Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Armamento Navale: Stati Uniti
II GM - Guerra Navale
II GM - Pacifico
II GM - Atlantico
II GM: Stati Uniti
Armam. Terr.: Stati Uniti
Armam. Navale (Generalità)
Armam. Navale: Italia
Armam. Navale: Germania
Armam. Navale: Russia
Armam. Navale: Gran Bretagna
Armam. Navale: Francia
Armam. Navale: Giappone
Armam. Navale: Altri Paesi
Armam. Navale: Post 1945
Arm. Aereo: Stati Uniti
Armam. Navale: Sommergibili
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Navali
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
Risultati della Ricerca: 258 Prodotti
24277 - Ewing, S.:
'Lady Lex' and 'Blue Ghost'. A Pictorial History of USS Lexingtons (CV-2 and CV-16) (The)
13.00 €
24999 - Lambert-Ross, J.-A.:
Allied Coastal Forces of WWII Vol 1: Fairmile Designs and US Submarine Chasers
75.00 €
24987 - Lambert-Ross, J.-A.:
Allied Coastal Forces of WWII Vol 2: Vosper MTB's and US ELCOs
75.00 €
46416 - Lambert-Brown, J.-L.:
Allied Torpedo Boats. Shipcraft Series Special
39.95 €
24012 - Newhart, M.R.:
American Battleships. A Pictorial History of BB-1 to BB-71 with prototypes Maine and Texas.
15.00 €
42169 - Gaujac, P.:
American Field Artillery 1941-45 - US Army Equipment 01 (The)
18.95 €
15330 - Chun, V.:
American PT Boats in World War II Volume One
75.00 €
50999 - Chun, V.:
American PT Boats in World War II Volume Two
85.00 €
42170 - Gaujac, P.:
Artillerie de Campagne 1941-45 - Le materiel de l'armee americaine 01 (L')
18.95 €
24075 - Chin, B.B.:
Artillery at the Golden Gate.The Harbor Defenses of San Francisco in World War II
18.00 €
27473 - Bulkley Jr, R.J.:
At Close Quarters. PT Boats in the United States Navy
27.00 €
63864 - Stern, R.C.:
Battleship Holiday. The Naval Treaties and Capital Ship Design (The)
55.00 €
45333 - Skulski-Draminski, J.-S.:
Battleship USS Iowa - Anatomy of the Ship Osprey (The)
60.00 €
22380 - Veronico, N.:
Battlestations! American Warships of WWII
45.00 €
25472 - Parkin, R.s.:
Blood on the Sea. American Destroyers lost in World War II
32.50 €
35722 - Tucker, S.C.:
Blue and Gray Navies. The Civil War Afloat
45.00 €
63317 - Friedman, N.:
British Destroyers. From Earliest Days to the Second World War
105.00 €
71583 - Cosentino, M.:
Cacciatorpediniere Classe 'Fletcher' - Storia Militare Briefing 36
15.00 €
56679 - Grehan-Mace, J.-M.:
Capital Ships at War 1939-1945
33.00 €
16129 - Lawson-Tillman, R.-B.:
Carrier Air War in Original WWII Color. US Navy Air Combat 1939-1946
36.00 €
69646 - Doyle-Herzinger, G.-B.:
Carrier Killer. China's Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles and Theatre of Operations in the early 21st Century - Asia @War 029
29.95 €
53395 - Stewart, A.:
Carriers at War 1939-1945
36.00 €
30450 - Hagan-Leahy, J.-J.F.:
Chief Petty Officer's Guide (The)
33.00 €
65784 - Taylor-Taylor, C.-S.:
Cold War Fleet. Ships of the Royal Navy 1966-91. A photographic album
79.95 €
28446 - Polmar-Moore, N.-K.J.:
Cold War Submarines. The Design and Construction of US and Soviet Submarines
59.95 €
37649 - Morrison Robinson, W.:
Confederate Privateers (The)
25.00 €
59091 - Caresse, P.:
Cuirasses de la Classe Iowa Vol 2 - Marines du Monde 25 (Les)
55.00 €
61295 - Taylor, J.:
Dazzle. Disguise and Disruptionin War and Art
