Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
Storia Reparti
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Risultati della Ricerca: 668 Prodotti
72698 - Tirloni, L.:
'Avanti per la vita'. L'Arma del Genio dalle origini ad oggi
25.00 €
44301 - Aittouares, A.:
'Imperatrices' et les insignes du 13eme Regiment de Dragons Parachutistes Tome 1: L'insigne regimentaire (Les)
45.00 €
37637 - AAVV, :
'Vorwaerts und durch!' Die Geschichte des 8. Panzerregiments DVD
25.00 €
32912 - Stoves, R.O.G.:
1. Panzer Division 1935-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
32930 - Walther, H.:
1. SS-Panzer-Division Leibstandarte (Die)
16.00 €
26683 - Restayn-Moller, J.-N.:
10. Panzer Division in Action in the East, the West and North Africa 1939-1943
115.00 €
52221 - Bando, M.:
101st Airborne Division dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Vanguard of the Crusade (La)
45.00 €
42083 - Pushies, F.J.:
10th Mountain Division
25.00 €
69442 - Chapman, D.P.:
10th Mountain Division. A History from World War II to 2005 (The)
49.95 €
24605 - Michaelis, R.:
11. SS-Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland'
33.00 €
39722 - Michaelis, R.:
11th SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division 'Nordland' (The)
45.00 €
32931 - Walther, H.:
12. SS-Panzer-Division HJ (Die)
16.00 €
15010 - Walther, H.:
12th SS Panzer division
33.00 €
38749 - Rajlich, J.:
13. (slow.) JG 52
23.50 €
32921 - Beckmann-Bhulmann-Wasmus-Schroeder, L.-H.-H.-W.:
13. Panzer Division. 1935-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
42540 - Meyer Detring, W.:
137. Infanterie-Division im Mittelabschnitt der Ostfront (Die)
19.95 €
29637 - Wolf, W.:
13th Fighter Command in World War II. Air Combat over Guadalcanal and the Solomons
75.00 €
32922 - Grams, R.:
14. Panzer Division. 1940-1945 (Die)
18.00 €
38344 - Lambert, J.W.:
14th Fighter Group in World War II (The)
59.95 €
55691 - Cravarezza-Cravarezza, F.-T.:
150esimo Soldati a Torino. Storia, tradizioni, raduni
30.00 €
43588 - Eusebi-Mazzardi, E.-P.:
154. Gruppo Volo. Diavoli Rossi (Il)
25.00 €
32923 - Schmitz, G.:
16. Panzer Division. Bewaffnung, Einsaetze, Maenner 1938-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
38268 - AAVV, :
16e Bataillon de Chasseurs. Bataillon d'Acier
55.00 €
55205 - Afiero, M.:
17.SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Goetz von Berlichingen'
32.00 €
48192 - Sievert, K.G.:
17er. Die Fallschirmaufklaerer der Schweizer Armee (Die)
35.00 €
65072 - Afiero, M.:
17th Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier Division Goetz Von Berlichingen. An Illustrated History (The)
59.95 €
32933 - Engelmann, J.:
18. Infanterie- und Panzergrenadier-Division 1934-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
32927 - Hinze, R.:
19. Panzer Division. 1939-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
39897 - Dufour, P.:
1947 Paras-Colo 2007 Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine
55.00 €
38271 - Dufour, P.:
1er Regiment d'Artillerie de Marine
40.00 €
35227 - Dufour, P.:
1er Regiment d'Helicopteres de Combat
45.00 €
38273 - Dufour, P.:
1er Regiment de Trailleurs. Tirailleurs de l'Armee d'Afrique
35.00 €
38266 - Dufour, P.:
1er Regiment de Train Parachutiste
45.00 €
62637 - Lavit-Charbonnier, S.-P.:
1re Division d'Infanterie americaine. Afrique du Nord, Sicile, Normandie, Ardennes, Allemagne (La)
25.00 €
15056 - Riebenstahl, H.:
1st Panzer division 1935-45
39.95 €
15057 - Walther, H.:
1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte
33.00 €
67566 - de Rijke, R.:
20. Infanterie Division (mot) in Fotos Part 1: 1935-1940
85.00 €
67572 - de Rijke, R.:
20. Infanterie Division (mot) in Fotos Part 2: 1941
85.00 €
67569 - Dietwart, A.:
20. Infanterie-Division (mot) (later became 20. Panzergrenadier-Division) History+chronicle Part 1: 1935-1941
75.00 €
67568 - Dietwart, A.:
20. Infanterie-Division (mot) (later became 20. Panzergrenadier-Division) History+chronicle Part 2: 1942
75.00 €
67567 - Dietwart-Averdieck, A.-F.R.:
20. Infanterie-Division (mot) (later became 20. Panzergrenadier-Division) History+chronicle Part 3: 1943-1945
75.00 €
42541 - AAVV, :
205. Infanterie-Division 1936-1945 (Die)
18.00 €
38265 - Dufour, P.:
21e RIMa. 21eme Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine
45.00 €
63202 - Afiero, M.:
23rd Waffen SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division 'Nederland'. An Illustrated History
49.95 €
62601 - Cull-Galea, B.-F.:
249 at Malta. RAF's Top-Scoring Fighter Squadron
39.95 €
32950 - AAVV, :
260. Infanterie-Division 1939-1944 (Die)
16.00 €
63210 - Afiero, M.:
27th Waffen SS Volunteer Grenadier Division 'Langemarck'. An Illustrated History
45.00 €
55580 - Gaujac, P.:
3 sous le signe de la victoire. De la 3e DIA a la 3e BM 1943-2003 (La)
35.00 €
32161 - Konarski, M.:
304 Squadron (Polish) RAF
18.00 €
32935 - Kameradschaftsdienst 35. Inf.Div. e.V., :
35. Infanterie-Division 1939-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
57332 - Trombetta, P.:
362nd Fighter Group dans la bataille de Normandie
25.00 €
24910 - Miller, K.:
363rd Fighter Group in WWII in action over Germany with the P-51 Mustang (The)
65.00 €
34230 - Miller, K.:
365th Fighter Squadron in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-47
75.00 €
54168 - Mariani, A.:
36esima Aerobrigata Interdizione Strategica 'Jupiter'. Il contributo italiano alla Guerra Fredda (La)
25.00 €
38270 - Garnier, J.P.:
3eme Regiment du Genie (Le)
45.00 €
41563 - Prime, C.:
3rd US Army. Patton's Own (La)
45.00 €
65070 - Afiero, M.:
3rd Waffen-SS Panzer Division 'Totenkopf ' Vol 1: 1939-1943. An Illustrated History (The)
65.00 €
65071 - Afiero, M.:
3rd Waffen-SS Panzer Division 'Totenkopf ' Vol 2: 1943-1945. An Illustrated History (The)
65.00 €
20150 - AAVV, :
4. Gebirgsjaeger 'Enzian'. Ucraina 1941-42 album fotografico. Libro+DVD
25.00 €
69116 - Afiero, M.:
4. Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier Division 'Polizei'. An Illustrated History
65.00 €
55844 - Trombetta, P.:
404th Fighter Group dans la bataille de Normandie
25.00 €
15070 - Kolln, J.:
421st Night Fighter Squadron in World War II (The)
59.95 €
23205 - Brett, J.:
448th Group (H). Liberators over Germany in WWII (The)
65.00 €
15072 - Hill, M.:
451st Bomb Group in World War II. A Pictorial History (The)
59.95 €
61610 - Lavit, S.:
45e Division d'Infanterie Americaine. Du debarquement en Provence a la liberation de Dachau (La)
25.00 €
24919 - Hill, M.:
464th Bomb Group in WWII in action over the Third Reich with the B-24 Liberator (The)
75.00 €
31858 - Watts, P.:
467th Bombardment Group (H) in World War II. in Combat with the B-24 Liberator over Europe (The)
75.00 €
29638 - Fairfield, T.A.:
479th Fighter Group in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-38 and P-51
85.00 €
32929 - Reinicke, A.:
5. Jaeger-Division (Die)
18.00 €
62956 - Malizia, N.:
51. Stormo Caccia. Storia di un reparto glorioso 1939-2017
21.00 €
61914 - Larson, G.A.:
54th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (The)
39.95 €
21666 - Hamelin, F.:
5me Regiment du Genie (Le)
36.00 €
51020 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 1: Pearl Harbor to the Reduction of Rabaul (The)
85.00 €
53273 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 2. The End in New Guinea, the Philippines, to V-J Day (The)
85.00 €
57417 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 3: 5FC vs. Japan - Aces, Units, Aircraft, and Tactics (The)
85.00 €
32916 - Scheibert, H.:
6. Panzer Division 1937-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
32937 - Hubatsch, W.:
61. Infanterie-Division 1939-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
38746 - Dufour, P.:
6e Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine
40.00 €
28635 - Afiero, M.:
6th Waffen-SS Gebirgs (Mountain) Division 'Nord'. An Illustrated History
49.95 €
32917 - von Manteuffel, H.:
7. Panzer Division. Bewaffnung, Einsaetze, Maenner (Die)
16.00 €
29274 - Kumm, O.:
7. SS-Gebirgs Division Prinz Eugen im Bild
39.00 €
32939 - AAVV, :
72. Infanterie-Division 1939-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
32940 - Vetter, F.:
78. Infanterie- und Sturm-Division 1938-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
32941 - Saenger, H.:
79. Infanterie-Division 1939-1945 (Die)
18.00 €
51749 - Porter, D.:
7th Armoured Division at Villers-Bocage. 13th June 1944 - Visual Battle Guide
33.00 €
15089 - Manteuffel, H.:
7th Panzer Division. An Illustrated History of Rommel's 'Ghost Division' 1938-1945 (The)
39.95 €
63209 - Afiero, M.:
7th Waffen-SS Volunteer Gebirgs (Mountain) Division 'Prinz Eugen'. An Illustrated History
49.95 €
32130 - Rati, A.:
80. Fanteria. La lunga storia eroica di un reggimento mantovano diventata leggenda (L')
30.00 €
42543 - Haupt, W.:
81. Infanterie-Division. Geschichte einer schlesischen Division (Die)
16.00 €
34455 - Pons, G.:
8th Air Force. American Heavy Bomber Groups in England, 1942-45
45.00 €
34456 - Pons, G.:
8th Air Force. Les bombardiers lourds de l'aviation americaine en Angleterre, 1942-1945 (La)
45.00 €
35220 - Lambert, J.W.:
8th Air Force: Victory and Sacrifice. A WWII Photo History (The)
49.95 €
61913 - Howland, N.:
8th Army Air Force in Color. As Seen through the Eyes of Kodak Film (The)
65.00 €
63207 - Afiero, M.:
8th Waffen-SS Cavalry Division 'Florian Geyer'. An Illustrated History
49.95 €
50603 - Kruk-Szewczyk, M.-R.:
9. Panzer Division 1940-1943
29.95 €
32918 - Hermann, C.H.:
9. Panzer Division. Bewaffnung, Einsaetze, Maenner 1938-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
64710 - Trang-Tiquet, C.-P.:
9.SS-Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen 1943-1945
65.00 €
31851 - Vasco, J.:
9.Staffel/Jagdgeschwader 26. The Battle of Britain Photo Album of Luftwaffe Bf 109 Pilot Willy Fronhoefer
45.00 €
21972 - Dufour, P.:
92e R.I. Regiment d'Auvergne
36.00 €
35226 - Dufour, P.:
9e Regiment Chasseurs Parachutistes 1956-1999
39.00 €
40783 - Pons, G.:
9th Air Force. American Tactical Aviation in the ETO 1943-45
45.00 €
40782 - Pons, G.:
9th Air Force. Les groupes d'aviation tactique americains, 1942-1945
45.00 €
52445 - Iacomino, L.:
A testa sotto. Storia del 13. Gruppo Volo
28.00 €
36558 - Treja-Giuntini, A.-S.:
Addestramento ginnico-militare nell'Esercito Italiano 1946-1990 (L')
23.50 €
49653 - Ass Naz Bersaglieri, :
Ai Bersaglieri. Monumenti, opere scultorie e lapidarie a memoria dei 'fanti piumati'
