh 1967-68. Marines battle for Vietnam's vital hilltop base
27.00 €
67045 - Harris-Eward-Groult, J.P.-J.K.-E.A.:
Campaign 345: Ia Drang 1965. The Struggle for Vietnam's Pleiku Province
27.00 €
69390 - Windrow-Dennis, M.-P.:
Campaign 366: Dien Bien Phu 1954. The French Defeat that Lured America into Vietnam
27.00 €
69395 - Willbanks, J.H.:
Campaign 371: Battle of Hue 1968. Fight for the Imperial City
27.00 €
31048 - Chandler-Chandler, R.F.-N.A.:
Carlos Hathcock White Feather USMC Scout Sniper
65.00 €
56336 - MacAuley, R.K. cur:
Charley Horse: America's 'Day-By-Day', Air Cavalry, Vietnam War Correspondences
59.95 €
56161 - Fletcher, L.E.:
Charlie Chasers. History of USAF AC-119 Shadow Gunships in the Vietnam War
45.00 €
26443 - Marrett, G.J.:
Cheating Death. Combat Air Rescues in Vietnam and Laos
36.00 €
36841 - Mason, R.:
23.00 €
37723 - Michel, M.L.III:
Clashes. Air Combat over North Vietnam 1965-1972
25.00 €
26872 - Bowman, M.:
Cold War Jet Combat. Air-to-Air Jet Fighter Operations 1950-1972
35.00 €
57404 - Higgins, D.R.:
Combat 013: US Marine vs NVA Soldier. Vietnam 1967-68
25.00 €
64829 - Windrow, M.:
Combat 036: French Foreign Legionnaire vs Viet Minh Insurgent
25.00 €
67707 - McNab-Shumate, C.-J.:
Combat 051: US Air Cavalry Trooper vs North Vietnamese Soldier. Vietnam 1965-68
25.00 €
16983 - Mersky-Tullis, P.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 007: F-8 Crusader Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
18877 - Toperczer-Wyllie, I.-I.:
Combat Aircraft 025: MiG-17 and MiG-19 Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
21167 - Elward-Laurier, B.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 026: US Navy F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1965-70
27.00 €
21615 - Toperczer-Styling, I.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 029: MiG-21 Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
21650 - Elward-Laurier, B.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 030: US Navy F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1972-73
27.00 €
26738 - Bernstein-Laurier, J.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 041: US Army AH-1 Cobra Units in Vietnam
27.00 €
26759 - Davies, P.:
Combat Aircraft 045: USAF F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1965-68
27.00 €
29905 - Mersky-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 048: US Navy A-7 Corsair II Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
30554 - Davies-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 055: USAF F-4 Phantom II MiG Killers 1972-73
27.00 €
35917 - Mersky-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 069: US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk Units of the Vietnam War 1963-1973
27.00 €
40737 - Burgess, R.:
Combat Aircraft 077: US Navy A-1 Skyraider Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
44588 - Davies, P.:
Combat Aircraft 084: F-105 Thunderchief Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
46433 - Bell-Laurier, T.E.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 085: B-57 Canberra Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
49419 - Davies-Menard-Ugolini, P.-D.W.-R.:
Combat Aircraft 089: F-100 Super Sabre Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
52363 - Morgan-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 093: A-6 Intruder Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
52364 - Davies-Laurier, P.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 094: US Marine Corps F-4 Phantom II Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