35.00 €
24221 - Davis, M.:
Destroyer Escorts of World War II. Warship Data Special
15.00 €
72884 - Draminski, S.:
Destroyer USS Kidd - Anatomy of the Ship Osprey (The)
69.95 €
37749 - Williamson, G.:
Duel 003: U-Boats vs Destroyer Escorts. The Battle of the Atlantic
25.00 €
38091 - Stille-Palmer-Gerrard, M.-I.-H.:
Duel 006: USN Carriers vs IJN Carriers. The Pacific 1942
25.00 €
33171 - Field, R.:
Duel 014: Confederate Ironclad vs Union Ironclad. Hampton Roads 1862
25.00 €
42954 - Lardas, M.:
Duel 019: Constitution vs Guerriere. Frigates during the War of 1812
25.00 €
42957 - Stille, M.:
Duel 022: USN Cruiser vs IJN Cruiser. Guadalcanal 1942
25.00 €
44561 - Forczyk, R.:
Duel 025: Fw 200 Condor vs Atlantic Convoy 1941-43
25.00 €
49424 - Lardas-Dennis, M.-P.:
Duel 040: CSS Alabama vs USS Kearsarge. Cherbourg 1864
25.00 €
50861 - Lardas, M.:
Duel 044: Bonhomme Richard vs Serapis. Flamborough Head 1779
25.00 €
52371 - Stille-Palmer-Rava, M.-I.-G.:
Duel 048: USN Destroyer vs IJN Destroyer. The Pacific 1943
25.00 €
55449 - Greentree-Dennis, D.-P.:
Duel 057: Q Ship vs U-Boat 1914-18
25.00 €
58761 - Stille, M.:
Duel 069: US Navy Carrier Aircraft vs IJN Yamato Class Battleships. Pacific Theater 1944-45
25.00 €
58768 - Stille, M.:
Duel 076: US Navy Ships vs Kamikazes 1944-45
25.00 €
63098 - Stille-Gilliland-Wright, M.-A.-P.:
Duel 083: USN Battleship vs IJN Battleship. The Pacific 1942-44
25.00 €
64856 - Stille, M.:
Duel 090: USN Fleet Destroyer vs IJN Fleet Submarine. The Pacific 1941-42
25.00 €
66545 - Zaloga-Gilliland-Shumate, S.J.-A.-J.:
Duel 099: Panzerfaust vs Sherman. European Theater 1944-45
25.00 €
17320 - Stille-Laurier, M.-J.:
Duel 105: US Navy Ships vs Japanese Attack Aircraft 1941-42
25.00 €
70168 - Stille, M.:
Duel 117: USN Submarine vs IJN Antisubmarine Escort. The Pacific 1941-45
25.00 €
71490 - Lardas-Palmer, M.-I.:
Duel 127: US Destroyers vs German U-Boats. The Atlantic 1941-45
25.00 €
41173 - Zaloga-Hook, S.J.-A.:
Duel 128: Allied Warships vs the Atlantic Wall. Normandy 1944
25.00 €
67057 - Herder-Hook, B.L.-A.:
Elite 232: World War II US Fast Carrier Task Force Tactics 1943-45
23.00 €
42328 - Backer, S.:
Essex Class Carriers of the Second World War New Ed. - Shipcraft Series 12
27.00 €
32456 - Lambert, J.:
Fairmile 'D' Motor torpedo Boat - Anatomy of the Ship (The)
45.00 €
31808 - Reynolds, C.G.:
Fighting Lady. The New Yorktown in the Pacific War (The)
29.95 €
68505 - Milewski, V.F.:
Fighting Ships of the US Navy 1883-2019 Vol 1 Part 1: Aircraft Carriers. Fleet Carriers
59.95 €
68619 - Milewski, V.F.:
Fighting Ships of the US Navy 1883-2019 Vol 1 Part 2: Aircraft Carriers. Escort Carriers
59.95 €
68620 - Milewski, V.F.:
Fighting Ships of the US Navy 1883-2019 Vol 2: Battleships and New Navy Monitors
59.95 €
68621 - Milewski, V.F.:
Fighting Ships of the US Navy 1883-2019 Vol 3: Cruisers and Command Ships
59.95 €
71788 - Milewski, V.F.:
Fighting Ships of the US Navy 1883-2019 Vol 4 Part 1: Torpedo Boats and Destroyers
59.95 €
71789 - Milewski, V.F.:
Fighting Ships of the US Navy 1883-2019 Vol 4 Part 2: Destroyers (1918-1937)
59.95 €
41189 - Marolda-Tooby, E.J.-A.:
Fleet 004: US Seventh Fleet, Vietnam 1964-75. American naval power in Southeast Asia