25.00 €
46702 - Sutherland-Canwell, J.-D.:
Air Sea Rescue Service 1918-1986 (The)
25.00 €
30363 - Flint, K.:
Airborne Armour. Tetrarch, Locust, Hamilcar and the 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment 1930-50
39.95 €
63083 - Forsyth-Laurier, R.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 134: Jagdgeschwader 1 'Oesau' Aces 1939-45
27.00 €
70704 - Ciarini, G.cur:
Al Lupo! Al lupo! Ahum! 4. Stormo Caccia 'Amedeo d'Aosta' Grosseto
30.00 €
32559 - Nordyke, P.:
All American, All the Way. The Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II
45.00 €
22287 - Anzuoni, R.P:
All American. An illustrated history of 82nd Airborne Division 1917 to the present (The)
59.95 €
34944 - Nordyke, P.:
All Americans in World War II. A Photographic History of the 82nd Airborne Division at War (The)
45.00 €
32408 - Rasero, A.:
Alpini della Julia. Storia della 'Divisione miracolo'
28.00 €
56440 - Oliva, G. :
Alpini in copertina. La storia delle Penne Nere nella 'Domenica del Corriere' dal 1899 al 1971. Illustrate da Achille Beltrame e Walter Molino
24.00 €
26263 - Moran, J.:
American Airborne Pathfinders in WWII
65.00 €
58774 - Failmezger, V.:
American Knights. The Untold Story of the Men of the Legendary 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion
33.00 €
38889 - Tieke, W.:
And den Brennpunkte der Ostfront 1: Die Geschichte des SS-Infanterie-Regiment 4 (mot.) 'Langemarck' und des 'Freikorps Danmark'
27.50 €
38890 - Tieke, W.:
And den Brennpunkte der Ostfront 2: Die Geschichte des finnischen Freiwilligen-Bataillons der Waffen-SS
27.50 €
52567 - Morello-Pranzini, G.-V.:
Angeli Custodi del Papa. The Guardian Angels of the Pope (Gli) - Cofanetto
48.00 €
15396 - Wagner, R.:
Any Place, Any Time, Any Where. The 1st Air Commandos in WWII
49.95 €
15414 - Lunt, J.:
Arab Legion (The)
28.00 €
53361 - Steiner, R.:
Archives de Guerre 01: La Division 'Wiking'
29.95 €
53359 - Galibois, Y.:
Archives de Guerre 02: La 7. Panzer-Division
29.95 €
53360 - AAVV, :
Archives de Guerre 03: La 2nd US Armored Division 'Hell on Wheels'
29.95 €
57228 - Zambon, D.:
Archives de Guerre 04: 132a Divisione corazzata 'Ariete'
29.95 €
53362 - Georges, A.:
Archives de Guerre 05: La 2e Division Blinde 'Leclerc'
29.95 €
41212 - Cazenave, S.:
Archives de Guerre 06: 1.SS-Panzer-Division 'LSSAH'
29.95 €
27748 - Poolman, K.:
Ark Royal. The courageous Story of one of the best-loved and best-fought Ships to fly the White Ensign
17.50 €
35225 - Dufour, P.:
Arme Blindee Cavalerie en Algerie 1954-1962. Retour d'experience
49.00 €
41400 - Pesqueur, M.:
Arme blindee francaise. Des 1916 a nos jours (L')
30.00 €
53520 - AAVV, :
Armored Bears Vol 1. The German 3rd Panzer Division in World War II
39.95 €
53522 - AAVV, :
Armored Bears Vol 2. The German 3rd Panzer Division in World War II
39.95 €
62615 - Roberts, C.C.:
Armored Strike Force. Photo History of the American 70th Tank Battalion in World War II
45.00 €
71606 - Jarzembowski, J.:
Armoured Hussars Vol 1. Images of the 1st Polish Armoured Division 1939-47
33.00 €
71635 - Jarzembowski-Bradley, J.-D.T.:
Armoured Hussars Vol 2. Images of the 1st Polish Armoured Division. Normandy August 1944
39.95 €
46908 - Ryan, M.:
Army Cadet Force. A Pictorial History of the ACF and CCF
23.00 €
35418 - Hearn, C.G.:
Army. An Illustrated History
36.00 €
36635 - Villa, L.:
Arrivano i Gurkha. Ayo Gurkhali!
12.00 €
51215 - Melloni, L. cur:
Artiglieri alpini. 22a, 23a e 24a batteria gruppo Belluno 1938-1943
25.00 €
70023 - Lippay, C.:
Atlas Network. European Special Intervention Units combating terrorism and violent crime (The)
79.00 €
15595 - Stanaway, J.:
Attack and Conquer. The 8th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
38768 - Guenther, H.:
Auge der Division. Die Aufklaerungsabteilung der 17. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division 'Goetz von Berlichingen' (Das)
25.00 €
18240 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 001: Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen
27.00 €
15080 - Freeman, R.A.:
Aviation Elite Units 002: 56th Fighter Group
27.00 €
19228 - Hall, P.:
Aviation Elite Units 003: No. 91 Nigeria Sqn
27.00 €
21608 - Takaki -Sakaida, K.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 005: B-29 Hunters of the JAAF
27.00 €
21607 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 006: Jagdgeschwader 54 Gruenherz
27.00 €
22502 - Ivie-Tullis, T.G.-T.:
Aviation Elite Units 008: 352nd Fighter Group
27.00 €
23438 - Smith, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 010: 359th Fighter Group
27.00 €
25511 - O Neill-Styling, B.-M.:
Aviation Elite Units 011: 303 Bombardment Group
27.00 €
25699 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 012: Jagdgeschwader 27 'Afrika'
27.00 €
27028 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 013: Luftwaffe Schlachtgruppen
27.00 €
29895 - Hess-Davey, W.N.-C.:
Aviation Elite Units 014: 49th Fighter Group. Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
29927 - VanWyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 016: 'Richthofen's Circus' Jagdgeschwader Nr 1
27.00 €
29892 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 017: SPA124 Lafayette Escadrille. American Volunteer Airmen in World War I