53584 - Hukee-Laurier, B.E.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 097: USAF and VNAF A-1 Skyraider Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
57370 - Morgan-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 108: A-3 Skywarrior Units of the Vietnam War
27.00 €
58735 - Davies, P.:
Combat Aircraft 116: US Navy F-4 Phantom II Units of the Vietnam War 1964-68
27.00 €
64052 - Davies, P.E.:
Combat Aircraft 125: US Navy F-4 Phantom II Units of the Vietnam War 1969-73
27.00 €
65742 - Davies-Laurier, P.E.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 127: RF-101 Voodoo Units in Combat
27.00 €
68339 - Mersky, P.:
Combat Aircraft 135: A-7 Corsair II Units 1975-91
27.00 €
36605 - Tanham, G.K.:
Communist Revolutionary Warfare. From the Vietminh to the Viet Cong
36.00 €
57412 - Poole, E.:
Company of Heroes. A Forgotten Medal of Honor and Bravo Company's War in Vietnam
19.95 €
44333 - O'Brien, T.:
Cose che portiamo (Le)
17.00 €
58400 - Turse, N.:
Cosi' era il Vietnam. Spara a tutto cio' che si muove
18.50 €
61206 - Giorgi, A.:
Cronaca della Guerra del Vietnam 1961-1975
29.00 €
64694 - Guardia, M.:
Crusader. General Donn Starry and the Army of His Times
39.95 €
39529 - Walker, D. P.:
Cyclops in the Jungle. A One-Eyed LRP in Vietnam
25.00 €
54921 - Yarborough, T.:
Da Nang Diary. A Forward Air Controller's Gunsight View of Combat in Vietnam
33.00 €
38525 - Murphy, E.F.:
Dak To. America's Sky Soldiers in South Vietnam's Central Highlands
10.00 €
42851 - Tonsetic, R.L.:
Days of Valor. An Inside Account of the Bloodiest Six Months of the Vietnam War
36.00 €
28290 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 06 1965, escalada americana en Vietnam
10.00 €
69925 - Desperta, Cont.:
Desperta Ferro - Contemporanea 46 Dien Bien Phu 1954
10.00 €
62952 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Dien Bien Phu. The First Indochina War 1946-1954 - Cold War 1945-1991
25.00 €
61643 - Herr, M.:
Dispacci. L'orrore del Vietnam negli occhi dei soldati americani
14.00 €
41150 - Davies-Laurier-Hector, P.E.-J.-G.:
Dogfight 007: F-8 Crusader. Vietnam 1963-73
23.00 €
41151 - Toperczer-Hector-Laurier, I.-G.-J.:
Dogfight 008: MiG-21 'Fishbed'. Opposing Rolling Thunder 1966-68
23.00 €
33169 - Davies, P.:
Duel 012: F-4 Phantom II vs MiG-21. USAF and VPAF in the Vietnam War
25.00 €
47724 - Davies, P.:
Duel 035: F-105 Wild Weasel vs SA-2 'Guideline' SAM. Vietnam 1965-75
25.00 €
56893 - Mersky-Laurier, P.-J.:
Duel 061: F-8 Crusader vs MiG-17. 1966-72
25.00 €
64855 - Davies, P.E.:
Duel 089: B-52 Stratofortress vs SA-2 'Guideline' SAM. Vietnam 1972-73
25.00 €
17277 - Davies-Laurier-Hector, P.-J.-G.:
Duel 104: A-4 Skyhawk vs North Vietnamese AAA. North Vietnam 1964-72
25.00 €
69405 - Davies, P.E.:
Duel 112: UH-1 Huey Gunship vs NVA/VC Forces
25.00 €
47801 - Turley, G.H.:
Easter Offensive. The Last American Advisors. Vietnam 1972 (The)
19.95 €
49634 - Grandolini, A.:
Easter Offensive. Vietnam 1972 Vol 1: Invasion across the DMZ (The) - Asia @War 001
29.95 €
57314 - Grandolini, A.:
Easter Offensive. Vietnam 1972 Vol 2: Tanks in the streets (The) - Asia @War 003
29.95 €
20388 - Conboy-McCouaig, K.-S.:
Elite 033: South-East Asian Special Forces
23.00 €
19299 - Conboy-McCouaig, K.-S.:
Elite 038: NVA and Viet Cong
23.00 €
21281 - Melson-Hannon, C.-P.:
Elite 043: Vietnam Marines 1965-73
23.00 €
26978 - Lyles, K.:
Elite 103: Vietnam ANZACS. Australian and New Zealand Troops in Vietnam 1962-72
23.00 €