25.00 €
73235 - Lardas, M.:
Fleet 007: US Navy Pacific Fleet 1941. America's mighty last battleship fleet
25.00 €
24239 - Allen, J.D.:
Fleet submarine in the US Navy (The)
89.00 €
24237 - Walkowiak, T.F.:
Fleet Submarines of WWII. Warship Data Special
13.00 €
40047 - Abbey, L.:
Fletcher Class Destroyers New Ed. - Shipcraft Series 8
27.00 €
48217 - Bauernfeind, I.:
Flugzeugtraeger. Flottentraeger seit 1914 USA, Japan, England - Typenkompass
15.00 €
24245 - Smith, M.J.:
Free State Battlewagon. USS Maryland (BB-46) Warship Series 4
13.00 €
24253 - Smith, M.J.:
Golden State Battlewagon. USS California (BB-44) Warship Series 3
13.00 €
19095 - US NAVY, :
How to Pilot a Submarine. A Fascinating Insight into the Life of a Submariner
15.00 €
60244 - Caraktere, :
HS Los! 11: Les Porte Avions de l'US Navy
17.50 €
63935 - Caraktere, :
HS Los! 17: Petite Historie du Sous-Marin
17.50 €
51400 - Krausener, J.M.:
HS Navires&Histoire 15: Les porte-avions de l'US Navy Vol 1: Des debuts a 1945
19.95 €
59789 - Krausener, J.M.:
HS Navires&Histoire 26: Les Navires d'Assaut Amphibies Porte-Helicopteres de l'US Navy
19.95 €
62955 - Druel, J.:
HS Navires&Histoire 30: Les Destroyers de l'Us Navy Tome 1: De l'USS Bainbridge de 1898, aux Clemson de la IGM
19.95 €
64132 - Druel, J.:
HS Navires&Histoire 32: Les Destroyers de l'US Navy Tome 2: Des Farragut aux Sims, les constructions de l'entre-deux guerres
19.95 €
64131 - Caresse, P.:
HS Navires&Histoire 33: Les Cuirassses de la classe 'North Carolina'
19.95 €
64500 - Druel, J.:
HS Navires&Histoire 34: Les Destroyers de l'US Navy Tome 3: Les Benson, Gleaves et Fletcher a l'epreuve du feu
19.95 €
65405 - Caresse, P.:
HS Navires&Histoire 35: Les Cuirassses de la classe 'South Dakota'
19.95 €
23512 - Hearn, C. G.:
Illustrated History of the United States Navy (An)
44.00 €
57998 - Green, M.:
Images of War. Aircraft Carriers of the United States Navy
27.00 €
18141 - Greene-Massignani, :
Ironclads at war. The origin and development of the armored warship, 1854-1891
45.00 €
24269 - Smith, M.J.:
Keystone Battlewagon. USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) Warship Series 2
13.00 €
50018 - Karr, H.:
Korvetten und Patrouillenschiffe. Geschichte-Technik-Schiffsklassen seit 1945 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
46134 - Holmes, H.:
Last Patrol (The)
13.00 €
52079 - Brouard, J.Y.:
Liberty en guerre
49.95 €
67123 - Doyle, D.:
Liberty Ships. America's Merchant Marine Transport in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
18508 - Canney, D.:
Lincoln's Navy
69.95 €
61430 - Romero-Rizzato, F.-L.:
Modelling Full Ahead 01: Knox and Baleares Class
21.00 €
61458 - Romero-Rizzato, F.-L.:
Modelling Full Ahead 02: New Orleans Class
23.00 €
61431 - Van Gils, M.:
Modelling Full Ahead Special: Lexington Final Battle
21.00 €
24293 - Smith, M.J.:
Mountaineer Battlewagon. USS West Virginia (BB-48) Warship Series 1
13.00 €
32341 - Borgogni, M.:
Nascita della potenza navale americana 1873-1909. L'US Navy dall'incidente del 'Virginus' alla 'Great White Fleet' (La)
15.00 €
71508 - Goodall, J.C.:
Nautilus to Columbia. 70 years of the US Navy's Nuclear Submarines
75.00 €
42329 - Abbey, L.:
New Orleans Class Cruisers - Shipcraft Series 13