27.00 €
30592 - Van Wyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 019: Jagdgeschwader Nr II Geschwader 'Berthold'
27.00 €
32068 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 020: Luftwaffe Sturmgruppen
27.00 €
34743 - Molesworth, C.:
Aviation Elite Units 021: Very Long Range P-51 Mustang Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
37782 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 025: Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik-As'
27.00 €
40727 - Molesworth, C.:
Aviation Elite Units 031: 23rd Fighter Group. Chennault's Sharks
27.00 €
40728 - Stanaway, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 032: 479th Fighter Group. Riddle's Raiders
27.00 €
42942 - Bateman, A.:
Aviation Elite Units 034: No 617 'Dambusters' Squadron
27.00 €
46430 - Ransom-Laurier, S.-J.:
Aviation Elite Units 037: Jagdgeschwader 400
27.00 €
47707 - VanWyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 040: Jasta 18. The Red Noses
27.00 €
49407 - Revell-Dempsey, A.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 041: No 60 Sqn RFC/RAF
27.00 €
34231 - Hill-Beitling, M.D.-R.:
B-24 Liberators of the 15th Air Force/49th Bomb Wing in World War II
75.00 €
38269 - AAVV, :
Batisseur d'Histoire. Le 3e Regiment d'Infanterie de Marine Tome 2
35.00 €
55400 - Pape, G.R.:
Bats. The History of Iowa's Air National Guard 174th Squadron from Fighter to Tanker (The)
75.00 €
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Battaglione alpini 'Monte Berico' nella Grande Guerra. I combattimenti in: Val Terragnolo, Pasubio, Vallarsa, Monte Majo, Bainsizza, Caporetto, Altipiani (Il)
22.00 €
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Battaglione Intra. Una storia di alpini (Il)
25.00 €
46819 - O'Keeffe, T.:
Battle Yet Unsung. The Fighting Men of the 14th Armored Division
36.00 €
31821 - Ford, K.:
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16.99 €
26599 - Delaforce, P.:
Battles with Panzers. Monty's Tank Battalions 1 RTR and 2 RTR at War
35.00 €
58006 - Royle, T.:
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45.00 €
67564 - Mauss-de Rijke, H.J.-R.:
Being a medical officer in WW2. The war diary of Dr. Wilhelm Mauss 1st September 1939 - 25th February 1947
85.00 €
27308 - Francesconi, T.:
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22.00 €
67101 - Garson, P.:
Bersaglieri. The Devil's Griffins. A Visual History of Italy's Elite Plumed Warriors
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15814 - McLaren, D.:
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40086 - Caygill, P.:
Biggin Hill Wing 1941. From Defence to Attack (The)
36.00 €
32956 - von Roon, A.:
Bildchronik der Fallschirmtruppe (Die)
16.00 €
53869 - Smith, W.S.:
Birth of the Black Panthers
22.50 €
46396 - Delaforce, P.:
Black Bull. From Normandy to the Baltic with the 11th Armoured Division (The)
25.00 €
31537 - McGilvray, E.:
Black Devil's March. A Doomed Odyessey. The 1st Polish Armoured Division 1939-45 (The)
55.00 €
53277 - Luther, C.W.H.:
Blood and Honor. The History of the 12th SS Panzer Division 'Hitler Youth'
65.00 €
33657 - Goss, C.:
Bloody Biscay. The History of V Gruppe/Kampfgeschwader 40
17.50 €
68476 - Nevenkin, K.:
Bloody Vienna. The Soviet Offensive Operations in Western Hungary and Austria March-May 1945
49.95 €
57475 - Napier , M.:
Blue Diamonds. The Exploits of 14 Squadron RAF 1945-2015
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32977 - Kurowski, F.:
Brandenburger Commandos. Germany's elite Warrior Spies in WWII (The)
27.00 €
15924 - Kurowski, F.:
Brandenburgers - Global Mission (The)
55.00 €
30081 - Giannasi, A.:
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16.00 €
53249 - Rocca-Cristini, S.-L.S.:
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20.00 €
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Brigata Marina San Marco. Il ruggito del leone
20.00 €
43323 - Pemble, J.:
Britain's Gurkha War. The Invasion of Nepal 1814-16
36.00 €
33884 - Hanning, H.:
British Grenadiers. Three Hundreds and Fifty Years of the First Regiment of Foot Guards 1656-2006 (The)
55.00 €
33198 - Field-Bielakowski, R.-A.:
Buffalo Soldiers. African American Troops in the US forces 1866-1945
33.00 €
29230 - Hendrie, A.:
Canadian Squadrons in Coastal Command
45.00 €
42319 - Faccenda, E.:
Carabinieri fra storia e mito 1814-1861 (I)
49.00 €
20588 - Puletti-Falciani, R.-M.:
Caricat! Cinque secoli di storia dell'Arma di Cavalleria
50.00 €
16127 - AAVV, :
Carrier Air Group 86
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66376 - Crippa, P.:
Carristi di Mussolini. Il Gruppo Corazzato 'Leonessa' dalla MVSN alla RSI (I)
19.90 €
43270 - Geminiani, R.:
Cavalleria Italiana. Dalle origini ai giorni nostri
12.00 €
46607 - Michaelis, R.:
Cavalry Divisions of the Waffen-SS
45.00 €
35553 - Graves, D.E.:
Century of Service. The History of the South Alberta Light Horse
79.95 €
67298 - Ritter, D.R.:
Charging Knights on the Eastern Front. The Combat History of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 505
115.00 €
25467 - Bonnaud-Vauvillers, S.-f.:
Chars B au combat. Hommes et materiels du 15e BCC
45.00 €