35923 - Rottman-Hook, G.-A.:
Elite 154: Vietnam Airmobile Warfare Tactics
23.00 €
47696 - Rottman-Dennis, G.L.-P.:
Elite 186: Vietnam Infantry Tactics
23.00 €
61766 - Rottman, G.L.:
Elite 216: Vietnam War US and Allied Combat Equipments
23.00 €
16544 - Rottman, G.:
Elite 236: Vietnam War Booby Traps
23.00 €
69402 - Liptak-Walsh, E.-S.:
Elite 242: US Navy Special Warfare Units in Korea and Vietnam
23.00 €
56384 - Logevall, F.:
Embers of War. The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam
25.00 €
23721 - Wiest, A.:
Essential Histories 038: Vietnam War 1956-1975
23.00 €
43603 - Clarke, B.B.G.:
Expendable Warriors. The Battle of Khe Sanh and the Vietnam War
25.00 €
49912 - Grandolini, A.:
Fall of the Flying Dragon. South Vietnamese Air Force 1973-1975
39.95 €
47334 - Westheider, J.:
Fighting in Vietnam. The Experience of the US Soldier
25.00 €
32758 - Knott, R.:
Fire from the Sky. Seawolf Gunships in the Mekong Delta
35.00 €
36531 - Hammel, E.:
Fire in the Streets. The battle for Hue, Tet 1968
25.00 €
41189 - Marolda-Tooby, E.J.-A.:
Fleet 004: US Seventh Fleet, Vietnam 1964-75. American naval power in Southeast Asia
25.00 €
43694 - Lavell, K.:
Flying Black Ponies. The Navy Close Air Support Squadron in Vietnam
23.50 €
31831 - Mikesh, R.C.:
Flying Dragons. The South Vietnamese Air Force
65.00 €
52827 - Rousseaux, G.:
Forces Americaines au Vietnam 1962-1967. Guide Militaria 04 (Les)
25.00 €
60429 - Rousseaux, G.:
Forces Americaines au Vietnam 1968-1975. Guide Militaria 10 (Les)
25.00 €
43221 - Lemish, M.:
Forever Forward: K-9 Operations in Vietnam
39.95 €
43567 - Tonsetic, R.L.:
Forsaken Warriors. The Story of an American Advisor with the South Vietnamese Rangers and Airborne
39.95 €
32054 - Rottman-Taylor, G.-C.:
Fortress 033: Special Forces Camps in Vietnam 1961-70
23.00 €
34765 - Rottman, G.:
Fortress 048: Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War
23.00 €
35927 - Foster-Dennis, R.E.M.-P.:
Fortress 058: Vietnam Firebases 1965-73 American and Australian Forces
23.00 €
72151 - Rookes, S.:
France's War in Indochina Vol 1: The Tiger versus the Elephant. 1946-1949 - Asia @War 045
29.95 €
72264 - Guyader, R.:
French Foreign Legion in Indochina 1946-1956 (The)
95.00 €
19468 - Nguyen, D.T.:
Fronte del cielo. 1966 Le vittorie dell'Aviazione del Vietnam
14.00 €
39724 - Samuel, W.:
Glory Days.The Untold Story of the Men who Flew the B-66 Destroyer into the Face of Fear
45.00 €
70204 - McKelvey Cleaver, T.:
Going Downtown. The US Air Force over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia 1961-75
25.00 €
36223 - Mutza, W.:
Green Hornets. The History of the US Air Force 20th Special Operations Squadron
45.00 €
25855 - Hall, M.K.:
Guerra del Vietnam (La)
15.00 €
70952 - De Gaetano, E.:
Guerra del Vietnam. Storia militare del conflitto piu' controverso del XX secolo (La)
23.00 €
69312 - Paloque, G.:
Guerre Aerienne au Vietnam 1961-1973. US Air Force, US Navy, USMC, US Army, Aviations du Nord et du Sud du Vietnam
39.95 €
36255 - Parise, G.:
Guerre politiche
13.50 €
42470 - Mutza, W.:
Gunships. The Story of Spooky, Shadow, Stinger, and Spectre
39.95 €
66767 - Garrison, M.:
Guts 'N Gunships. What it was Really Like to Fly Combat Helicopters in Vietnam
21.00 €
54922 - Guardia, M.:
Hal Moore. A Soldier Once...and Always
33.00 €
17857 - Zaffiri, S.:
Hamburger Hill. The Brutal Battle for Dong Ap Bia, May 11-20, 1969
21.00 €
39355 - Hathorn, R.:
Here there are Tigers. The Secret Air War in Laos 1968-69
21.00 €
36294 - Fouquet Lapar, P.:
Hoa Binh 1951-1952. De Lattre attaque en Indochine