27.00 €
21743 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
New Vanguard 041: Confederate Ironclad 1861-65
19.00 €
22618 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
New Vanguard 045: Union Monitor 1861-65
19.00 €
22577 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
New Vanguard 049: Mississippi River Gunboats of the American Civil War 1861-65
19.00 €
22619 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
New Vanguard 056: Union River Ironclad 1861-65
19.00 €
25753 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
New Vanguard 064: Confederate Raider 1861-65
19.00 €
25178 - Lardas-Bryan, M.-T.:
New Vanguard 079: American Heavy Frigates 1794-1826
19.00 €
26793 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
New Vanguard 088: British Battlecruisers 1939-45
19.00 €
29900 - Konstam-Bryan, A.-T.:
New Vanguard 103: Confederate Submarines and Torpedo Vessels 1861-65
19.00 €
32058 - Stille-Bryan, M.-T.:
New Vanguard 114: US Navy Aircraft Carriers 1922-45. Prewar classes
19.00 €
32052 - Rottman-Bryan, G.-T.:
New Vanguard 115: Landing Ship Tank (LST) 1942-2002
19.00 €
32010 - Christley-Bryan, J.-T.:
New Vanguard 118: US Submarines 1941-45
19.00 €
34782 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 128: Vietnam Riverine Craft 1962-75
19.00 €
35943 - Stille-Bryan, M.-T.:
New Vanguard 130: US Navy Aircraft Carriers 1939-45: WWII Built Ships
19.00 €
37175 - Chrystley-Bryant, J.-T.:
New Vanguard 138: US Nuclear Submarines: The Fast Attack
19.00 €
38072 - Burr-Palmer, L.-I.:
New Vanguard 143: US Cruisers 1883-1908. The birth of the steel navy
19.00 €
39026 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 148: US Patrol Torpedo Boats.World War II
19.00 €
40759 - Rottman, G.:
New Vanguard 157: Landing Craft, Infantry and Fire Support
19.00 €
42983 - Lardas, M.:
New Vanguard 161: Ships of the American Revolutionary Navy
19.00 €
44613 - McComb, D.:
New Vanguard 162: US Destroyers 1934-45. Pre-war classes
19.00 €
44615 - McComb, D.:
New Vanguard 165: US Destroyers 1942-45. Wartime classes
19.00 €
46483 - Burr-Bryan, L.-T.:
New Vanguard 169: US Fast Battleships 1936-47
19.00 €
46486 - Burr-Bryan, L.-T.:
New Vanguard 172: US Fast Battleships 1938-91
19.00 €
46488 - Elward-Wright, B.-P.:
New Vanguard 174: Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers
19.00 €
50876 - Lardas-Wright, M.-P.:
New Vanguard 188: Great Lakes Warships 1812-1815
19.00 €
56919 - Noppen-Wright, R.-P.:
New Vanguard 208: US Navy Dreadnoughts 1914-45
19.00 €
55471 - Stille-Wright, M.-P.:
New Vanguard 210: US Heavy Cruisers 1941-45. Pre-war Classes
19.00 €
55472 - Elward-Wright, B.-P.:
New Vanguard 211: US Cold War Aircraft Carriers. Forrestal, Kitty Hawk and Enterprise Classes
19.00 €
56921 - Stille-Wright, M.-P.:
New Vanguard 214: US Heavy Cruisers 1943-75. Wartime and Post-war Classes
19.00 €
57388 - Stille-Wright, M.-P.:
New Vanguard 220: US Standard-type Battleships 1941-45 (1)
19.00 €
58826 - Stille, M.:
New Vanguard 229: US Standard-type Battleships 1941-45 (2)
19.00 €
58833 - Stille, M.:
New Vanguard 236: US Navy Light Cruisers 1941-45
19.00 €
62827 - Stille-Wright, M.-P.:
New Vanguard 251: US Navy Escort Carriers 1942-45
19.00 €