59573 - Bonnaud-Vauvillier, S.-F.:
Chars D2 au combat. Les elephants de guerre du colonel De Gaulle
45.00 €
51439 - Barbanson-Vauvillers, E.-F.:
Chars et Blindes de Cavalerie. La 1ere DLM au combat 1939-40
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16211 - Sicard-Vauvillier, J.-F.:
Chasseurs D'Afrique (Les)
39.95 €
35222 - Dufour, P.:
Chasseurs Parachutistes 1935-2005. Un ciel de gloire
55.00 €
15063 - McDowell, E.R.:
Checkertails. The 325th Fighter Group in the Second World War (GRO 6175)
19.00 €
16215 - Glines, C.:
Chennault's forgotten warriors. The Saga of the 308th Bomb Group in China
39.95 €
16224 - Tiemann, R.:
Chronicle of the 7. Panzer-Kompanie 1. SS-Panzerdivision Leibstandarte
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37334 - Cazenave, S.:
Chronique de la SS-Pz-AA 10. Formation-Buczacz-Normandie-Arnhem-Pomeranie-Halbe
55.00 €
24340 - Delaforce, P.:
Churchill's Desert Rats - From Normandy to Berlin
25.00 €
24055 - Delaforce, P.:
Churchill's Desert Rats 2. 7th Armoured Division in North Africa, Burma, Sicily and Italy
29.95 €
42938 - Delaforce, P.:
Churchill's Desert Rats in North Africa, Burma, Sicily and Italy. 7th Armoured Division's Campaigns 1940-1943
36.00 €
71396 - Maglio, P.:
Cieli di pace. L'ultima pattuglia di Aerobrigata
40.00 €
59890 - Carnevale-Ferracin-Struffi, A.M.-E.-M.:
Cieli fiammeggianti. Dalla Guerra Fredda a Base Tuono. L'eco del 'Blazing Skies' e gli Hercules nucleari
23.00 €
37579 - Shelton, P.:
Climb to Conquer. The Untold Story of World War II's 10th Mountain Division Ski Troops
33.00 €
48183 - Hill, M.:
Cold War Cornhuskers. The 307th Bomb Wing Lincoln Air Force Base Nebraska 1955-1965
85.00 €
36450 - Ashley Hart, S.:
Colossal Cracks. Montgomery's 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe 1944-45
21.00 €
68339 - Mersky, P.:
Combat Aircraft 135: A-7 Corsair II Units 1975-91
27.00 €
68337 - Davies, P.E.:
Combat Aircraft 137: B/EB-66 Destroyer Units in Combat
27.00 €
29875 - Muench, K.H.:
Combat History of German Heavy Anti-Tank Unit 653 in WWII (The)
45.00 €
69567 - Rubbel, H. cur:
Combat History of German Tiger Tank Battalion 503 in World War II (The)
49.95 €
16307 - AAVV, :
Combat History of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 508
65.00 €
16308 - Fleischer, H.:
Combat History of Sturmgeschuetz-Brigade 276. Assault Gun Fighting on the Eastern Front 1943-1945 (The)
55.00 €
51769 - Kortenhaus, W.:
Combat History of the 21st Panzer Division 1943-45 (The)
69.95 €
51804 - Rebenitsch, E.:
Combat History of the 23rd Panzer Division in World War II (The)
39.95 €
61088 - Szamveber, N.:
Combat History of the Panzer-Abteilung 103. September 1943-August 1944
49.95 €
36214 - Stava, R.:
Combat Recon. 5th Air Force Images from the SW Pacific 1943-45
49.95 €
40992 - Kurowski, F.:
Commando di Hitler. Missione globale per la Divisione Brandenburgo (Il)
28.00 €
30655 - Westwell, I.:
Condor Legion. The Wehrmacht's Training Ground - Spearhead 15
24.00 €
67764 - Rondoni, A.:
Conoscere la Xa Flottiglia MAS stando in Marina
20.00 €
36938 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 05: La Brunete Pt. 1
15.00 €
36939 - Manrique Garcia-Molina Franco, J.M.-L.:
Cuadernos de Historia Militar 06: La Brunete Pt. 2
15.00 €
68695 - Burgio, C.:
Da Aosta alla Sicilia. Storia della Brigata Aosta XVIII-XXI Secolo
32.00 €
68299 - Burgio, C.:
Da Dragoni a Carabinieri
15.00 €
29299 - Portalupi, R.:
Dalla Germania alle Alpi Apuane. IIa compagnia, Btg. Intra, Div. Alpina Monterosa
20.00 €
72739 - Guglielmi, G.:
Dalle Picche alle Tigri. 55 anni del 9. Stormo a Grazzanise
39.00 €
41901 - Ward-Lee- Wachtel, C.-A.-A.:
Dambusters. The Definitive History of 617 Squadron at War 1943-1945
39.95 €
42132 - Ward-Lee, C.-A.:
Dambusters. The Forging of a Legend: 617 Squadron in WWII
39.95 €
16511 - Wiedinger, O.:
Das Reich I 1934-39
49.95 €
16512 - Wiedinger, O.:
Das Reich II 1939-41
55.00 €
28134 - Wiedinger, O.:
Das Reich III 1941-43
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39329 - Wiedinger, O.:
Das Reich IV 1943
65.00 €
51440 - Wiedinger, O.:
Das Reich V 1943-1945
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57218 - Mrazek, R.J.:
Dawn Like Thunder. The True Story of Torpedo Squadron Eight (A)
19.95 €
16546 - Wolf, W.:
Death Rattlers: Marine Squadron VMF-323 over Okinawa
65.00 €
29651 - Forty, G.:
Desert Rats at War. North Africa, Italy, Northwest Europe
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25893 - Verney, C.L.:
Desert Rats. The 7th Armoured Division in World War II (The)
36.00 €
26995 - Jaruschek, H.:
Deutsche Alpenkorps sul Fronte Dolomitico nel 1915 (Il)
15.00 €
32961 - Buchner, A.:
Deutsche Gebirgstruppe. Der Kampf der deutschen Gebirgsjaeger an allen Fronten 1939-1945 (Die)
18.00 €
32963 - Riebenstahl, H.:
Deutsche Pioniere im einsatz 1939-1945
16.00 €
32905 - Gunter, G.:
Deutsche Skijaeger. Von den Anfaengen bis 1945 (Die)
18.00 €
32953 - Haupt, W.:
Deutschen Infanterie-Divisionen (Die)
25.00 €
32959 - Haupt, W.:
Deutschen Luftwaffen-Felddivisionen 1941-1945 (Die)
15.00 €
28142 - Mooney, P.:
Dietrich's Warriors. The History of 3. Kompanie/1st Panzergrenadier Regiment 1st SS Pz Div LSSAH in WWII
45.00 €
52041 - Vangansbeke, L.:
Ding Hao! La fabuleuse epopee des Tigres Volants
35.00 €
25095 - Beckett, I.F.:
Discovering British Regimental Traditions
19.95 €
36846 - Beckett, I.F.W.:
Discovering English County Regiments
19.00 €
66470 - Bernacca, F.:
Distintivi ufficiali e non ufficiali dei paracadutisti militari italiani dal dopoguerra ad oggi
45.00 €
46931 - Escuadra, A.:
Division 'Feldherrnhalle'. Tropas de la guardia de las SA
17.50 €
46933 - Caballero Jurado, C.:
Division 'Hermann Goering'. Tropas de la guardia de la Luftwaffe
17.50 €
24762 - Weidinger, O.:
Division das Reich im Bild
40.00 €
30703 - Weidinger, O.:
Division Das Reich Vol 5: Dezember 1943 - Mai 1945
39.00 €
42587 - Caballero Jurado, C.:
Division Grossdeutschland. La elite del Ejercito Aleman
17.50 €
28207 - Morgan, M.K.A.:
Down to Earth. The 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Normandy: June 6 - July 11, 1944
85.00 €
49566 - Graves, D.E.:
Dragon Rampant. The Royal Welch Fusiliers at War 1793-1815
45.00 €
68280 - Alpozzi, A.:
Dubat. Gli Arditi somali all'alba dell'impero fascista
20.00 €
47800 - Alexander, J.H.:
Edson's Raiders. The 1st Marine Raider Battalion in WWII
25.00 €
32949 - Spaeter, H.:
Einsaetze der Panzergrenadier-Division 'Grossdeutschland' (Die)
16.00 €
49956 - Kurowski, F.:
Elite Panzer Strike Force. Germany's Panzer Lehr Divsion in WWII
35.00 €
35732 - Griffin, P.D.:
Encyclopedia of Modern British Army Regiments
45.00 €
16847 - Westlake, R.:
English and Welsh Infantry Regiments 1662-1994
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54214 - van Dijke, J.:
Entre le marteau et l'enclume. Von Kluge face a l'effondrement allemand
21.00 €
69109 - Binda, A.:
Equus Men. Rhodesia's Mounted Infantry: the Grey's Scouts 1896-1980 (The)
45.00 €
32669 - Rasero, A.:
Eroica 'Cuneense'. Storia della Divisione Alpina Martire (L')
26.00 €
41375 - Coris-Duvernoy-Guillemin, E.-A.-S.:
Escadron de Chasse 3/3 Ardennes 1943-2023
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24411 - AAVV, :
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29.95 €
16896 - Dell'Uomo-Puletti, F.-R.:
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60.00 €
24989 - Dell'Uomo-Di Rosa, F.-R.:
Esercito Italiano verso il 2000 Vol II in 3 Tomi (L')
70.00 €
36722 - Michaelis, R.:
Esten in der Waffen-SS
25.00 €
43219 - Michaelis, R.:
Estonians in the Waffen-SS. 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Estnische Nr. 1)
39.95 €
29530 - Strassner, P.:
Europaeische Freiwillige. Die Geschichte der 5. SS-Panzerdivision 'Wiking'
35.00 €
35213 - Strassner, P.:
European Volunteers. The 5. SS-Panzer-Division 'Wiking'
65.00 €
39720 - Uloth, R. cur:
Excellence in Action. A Portrait of the Guards
55.00 €
54183 - Guenther, H.:
Eyes of the Division. The reconnaissance Battalion of the 17 SS-Panzer-Grenadier Division 'Goetz Von Berlichingen' (The)
49.95 €
52444 - Comelli, R.:
Falco sulla Capitanata. Il 32. Stormo dal 1936 ai giorni nostri (Il)
32.00 €
43220 - Alcidi, E.:
Fallschirmjaeger Brigade Ramcke in North Africa 1942-1943
99.00 €
55282 - Bond, D:
Famous Regiments of the British Army. A Pictorial Guide and Celebration Vol 1
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55283 - Bond, D.:
Famous Regiments of the British Army. A Pictorial Guide and Celebration Vol 2
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65667 - Iacuzzi, S. cur:
Fante di Marina. Storia dal 260 a.C. al 1920 (Il)
60.00 €
17007 - Fulvi-Manzari-Marcon-Miozzi, L.-G.-T.-O.O.:
Fanterie di marina italiane (Le)
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67558 - Veneziano, B.:
Fanti dell'89 raccontano. Dalla Caserma Carlo Gallardi al fiume Don 1942-43 (I)
15.00 €
22188 - Brown, R.:
Few Good Men, The Fighting Fifth Marines. A History of USMC's most decorated Regiment (A)
36.00 €
68910 - Parri, M.:
Fiamme Rosse del 31. Reggimento Carristi (Le)
29.00 €
53524 - Stout, J.A.:
Fighter Group. The 352nd 'Blue-Nosed Bastards' in World War II
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46916 - Bedle, J.:
Fighting Cocks. 43rd Fighter Squadron (The)
45.00 €
32177 - Whitlock, F.:
Fighting First. The Untold Story of the Big Red One on D-Day (The)
21.00 €
48180 - Cook, L.:
Fighting Seventeen. A Photographic History of VF-17 in World War II
85.00 €
57424 - Mackay, R.:
First Combat Bomb Wing in World War II (The)
49.95 €
49613 - Warner, G.:
First in the Field. 651 Squadron Army Air Corps
45.00 €
55845 - Tiquet, P.:
Flak de la Leibstandarte. 1.SS Panzer-Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (La)
29.95 €
57339 - Tiquet, P.:
Flak de la Wiking. 5.SS-Panzer-Division Wiking (La)
29.95 €
45722 - Afiero, M.:
Florian Geyer. 8. SS-Kavallerie-Division
28.00 €
34929 - Forbes, R.:
For Europe Revisited. The French Volunteers of the Waffen-SS
55.00 €
44793 - Forbes, R.:
For Europe. The French Volunteers of the Waffen-SS
29.95 €
44794 - Pencz, R.:
For the Homeland! The history of the 31st Waffen-SS Volunteer Grenadier Division
29.95 €
24984 - Pencz, R.:
For the Homeland! The history of the 31st Waffen-SS Volunteer Grenadier Division
55.00 €
37795 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Forze speciali britanniche 1941-2008 (Le)
20.00 €
72125 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Forze Speciali Britanniche 2001-2022