30.00 €
62024 - Rodriguez-Arques, A.-A.:
Hook up! US Paratroopers from the Vietnam to the Cold War
55.00 €
65083 - Bowden, M.:
Hue 1968. L'anno cruciale della sconfitta americana in Vietnam
24.00 €
69453 - Doyle, D.:
Huey in Vietnam. Bell's UH-1 at War - Legends of Warfare (The)
29.95 €
43918 - Hooper, J.:
Hundred Feet Over Hell: Flying with the Men of the 220th Recon Airplane Company over I Corps and the DMZ, Vietnam 1968-1969 (A)
29.95 €
66459 - Hampton, D.:
Hunter Killers. The Extraordinary Story of the First Wild Weasels, the Band of Maverick Aviators Who Flew the Most Dangerous Missions (The)
25.00 €
49074 - Poole, D.:
Hunting the Viet Cong Vol 1: Counterinsurgency Campaign in South Vietnam 1961-1963 - The strategic Hamlet Programme - Asia @War 034
29.95 €
71967 - Poole, D.:
Hunting the Viet Cong Vol 2: The Fall of Diem and the Collapse of the Strategic Hamlets, 1961-1964 - Asia @War 041
29.95 €
60311 - Wiest-NcNab, A.-C.:
Illustrated History of the Vietnam War
36.00 €
29454 - Green, M.:
Images of War. Armoured Warfare in the Vietnam War
27.00 €
56335 - Seymour, W.J.:
In the Jungle... Camping with the Enemy
21.00 €
41111 - AAVV, :
Indochine. Dien Bien Phu et les combats de l'impossible
45.00 €
62200 - Lanning-Stubbe, M.L.-R.W.:
Inside Force Recon. Recon Marines in Vietnam
27.00 €
69049 - Velicogna, A.:
Into the Iron Triangle. Operation Attleboro and the Battles North of Saigon 1966 - Asia @War 019
29.95 €
71392 - Fregona-Cargioli, L.-G.:
Laggiu' dove si muore. Il Vietnam dei giovani italiani con la Legione Straniera
14.90 €
35207 - Arthurs, T.G.:
Land with no Sun. A Year in Vietnam with the 173rd Airborne
27.00 €
38290 - Gebhart, J.J.:
LBJ's Hired Gun. A Marine Corps Helicopter Gunner's War in Vietnam
36.00 €
61060 - Guyader, R.:
Legion Etrangere en Algerie 1954-1962 (La)
65.00 €
64894 - AAVV, :
Legion Etrangere en Indochine 1946-1956 - Uniformes Thematique 01 (La)
18.50 €
35185 - Aceto, D.:
Legionario in Indocina 1951-1953
18.00 €
64318 - Boylan, K.M.:
Losing Binh Dinh. The Failure of Pacification and Vietnamization 1969-1971
59.95 €
26481 - Prados, J.:
Lost Crusaders. The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby
55.00 €
32196 - Mills, H.L. Jr:
Low Level Hell. A Bird's Eye View of the Helicopter War in Vietnam
17.50 €
56285 - Herman, J.K.:
Lucky Few. The Fall of Saigon and the Rescue Mission of the USS Kirk (The)
49.95 €
72961 - Doyle, D.:
M42 Duster. Self-Propelled Antiaircraft Vehicle - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
71021 - Doyle, D.:
M50/M50A1 Ontos. Self-Propelled Multiple 106 mm Recoilless Rifle - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
70637 - Peroncini, G.:
Maledizione dei centurioni Vol 1: Dalle piste d'Indocina alla battaglia di Algeri (La)
20.00 €
71083 - Peroncini, G.:
Maledizione dei centurioni Vol 2. Algeri 13 maggio 1958: il 'piano Pouget' e il colpo di Stato della democrazia
20.00 €
25011 - Peroncini, G.:
Maledizione dei centurioni Vol 3. Le chemin de croix dei centurioni. Dal malcontento alla dissidenza: il siluramento di Massu
20.00 €
39430 - Gilbert, O.:
Marine Corps Tank Battles in Vietnam
36.00 €
50491 - Giap, V.N.:
Masse armate ed esercito regolare
16.00 €
18744 - Buzzanco, R.:
Masters of War
39.00 €
71436 - Marlantes, K.:
19.00 €
15498 - Katcher-Chappell, P.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 104: Armies of the Vietnam War 1962-75
19.00 €
15499 - Russell-Chappell, L.E.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 143: Armies of the Vietnam War (2)