64069 - Lardas-Shumate-Baker, M.-J.-J.:
New Vanguard 259: US Flush-Deck Destroyers 1916-45. Caldwell, Wickes and Clemson classes
19.00 €
65771 - Lane Herder-Wright, B.-P.:
New Vanguard 271: US Navy Battleships 1886-98. The pre-dreadnoughts and monitors that fought the Spanish-American War
19.00 €
67064 - Stille-Tooby, M.-A.:
New Vanguard 278: US Navy Cold War Guided Missile Cruisers
19.00 €
67065 - Konstam-Wright, A.-P.:
New Vanguard 279: American Privateers of the Revolutionary War
19.00 €
19154 - Herder-Tooby-Wright, B.L.-A.-P.:
New Vanguard 286: US Navy Battleships 1895-1908. The Great White Fleet and the beginning of US global naval power
19.00 €
19325 - Lardas, M.:
New Vanguard 289: US Navy Destroyer Escorts of World War II
19.00 €
68417 - Herder-Tooby, B.L.-A.:
New Vanguard 293: US Navy Gunboats 1885-1945
19.00 €
68421 - Stille-Wright, M.-P.:
New Vanguard 297: US Navy Frigates of the Cold War
19.00 €
70996 - Stille-Tooby, M.-A.:
New Vanguard 310: Essex-Class Aircraft Carriers 1945-91
19.00 €
70997 - Herder-Wright, B.L.-P.:
New Vanguard 311: US Navy Armored Cruisers 1890-1933
19.00 €
71000 - Stille-Wright, M.-P.:
New Vanguard 314: Super-Battleships of World War II. Montana-class, Lion-class, H-class, A-150 and Sovetsky Soyuz-class
19.00 €
41194 - Stille-Tooby, M.-A.:
New Vanguard 322: US Navy Gun Destroyers 1945-88. Fletcher class to Forrest Sherman class
19.00 €
72911 - Konstam-Wright, A.-P.:
New Vanguard 328: Warships in the War of the Pacific 1879-83. South America's ironclad naval campaign
19.00 €
73240 - Stille, M.:
New Vanguard 331: Midway-Class Aircraft Carriers 1945-92
19.00 €
15219 - Adcock, A.:
On Deck 001: USS Alabama
27.00 €
36300 - Goodall, J.:
On Deck 003: Ohio Class SSBN
27.00 €
41856 - Stern, R.:
On Deck 004: USS Pampanito (Color Series)
27.00 €
50470 - Doyle, D.:
On Deck 007: Iowa-Class Battleships
27.00 €
53024 - Doyle, D.:
On Deck 010: USS Kidd
27.00 €
53682 - Doyle, D.:
On Deck 011: USS Massachusetts
27.00 €
47786 - O Hara-Dickson-Worth, V.P.-W.D.-R.:
On Seas Contested. The Seven Great Navies of WWII
33.00 €
67924 - Cosentino-Brescia, M.-M.:
Portaerei Classe 'Essex' dell'US Navy (Le) - Storia Militare Dossier 51
16.00 €
52224 - Cosentino, M.:
Portaerei dell'US Navy - Storia Militare Dossier 77 (Le)
16.00 €
66774 - Lekkas, I.:
Present Aircraft 23: Carrier Deck in detail. Service on US Navy Nimitz Class Carrier Deck
39.95 €
32154 - Brzezinski, S.:
Profile Morskie 072: HMS Onslow, British Destroyer ENGLISH
18.00 €
29048 - Brzezinski, S.:
Profile Morskie 078: USS Nashville, American Light Cruiser ENGLISH
18.00 €
35993 - Brzezinski-Turalski, S.-P.:
Profile Morskie 083: USS Oakland, American AA Cruiser
18.00 €
39233 - Brzezinski, S.:
Profile Morskie 094: USS Portland, American Heavy Cruiser
21.00 €
40864 - Brzezinski, S.:
Profile Morskie 095: USS Savannah, American Light Cruiser 1944
21.00 €
46235 - Brzezinski, S.:
Profile Morskie 105: USS Mississippi, American Battleship 1945
18.00 €
49934 - Brzezinski, S.:
Profile Morskie 113: USS Nautilus (SS-168), American Submarine Cruiser 1943
21.00 €
19819 - Polmar-Morison, N.-S.L.:
PT Boats at War. WWII to Vietnam
27.00 €
62844 - Bagnasco, E.:
PT Boats. Le motosiluranti dell'US Navy 1940-1945 - Storia Militare Briefing 03