25.00 €
47965 - Nordyke, P.:
Four Stars of Valor. The Combat History of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment in World War II
25.00 €
25151 - Longo, L.E.:
Francesco Saverio Grazioli
15.00 €
44725 - Da Forno, G.:
Frecce Tricolori. La storia
55.00 €
53956 - Warner , G.:
From Auster to Apache. The History of 656 Squadron RAF/AAC 1942-2012
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72239 - Greiner-Strohn, H.-M.:
From Rome to the Po River. The 362nd Infantry Division 1944-45
55.00 €
61790 - Sibbons, M.:
From the Archives. An Ecletctic Mix of Stories from the History of REME
15.00 €
68609 - Nash, D.:
From the Realm of a Dying Sun Vol 1: IV.SS-Panzerkorps and the Battles for Warsaw, July-November 1944 Vol 1
45.00 €
68610 - Nash, D.:
From the Realm of a Dying Sun Vol 2: IV. SS-Panzerkorps in the Budapest Relief Efforts, December 1944-February 1945
45.00 €
68611 - Nash, D.:
From the Realm of a Dying Sun Vol 3: IV. SS-Panzerkorps from Budapest to Vienna, February-May 1945
45.00 €
17319 - Logusz, M.:
Galicia Division. Waffen-SS 14th Grenadier Division 1943-45
45.00 €
26076 - Kaltenegger, R.:
Gebirgsjaeger 1939-1945 Die grosse Bildchronik
36.00 €
17328 - Steurich, A.:
Gebirgsjaeger im bild. 6.SS Gebirgsdivision Nord 1940-1945
39.00 €
32962 - Haupt, W.:
Gebirgsjaeger, Fallschirmjaeger und andere deutsche Spezial-Divisionen
16.00 €
32967 - Stoves, R.:
Gepanzerten und motorisierten deutschen Grossverbaende 1935-1945. Divisionen und selbststaendige Brigaden (Die)
18.00 €
25890 - Trojca, W.:
German Armor and Special Units of WWII
99.00 €
17413 - Riebenstahl, H.:
German Combat Engineers in World War II. A Photo Chronicle
33.00 €
32902 - Schmidt, A.:
Geschichte der 10. Infanterie Division (Die)
18.00 €
32947 - Schelm-Mehrle, W.-H.:
Geschichte der 215. Infanterie-Division (Die)
18.00 €
32904 - Jenner, M.:
Geschichte der 216./272. Infanterie Division (Die)
18.00 €
32903 - vom Tettau-Versock, H.-K.:
Geschichte der 24. Infanterie Division (Die)
18.00 €
32946 - McGuirl-Spezzano, T.-R.:
Geschichte der Panzergrenadier Division 'Grossdeutschland' an der Ostfront 1942-1944
25.00 €
32901 - Grossman, H.:
Geschichte der rheinisch-westfaelischen 6. Infanterie Division 1943-1945 (Die)
18.00 €
36742 - Scheibert, H.:
Gespenster Division. Die Geschichte der 7. Panzer-Division (Die)
15.00 €
30224 - Micheletti, E.:
GIGN aujourd'hui Tome 1 (Le)
45.00 €
39724 - Samuel, W.:
Glory Days.The Untold Story of the Men who Flew the B-66 Destroyer into the Face of Fear
45.00 €
37593 - Harclerode, P.:
Go to it! The Illustrated History of the 6th Airborne Division
45.00 €
36223 - Mutza, W.:
Green Hornets. The History of the US Air Force 20th Special Operations Squadron
45.00 €
57996 - Michaelis, R.:
Grenadier Divisions of the Waffen-SS
55.00 €
73059 - Caride Escribano, S.:
Grupo Wagner. Los Mercenarios De Putin (El)
17.50 €
32985 - Richard, C.R.M.:
Guardia Svizzera Pontificia nel corso dei secoli (La)
50.00 €
32841 - Walpen, R.:
Guardia Svizzera Pontificia. Coraggio e Fedelta' (La)
52.00 €
55460 - Mini, F.:
Guardiani del potere. Eunuchi, Templari, Carabinieri e altri corpi scelti
16.00 €
22208 - Fisher, E.:
Guardians of the Republic. History of NCO Corps of the US Army
29.95 €
68722 - AAVV, :
Guardie del Papa (Le)
15.90 €
17669 - Dunstan, S.:
Guards - Europa Militaria 20 (The)
21.00 €
58287 - Lawrence, J. C.:
Gurkhas. 200 Years of Service to the Crown (The)
60.00 €
64436 - AAVV, :
Guten Glaubens waren. 4. SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division im Bild (Die)
36.00 €
64409 - Weiss, R.:
Hammers Squadron F-4E Phantom - IAF Mini Photo Album 01
29.95 €
32958 - Kampe, H.G.:
Heeres-Nachrichtentruppe der Wehrmacht 1935-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
17907 - Anderson, C.:
Hell on wheels: Men of the US Armored Forces, 1918 to present - GI 17
17.00 €
17914 - Bender, J.:
Hermann Goering from Regiment to Fallschirmpanzerkorps
39.95 €
52132 - Schofield, V.:
Highland Furies. The Black Watch 1739-1899 (The)
49.95 €
17923 - Lepre, G.:
Himmler's Bosnian Division
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17924 - Wilson, P.:
Himmler's Cavalry. The Equestrian SS 1930-45
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69036 - AAVV, :
Histoire des Troupes de Marine au travers de l'Uniforme 1622-2020
25.00 €
54945 - Bando, M.:
Histoire secrete de la 101st Airborne Division dans la Bataille de Normandie. Avenging Eagles
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50500 - Cabell, C.:
History of 30 Assault Unit. Ian Fleming's Red Indians (The)
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17937 - Spaeter, H.:
History of Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland Vol 2
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17938 - Spaeter, H.:
History of Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland Vol 3
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17940 - Farndale, M.:
History of Royal Regiment of Artillery. Far East theatre 1941-46
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25535 - Glantz, D.M.:
History of Soviet Airborne Forces
49.95 €
39256 - Jones, R. cur:
History of the 101st Airborne Division