19.00 €
21388 - Conboy-Chappell, K.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 209: War in Cambodia 1970-75
19.00 €
21392 - Conboy-McCouaig, K.-S.:
Men-at-Arms 217: War in Laos 1960-75
19.00 €
18067 - Windrow-Chappell, M.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 322: French Indochina War 1946-54
19.00 €
44570 - Rottman, G.L.:
Men-at-Arms 458: Army of the Republic of Vietnam 1954-75
19.00 €
59636 - Ragionieri, M.:
Mia storia della guerra del Vietnam (La)
20.00 €
57997 - Toperczer, I.:
MiG Aces of the Vietnam War
59.95 €
42475 - McCarthy, D.J.:
MiG Killers. A Chronology of US Air Victories in Vietnam 1965-1973
36.00 €
37885 - Tillman, B.:
MiG Master. The Story of the F-8 Crusader
27.00 €
40207 - Boniface, R.:
Migs Over North Vietnam. The Vietnamese People's Air Force in Combat 1965-1975
45.00 €
47269 - Boniface, R.:
Migs Over North Vietnam: The Vietnamese People's Air Force in Combat 1965-1975
25.00 €
66766 - Orkand-Duryea, B.-L.:
Misfire. The Tragic Failure of the M16 in Vietnam
39.00 €
73435 - Grienti, V.:
Missione Boat People. 1979 l'Operazione della Marina Militare Italiana nel Mar Cinese Meridionale
27.00 €
25373 - Walton, D.:
Myth of inevitable US defeat in Vietnam (The)
45.00 €
41744 - Wiknik, A.J.:
Nam Sense. Surviving Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division
21.00 €
37829 - Favreau-Doufur, J.-N.:
Nasan. La victoire oubliee (1952-1953)
29.95 €
27980 - Dockery, K.:
Navy SEALs. A History of the Early Years
19.95 €
32204 - Dockery, K.:
Navy SEALs. A History Part II: The Vietnam Years
19.95 €
34779 - Bishop, C.:
New Vanguard 125: Huey Cobra Gunships
19.00 €
34782 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 128: Vietnam Riverine Craft 1962-75
19.00 €
49444 - Rottman-Bryan, G.L.-T.:
New Vanguard 184: Vietnam Gun Trucks
19.00 €
70183 - Hiestand-Cano Rodriguez, W.E.-I.:
New Vanguard 303: Tanks in the Easter Offensive 1972
19.00 €
64462 - Nguyen, V.T.:
Niente muore mai. Il Vietnam e la memoria della guerra
19.00 €
24265 - Sullivan, J.F.:
Of Spies and Lies - A CIA Lie Detector Remembers Vietnam
49.95 €
38871 - Martelli-Dal Cengio, P.-V.:
On the Devil's Tail. In Combat with the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front 1945 and with the French in Indochina 1951-54
33.00 €
45617 - Grintchenko, M.:
Operation Atlante. Les dernieres illusions de la France en Indochine (L')
55.00 €
30948 - Culbertson, J.J.:
Operation Tuscaloosa. 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines at An Hoa, 1967
14.50 €
61061 - AAVV, :
Operations Speciales HS 02: La Legion Etrangere. Honneur et fidelite'
15.00 €
64102 - AAVV, :
Operations Speciales HS 03: Soldats de l'image. Les reporters de guerre de l'Armee francaise
15.00 €
46841 - Cannavo'-Nicosia-Perazzi, A.-A.-E.:
Oriana Fallaci. Intervista con la Storia. Immagini e parole di una vita
29.00 €
54819 - Ross, J.:
Outside the Wire. Riding with the 'Triple Deuce' in Vietnam, 1970
33.00 €
19481 - Brown, R.:
Palace Gate. Under siege in Hue City: Tet January 1968
33.00 €
44879 - Adam-Pivetta, E.-P.:
Paras francais en Indochine 1945-1954 (Les)
45.00 €
52472 - Arcer, M.:
Patch of Ground. Khe Sanh Remembered (A)
25.00 €
19610 - Terzani, T.:
Pelle di leopardo
16.53 €
62366 - Bonnecarrere, C.:
Per il Sangue Versato. La Legione Straniera in Indocina
30.00 €
43209 - McCarthy, M.:
Phantom Reflections. An American Fighter Pilot in Vietnam
21.00 €
65789 - MacKenzie, A.:
Pilgrim Days. From Vietnam to the SAS
33.00 €
36267 - Marshall, T.:
Price of Exit (The)
12.00 €