15.00 €
67137 - Doyle, D.:
PT Boats. The US Navy's Fast Attack Patrol Torpedo Boats in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
30673 - Konstam, A.:
PT-Boats Squadrons. US Navy Torpedo Boats - Spearhead 18
24.00 €
37648 - Tucker, S.C.:
Raphael Semmes and the Alabama
15.00 €
24309 - Amadon, G.F.:
Rise of the Ironclads
16.95 €
69358 - Branfill Cook, R.:
Riverine Craft of the Vietnam Wars - Shipcraft Series 26
27.00 €
57177 - Hobbs, D.:
Royal Navy Escort Carriers
29.95 €
48218 - Bauernfeind, I.:
Schlachtschiffe der US Navy. Grosskampfschiffe seit 1895 - Typenkompass
15.00 €
47797 - Wildenberg-Polmar, T.-N.:
Ship Killers. A History of the American Torpedo
55.00 €
71322 - Bovi-Biava, L.-M.:
Sicilia.WW2 Speciale: Anfibi e altri mezzi da sbarco. APA AKA LCA LCVP LCM JEEP DUKW GPA
20.00 €
71367 - Bovi-Talillo-Talillo, L.-A.-A.:
Sicilia.WW2 Speciale: Cavalleria, Fiat 3000 e altri mezzi
20.00 €
68256 - Bovi, L.:
Sicilia.WW2 Speciale: Mezzi da sbarco in Sicilia. LST LCT LCI
20.00 €
67916 - Bagnasco, E.:
Sous-marins de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (Les)
49.95 €
37726 - Stilwell, P.:
Submarine Stories. Recollections from the Diesel Boats
45.00 €
52934 - Ross, C.:
Submarines 1914 to Present
33.00 €
28440 - Jackson, R.:
Submarines of the World. Over 280 of the world's greatest submarines
18.00 €
53805 - Goralski-Wieliczko-Wisniewski, W.-L.A.-P.:
Super Drawings 3D 18: Battleship USS Arizona
35.00 €
57006 - Draminski, S.:
Super Drawings 3D 27: Battleship USS Massachusetts
35.00 €
57007 - Draminski, S.:
Super Drawings 3D 29: Battleship USS Missouri
35.00 €
58192 - Draminski, S.:
Super Drawings 3D 33: Battleship North Carolina
35.00 €
65228 - Cestra, C.:
Super Drawings 3D 64: Aircraft Carrier USS Lexington 1935
35.00 €
68169 - Goralski, W.:
Super Drawings 3D 76: American Destroyer USS Fletcher 1942
35.00 €
68173 - Goralski, W.:
Super Drawings 3D 78: Flecher-Class Destroyer USS Stevens (DD-479)
35.00 €
69347 - Motyka, M.:
Super Drawings 3D 83: SS Red Oak Victory
35.00 €
24032 - Reckner, J.R.:
Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet
35.00 €
36081 - Morgan, R.:
Tip of the Spear. US Navy Carrier Units and Operations 1974-2000
65.00 €
58185 - Koszela, W.:
Top Drawings 020: Battleship USS Missouri
25.00 €
61392 - Koszela, W.:
Top Drawings 036: Battleship USS Iowa
25.00 €
64182 - Lukasik, M.:
Top Drawings 046: Battleship USS Massachussets
25.00 €
65235 - Koszela, W.:
Top Drawings 058: New Orleans-class Cruiser USS Astoria
25.00 €
21095 - Morison, S.E.:
United States Naval Vessels
95.00 €
69420 - Stille, M.E.:
United States Navy in World War II. From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa (The)
45.00 €
21137 - Friedman, N.:
US Battleship. An Illustrated Design History
75.00 €
21145 - Friedman, N.:
US Cruisers. An Illustrated Design History
75.00 €
21146 - Friedman, N.:
US Destroyers. An Illustrated Design History
125.00 €
67151 - Doyle, D.:
US Landing Craft of World War II Vol 1: The LCP(L), LCP(R), LCV, LCVP, LCS(L), LCM and LCI - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
68356 - Doyle, D.:
US Landing Craft of World War II Vol 2: The LCT, LSM, LCS(L)(3), and LST - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