43107 - Taylor, R.:
Prodigals. A Vietnam Story
33.00 €
49448 - Chun-Noon, C.-S.:
Raid 024: Last Boarding Party. The USMC and the SS Mayaguez 1975
25.00 €
73238 - Williamson, J.:
Raid 060: Son Tay 1970. Operation Ivory Coast POW rescue mission
25.00 €
36842 - Gross, C.:
Rattler One-Seven. A Vietnam Helicopter Pilot's War Story
19.00 €
54122 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 02. Dien Bien Phu. 1954 La fin de l'empire colonial en Extreme-Orient
13.00 €
54124 - AAVV, :
Reportages de Guerre 04. Les Bigeard Boys. 1955-58 Les Paras francais en Algerie. les Bigeard Boys
13.00 €
64920 - Dobrzynski, J.:
Republic F-105 Thunderchief
33.00 €
24775 - Geer, J.:
Republic F-105 Thunderchief Wing and Squadron Histories
85.00 €
72580 - Van Geffen-Arruda, T.-G.:
Republic F-105 Thunderchief. Operation in Southest Asia
25.00 €
19963 - Cook, J.:
Rescue under fire: the story of dustoff in Vietnam
33.00 €
66137 - Cocco, A.:
Ridotta Isabelle. Nella Legione straniera senza ritorno da Dien Bien Phu. Lettere 1952-54
14.00 €
64446 - Nguyen, V.T.:
Rifugiati (I)
16.50 €
69358 - Branfill Cook, R.:
Riverine Craft of the Vietnam Wars - Shipcraft Series 26
27.00 €
46840 - Fallaci, O.:
Saigon e cosi' sia
20.50 €
32255 - Plaster, J.L.:
Secret Commandos. Behind Enemy Lines with the Elite Warriors of SOG
25.00 €
52512 - Shultz, R.H. Jr:
Secret War against Hanoi. The Untold Story of Spies, Saboteurs, and Covert Warriors in North Vietnam (The)
21.00 €
27534 - Murphy, E.F.:
Semper Fi Vietnam. From Da Nang to the DMZ. Marine Corps Campaigns 1965-1975
13.00 €
52616 - Hamilton, J.:
Settimo Cavalleggeri. Storia della cavalleria americana da Custer al Mekong (Il)
16.00 €
65791 - Peck, G.R. Jr.:
Sherman Lead. Flying the F-4D Phantom II in Vietnam
39.95 €
56083 - Sharp, A.G.:
Siege of LZ Kate. The Battle for an American Firebase in Vietnam (The)
33.00 €
62320 - Nguyen, V.T.:
Simpatizzante (Il)
18.00 €
31999 - Zahn, R.R.:
Snake Pilot. Flying the Cobra Attack Helicopter in vietnam
25.00 €
63983 - Walter, J.:
Snipers at War. An equipment and Operations History
45.00 €
61937 - Silvey, M.W.:
SOG Knives and More from America's War in Southeast Asia
45.00 €
41761 - Plaster, J.L.:
SOG. The secret Wars of America's Commandos in Vietnam
21.00 €
42750 - Fregona, L.:
Soldati di sventura. Nella Legione Straniera dall'Alto Adige al Vietnam
12.90 €
29383 - Brosnan-Henry, A.-D.:
Soldiering On. The stories of two former Kiwi SAS men and their continuing world-wide careers of adventure
32.50 €
39259 - Special Operations Association, :
Special Operations Association Commemorative Book
65.00 €
23092 - Comboy-Andrade', K.-D.:
Spies and Commando: how America lost the secret war in North Vietnam
30.00 €
58665 - Strachan Morris, D.:
Spreading Inkblots from Da Nang to the DMZ. The Origins and Implementation of US Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Strategy in Vietnam. March 1965 to November 1968
55.00 €
39575 - Viet, H.M.:
Steel and Blood. South Vietnamese Armor and the War for Southeast Asia
39.95 €
39617 - Frey, M.:
Storia della guerra in Vietnam. La tragedia in Asia e la fine del sogno americano
16.80 €
32846 - Fall, B.B.:
Street Without Joy. The French Debacle in Indochina
27.00 €
68992 - Verusio, G.:
Sui campi di battaglia
24.00 €
39845 - Martelli-Dal Cengio, P.-V.:
Sulla coda del Diavolo. In combattimento con le Waffen SS sul fronte orientale 1945, e con i francesi in Indocina 1951-1954
19.00 €
25657 - Borer, D.A.:
Superpowers defeated. Vietnam and Afghanistan compared
49.95 €
15682 - Fallaci, S.:
Sveglia Occidente. Dispacci dal fronte delle guerre dimenticate
19.00 €
62629 - Gugliotta-Yeoman-Sullaway, G.-J.-N. cur:
Swift Boats at War in Vietnam
39.95 €
54693 - O'Rourke, K.:
Taking Fire. Saving Captain Aikman. A Story of the Vietnam Air War
33.00 €
62250 - Grandolini, A.:
Target Saigon 1973-75 Vol 1: The Pretence of Peace - Asia @War 005
29.95 €
63817 - Grandolini, A.:
Target Saigon 1973-75 Vol 2: The Fall of South Vietnam. The Beginning of the End January 1974-March 1975 - Asia @War 016
29.95 €
49048 - Grandolini, A,:
Target Saigon 1973-75 Vol 3: Disaster at Da Nang 1975 - Asia @War 032
29.95 €
71520 - Grandolini, A,:
Target Saigon 1973-75 Vol 4: The Final Collapse. April-May 1975 - Asia @War 036
29.95 €
40623 - Humphries, J.F.:
Through the Valley. Vietnam 1967-68
27.00 €
52731 - Barrett, M.B.:
Thunderbolt. General Creighton Abrams and the Army of His Times
23.00 €
20892 - Johnson, R.:
Tiger Patterns. A guide to Vietnam's War Tigerstripe combat fatigue patterns and uniforms
85.00 €
25441 - Schulzinger, R.D.:
Time for War. The United States and Vietnam 1941-1975 (A)
36.00 €
36286 - Henderson, C.:
Tiratore scelto. La storia vera di una leggenda delle truppe speciali
10.00 €
35421 - Johnson, T.A.:
To the Limit. An Air Cav Huey Pilot in Vietnam
33.00 €
69421 - McKelvey Cleaver, T.:
Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club. Naval Aviation in the Vietnam War (The)
25.00 €
66451 - Pedersen, D.:
Top Gun. An American Story
39.95 €
56082 - Lee Lanning, M. cur:
Tours of Duty. Vietnam War Stories
25.00 €
35725 - Moyar, M.:
Triumph Forsaken. The Vietnam War 1954-1965
39.00 €
41201 - Moyar, M.:
Triumph Regained. The Vietnam War 1965-1968
55.00 €
37645 - Sauro, C.W. jr:
Twins Platoon. An epic Story of young Marines at war in Vietnam (The)
32.50 €
51809 - Carr, C.R.:
Two One Pony. An American Soldier's Year in Vietnam, 1969
25.00 €
21071 - Miraldi, P.:
Uniforms and Equipment of US Army Infantry, LRRPs and Rangers in Vietnam
85.00 €
21073 - Miraldi, P.:
Uniforms and Equipment of US Military Advisors in Vietnam
75.00 €
52487 - Brennan, J.:
US Army Helicopter Names in Vietnam
39.95 €
52828 - Rousseaux, G.:
US Forces in Vietnam 1962-1967. Militaria Guides 04
25.00 €
69447 - Doyle, D.:
US Marine Corps in Vietnam. Vehicles, Weapons, and Equipment
29.95 €
28152 - Wilson, E.R.:
US Marine Corps Unit Insignia in Vietnam 1961-1975. A photographic Reference
39.95 €
57261 - Demiquels, M.:
US Marines en Vietnam. Uniformes, equipo, insignas, documentos y armamento
17.50 €
26373 - Marolda, E.J.:
US Navy in the Vietnam War. An illustrated History (The)
60.00 €
40217 - Hoehn, J.P.:
USAF et SVNAF au Sud/Vietnam 1961-1973
45.00 €
31848 - McCarthy, D.:
USAF F-4 and F-105 MiG Killers of the Vietnam War. 1965-1973
75.00 €
64870 - Boylan-Olivier, K.-L.:
Valley of the Shadow. The Siege of Dien Bien Phu
25.00 €
51145 - Clark, A.B.:
Valor in Vietnam. Chronicles of Honor, Courage, and Sacrifice 1963-1977
29.95 €
21276 - Emering, E.:
Viet Cong. A photographic portrait
49.95 €
21277 - Tucker, S.C.:
45.00 €
62506 - Steinbeck, J.:
Vietnam in guerra. Dispacci dal fronte
18.00 €
53282 - Chau-Fermoyle-Ellsberg, C.T.-F.-E.:
Vietnam Labyrinth. Allies, Enemies and Why the US Lost the War
49.95 €
68510 - Moore-Galloway, H.G.-J.L.:
Vietnam per sempre (Eravamo giovani in Vietnam + Nessuno ha lasciato il Vietnam)
19.50 €
66765 - Frankum, R.B.:
Vietnam War - Battle Briefings 04
23.00 €
21284 - Summers Jr., H.G.:
Vietnam war almanac (The)
32.50 €
51829 - Rawson, A.:
Vietnam War Handbook. US Armed Forces in Vietnam