39636 - Jenkins, D.R. cur:
US Naval Vessels. A Military Photo Logbook Vol 1
22.50 €
23499 - Lawson-Tillman, R.-B.:
US Navy air combat 1939-1946
35.00 €
22383 - Tillman-Lawson, B.-RL::
US Navy Dive and Torpedo Bombers of WWII
35.00 €
39747 - Adcock, A.:
US Navy Flying Boats and Amphibians in World War II
23.00 €
36582 - Marolda, E.J. cur:
US Navy in the Korean War (The)
55.00 €
39756 - Braisted, W.R.:
US Navy in the Pacific 1897-1909 (The)
27.00 €
26373 - Marolda, E.J.:
US Navy in the Vietnam War. An illustrated History (The)
60.00 €
71569 - Romeo, M.:
US Navy negli anni della guerra fredda Vol 1: 1945-1960
12.00 €
71570 - Romeo, M.:
US Navy negli anni della guerra fredda Vol 2: dal 1961 a 1976
14.00 €
41963 - Adcock, A.:
US Navy Ships Camouflage WWII: Destroyers and Destroyer Escorts
23.00 €
38207 - Bush, S.:
US Navy Warship and Auxiliaries. The Complete Guide to the Ships and Aircraft of the Fleet
19.95 €
63211 - Goodall, J.C.:
US Navy's Fast Attack Submarines Vol 1: Los Angeles Class 688
49.95 €
67152 - Goodall, J.C.:
US Navy's Fast-Attack Submarines Vol 2: Seawolf Class SSN-21 and Virginia Class SSN-774
49.95 €
21179 - Friedman, N.:
US Small Combatants. An Illustrated Design History
95.00 €
21184 - Friedman, N.:
US Submarines through 1945. An Illustrated Design History
85.00 €
21542 - McNab, C.:
US Super Carrier. Operations Manual (All makes and models)
45.00 €
69444 - Doyle, D.:
USS Alabama (BB-60): From Tarawa, Leyte Gulf, and Okinawa, to Museum Ship - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
59796 - Doyle , D.:
USS California. A Visual History of the Golden State Battleship BB-44
45.00 €
55261 - Ciarini-Cocco, G.-D.:
USS Carl Vinson CVN-70 on Operation Enduring Freedom
30.00 €
24397 - Harmon, J. S.:
USS Cassin Young (DD-793) A Fletcher Class Destroyer
13.00 €
68461 - Doyle, D.:
USS Enterprise (CV-6). The 'Big E' from the Doolittle Raid, Midway, and Santa Cruz to Guadalcanal and Leyte - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67153 - Doyle, D.:
USS Hornet (CV-8). From the Doolittle Raid and Midway to Santa Cruz - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
69449 - Doyle, D.:
USS Indianapolis (CA-35). From Presidential Cruiser, to delivery of the Atomic Bombs, to tragic sinking in WWII - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
55277 - Doyle, D.:
USS Intrepid (CV-11/CVA-11/ CVS-11). From World War II, Korea, and Vietnam to Museum Ship - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
63196 - Doyle, D.:
USS Iowa (BB-61). The Story of 'The Big Stick' from 1940 to the Present- Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
49659 - Bonner-Bonner, K.-C.:
USS Iowa at War
29.95 €
24429 - Roby, A.B.:
USS Kidd (DD-661) - Warship Data 01
13.00 €
71046 - Doyle, D.:
USS Kidd (DD-661). From WWII and Korea to Museum Ship - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
71047 - Doyle, D.:
USS Lexington (CV-2). From the 1920s to the Battle of Coral Sea in WWII - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
67154 - Doyle, D.:
USS Lexington (CV/CVA-16). From World War II to Present-Day Museum Ship - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
24437 - Beigel, H.M.:
USS Los Angeles (CA - 135) Cold war sentinel
15.00 €
65338 - Doyle, D.:
USS Missouri (BB-63). America's Last Battleship - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
49658 - Bonner-Bonner, K.-C.:
USS Missouri at War
33.00 €
67155 - Doyle, D.:
USS New Jersey (BB-62). From World War II, Korea, and Vietnam to Museum Ship - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67156 - Doyle, D.:
USS New York (BB-34). From World War I to the Atomic Age - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
67157 - Santana, S.:
USS Nimitz (CVN-68). America's Supercarrier. 1975 to the Present - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
65396 - Doyle, D.:
USS North Carolina (BB-55). From WWII Combat to Museum Ship - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
28445 - Cressman, R.J.:
USS Ranger 1934-1946 The Navy's First Flattop from Keel to Mast
49.95 €
71048 - Doyle, D.:
USS Saratoga (CV-3). From the 1920s-30s and WWII Combat to Operation Crossroads - Legends of Warfare
36.00 €
21199 - Fry, J.:
USS Saratoga CV-3. An illustrated history of the legendary aircraft carrier 1927-1946
49.95 €
67158 - Doyle, D.:
USS Tennessee (BB-43). From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa in World War II - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
39107 - Simmons-Greer, C.-D.:
USS Tennessee in World War II
23.00 €
68357 - Doyle, D.:
USS Wisconsin (BB-64). From World War II to the Persian Gulf to Museum Ship - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
63127 - Doyle, D.:
USS Yorktown (CV-5). From Design and Construction to the Battle of Coral Sea and Midway - Legends of Warfare
29.95 €
45054 - AAVV, :
Vietnam War: Naval Warfare. Gunship Patrol (The) DVD
18.00 €
20311 - Wead, F.:
Vita. Le memorie dell'uomo che ideo' le portaerei (Una)
20.00 €
21432 - Brown, D.K.:
Warrior to Dreadnought. Warship development 1860-1905
25.00 €
21185 - Stern, R.:
Warship in Action 002: US Subs
27.00 €
21138 - Stern, R.:
Warship in Action 003: US BattleshipsPart 1
27.00 €
21139 - Stern, R.:
Warship in Action 004: US BattleshipsPart 2
27.00 €
17158 - Scutts, J.:
Warship in Action 008: Fletcher DDs
27.00 €
16875 - Adcock, A.:
Warship in Action 009: Escort Carriers
27.00 €
16917 - Smith, M.C.:
Warship in Action 010: Essex Class Carriers
27.00 €
16525 - Adcock, A.:
Warship in Action 011: DDG Destroyer Escorts
27.00 €
21153 - Adcock, A.:
Warship in Action 012: US Light Cruiser
27.00 €
21150 - Adcock, A.:
Warship in Action 014: US Heavy CruisersPart 1
27.00 €
24786 - Smith, M.C.:
Warship in Action 016: US Light Carriers
27.00 €
27750 - Adcock, A.:
Warship in Action 017: WWII US Landing Craft
27.00 €
27525 - Adcock, A.:
Warship in Action 019: US Flush Deck Destroyers
27.00 €
62555 - Gourley, J.:
Warship in Action 038: Ticonderoga-Class Cruisers
27.00 €
51048 - Jordan, J.:
Warships after Washington. The Development of the Five Major Fleets 1922-1930
45.00 €
42149 - Ireland-Crosby, B.-F.:
World Encyclopedia of Aircraft Carriers: An Illustrated History of Aircraft Carriers, from Zeppelin and Seaplane Carriers to V/Stol and Nuclear-powered Carriers
33.00 €
54306 - Ross, D.:
World's Greatest Battleships (The)
33.00 €
64075 - Davies, P.E.:
X-Planes 007: North American XB-70 Valkyrie
23.00 €