39.95 €
29492 - Tucker Jones, A.:
Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive 1968 (The)
27.00 €
45055 - AAVV, :
Vietnam War: a Tour of Duty on Patrol (The) DVD
18.00 €
45053 - AAVV, :
Vietnam War: American Special Forces at War with the Viet Cong (The) DVD
18.00 €
45054 - AAVV, :
Vietnam War: Naval Warfare. Gunship Patrol (The) DVD
18.00 €
45060 - AAVV, :
Vietnam War: on Operation Combat Soldiers (The) DVD
18.00 €
21285 - Fiorella, J.:
Vietnam Zippo
49.95 €
48302 - Lind, M.:
Vietnam, the Necessary War. A Reinterpretation of America's Disastrous Military Conflict
27.50 €
53622 - Wiest, A.:
Vietnam. A View from the Front Lines
29.95 €
65546 - Hastings, M.:
Vietnam. An epic tragedy 1945-1975
49.95 €
51193 - Morelli, V. cur:
Vietnam. Fotografie di guerra di Ennio Iacobucci 1968-1975
18.00 €
56267 - Prados, J.:
Vietnam. The History of an Unwinnable War, 1945-1975
29.95 €
67253 - Hastings, M.:
Vietnam. Una tragedia epica 1945-1975
22.00 €
72965 - Giorgi, A.:
Vikings in Vietnam. Norwegian Patrol Boat Captains in CIA Clandestine Operations
39.95 €
68790 - Pribbenow, M.L.:
Vittoria in Vietnam. La storia ufficiale dell'Esercito Popolare del Vietnam 1954-1975
24.00 €
39408 - Walpole, N.:
Voodoo Warriors. The Story of the McDonnell Voodoo Fast-jets
55.00 €
21374 - Rouane, K.:
War and revolution in Vietnam 1930-1975
33.00 €
21398 - Kinnard, D.:
War Managers. American Generals reflect on Vietnam (The)
21.00 €
31802 - Symmes, W.D.:
War on the Rivers. A Swift Boat Sailor's Chronicle of the Battle for the Mekong Delta
25.00 €
21404 - Halberstadt, H.:
War Stories of the Green Berets. The Viet Nam Experience
29.95 €
21158 - Melson-Bujeiro, C.-R.:
Warrior 023: US Marine in Vietnam 1965-1973
23.00 €
22551 - Rottman-Lyles, G.-K.:
Warrior 028: Green Beret in Vietnam. 1957-1973
23.00 €
26773 - Gilbert-Gerrard, O.-H.:
Warrior 090: US Marine Corps Tank Crewman 1965-70 Vietnam
23.00 €
30583 - Rottman-Lyles, G.-K.:
Warrior 098: US Army Infantryman in Vietnam 1965-73
23.00 €
35951 - Rottman-Gerrard, G.-H.:
Warrior 116: Viet Cong Fighter
23.00 €
40771 - Rottman, G.:
Warrior 135: North Vietnamese Army Soldier 1958-75
23.00 €
49455 - Rottman-Delf, G.L.-B.:
Warrior 159: US MACV-SOG Reconnaissance Team in Vietnam
23.00 €
50886 - Rottman-Delf, G.L.-B.:
Warrior 161: Tunnel Rat in Vietnam
23.00 €
64695 - Brokhausen, N.:
We Few. US Special Forces in Vietnam
39.95 €
21458 - Emering, E.:
Weapons and field gear of the NVA and Vietcong
49.95 €
52718 - Sorley, L.:
Westmoreland. The General Who Lost Vietnam
19.95 €
52488 - Kelley, M.:
Where We Were in Vietnam. A Comprehensive Guide to the Firebases, Military Installations and Naval Vessels of the Vietnam War
85.00 €
43395 - Tambini, A.J.:
Wiring Vietnam. The Electronic Wall
69.95 €
36360 - Childers, J.W.:
Without Parachutes. How I survived 1000 Attack Helicopter Combat Missions in Vietnam
25.00 €
32194 - Sever, A.:
Xin Loi, Viet Nam. Thirty-one Months of War: A Soldier's Memoir
10.00 €
54062 - Bizet-Millard, O.-F.:
Yankee Air Pirates. US Air Force Uniforms and Memorabilia of the Vietnam War Vol 1: Command and Control - Tactical Control - Forward Air Control - Rescue - Electronic Warfare - Air Police/Security Police
115.00 €
59488 - Bizet-Millard, O.-F.:
Yankee Air Pirates. US Air Force Uniforms and Memorabilia of the Vietnam War Vol 2. Bases, Aerial parts, Medical, Tactical Airlift, Air Commando, Special Operations, Strategic Air Command, Prisoners of War
115.00 €
21555 - Mertel, K.:
Year of the Horse: Vietnam
45.00 €