27.00 €
51396 - Forbes, A.:
History of the Black Watch 1729-1888 (The)
19.95 €
17947 - Kurowski, F.:
History of the Fallschirmpanzerkorps Hermann Goering
59.95 €
58796 - Strohn, M.:
History of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment
65.00 €
59355 - Wood, I.M.:
History of the Totenkopf's Panther-Abteilung
36.00 €
32870 - AAVV, :
History of Warfare: Scotland forever. The Story of the Scottish Soldier DVD
18.00 €
35151 - Butler, R.:
Hitler's Death's Head Division. SS-Totenkopf Division
15.00 €
39545 - Trigg, J.:
Hitler's Legions. Hitler's Flemish Lions. The History of the 27th SS-Freiwilligen Grenadier Division Langemarck (Flaemische Nr.1)
36.00 €
34930 - Trigg, J.:
Hitler's Legions. Hitler's Gauls. The History of the 33rd Waffen Division Charlemagne
25.00 €
48365 - Trigg, J.:
Hitler's Legions. Hitler's Vikings. The History of the Scandinavian Waffen SS
33.00 €
50336 - Afiero, M.:
Hitlerjugend. 12. SS-Panzer-Division
45.00 €
49011 - Afiero, M.:
Hohenstaufen. 9. SS-Panzer-Division
48.00 €
31844 - Haasler, T.:
Hold the Westwall or perish with it. The History of Panzer-Brigade 105 - September 1944
65.00 €
35019 - White Spunner, B.:
Horse Guards
55.00 €
59113 - Tieke, W.:
Horst Wessel. The Combat History of the 18. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division
85.00 €
49913 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 16: Tiger Abteilungen! Tome II Guide historique des unites lourdes de la Panzerwaffe
17.50 €
59649 - Caraktere, :
HS Batailles&Blindes 29: Histoire de la Panzerwaffe de Varsovie a Koursk
17.50 €
61577 - Armes Militaria, HS:
HS Militaria 099: 1st Infantry Division Big Red One
13.10 €
52012 - Rankin, N.:
Ian Fleming's Commandos. The Story of 30 Assault Unit in WWII
33.00 €
68182 - Trang-Tiquet, C.-P.:
III.Panzer-Korps. Le IIIe Corps blinde' SS de Volontaires germaniques
75.00 €
58166 - Szamveber, N.:
Illustrated History of the Sturmgeschuetz-Abteilung 202
55.00 €
24738 - Rupp, C.:
Im Feuer gestaehlt. Panzerjaeger der Waffen-SS Division 'Das Reich'
30.00 €
24637 - Tieke-Rebstock, W.-F.:
Im letzten Aufgebot. Die 18. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier Division Band 1+2
40.00 €
22766 - Kucera, D.:
In a now forgotten sky. The 31st Fighter Group in WW2
65.00 €
26432 - Husemann, F.:
In Good Faith Vol 1: The History of the 4. SS-Polizei Panzer-Grenadier Division 1939-1943
55.00 €
48578 - Husemann, F.:
In Good Faith Vol 2: The History of the 4. SS-Polizei Panzer-Grenadier Division 1943-1945
75.00 €
18056 - Tieke, W.:
In the Firestorm of the last Year of the War
65.00 €
52413 - Crowdy, T.:
Incomparable. Napoleon's 9th Light Infantry Regiment
29.95 €
48193 - Scholzen, R.:
Infanterie der Bundeswehr. Geschichte-Grundbefaehigung-Schiessausbildung (Die )
35.00 €
47305 - Yeide, H.:
Infantry's Armor. The US Army's Separate Tank Battalions in World War II (The)
39.95 €
34566 - Jonna, W.:
Inseguendo un sogno. Noi, i ragazzi della Decima
24.00 €
50597 - Majka-Vallet, J.-T.:
Invincible Black Brigade. Polish 10th Cavalry Brigade 1939 (The)
29.95 €
22583 - McNish, R.:
Iron Division. The history of the 3rd division 1809-2000
45.00 €
39357 - Blaker, G.A.:
Iron Knights. The US 66th Armored Regiment in WWII
27.00 €
44657 - Afiero, M.:
Italiani nella Waffen-SS
30.00 €
29655 - Nauroth, H.:
Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen. A Photographic History
85.00 €
22914 - Nauroth, H.:
Jagdgeschwader 2 Richtofen
39.95 €
54268 - Ring-Girbig, H.-W.:
Jagdgeschwader 27 - Chronik
21.00 €
26654 - Prien-Stemmer, J.-G.:
Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' in WWII. II./JG 3 in action with Messerschmitt Bf 109
85.00 €
24928 - Prien-Stemmer, J.-G.:
Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' in WWII. Stab and I./JG 3 in action with Messerschmitt Bf 109
85.00 €
32225 - Lorant-Guyat, J.Y.-R.:
Jagdgeschwader 300 'Wilde Sau'. A Chronicle of a Fighter Geschwader in the Battle for Germany Vol 1: June 1943-September 1944
99.00 €
31148 - Reschke, W.:
Jagdgeschwader 301/302 'Wilde Sau'. In Defense of the Reich with the Bf 109, Fw 190 and Ta 152
49.95 €
54267 - Girbig, W.:
Jagdgeschwader 5 Eismeerjaeger - Chronik
21.00 €
53290 - Girbig, W.:
Jagdgeschwader 5. The Luftwaffe's JG 5 'Eismeerjaeger' in World War II
55.00 €
22657 - Aders-Held, G.-W.:
Jagdgeschwader 51 Moelders - Chronik
21.00 €
18241 - Prien, J.:
Jagdgeschwader 53. A history of the 'Pik As' Geschwader Vol 1 Mar 1937 - May 1942
115.00 €
18242 - Prien, J.:
Jagdgeschwader 53. A history of the 'Pik As' Geschwader Vol 2 May 1942 - Jan 1944
115.00 €
18243 - Prien, J.:
Jagdgeschwader 53. A history of the 'Pik As' Geschwader Vol 3 Jan 1944 - May 1945
115.00 €
18282 - AAVV, :
Jolly Rogers. The 90th Bombardment Group in the Southwest Pacific 1942-1944
49.95 €
48168 - Michaelis, R.:
Kaminski Brigade (The)
45.00 €
32943 - Gareis, M.:
Kampf und Ende der Fraenkisch-Sudetendeutschen 98. Infanterie-Division
18.00 €
40945 - Knoblauch, K.:
Kampf und Untergang der 95. Infanteriedivision. Chronik einer Infanteriedivision von 1939-1945 in Frankreich und an der Ostfront
21.00 €
38891 - Schreiber, F.:
Kampf unter dem Nordlicht. Die Geschichte der 6.SS-Gebirgsdivision 'Nord'
29.95 €
54264 - Gundelach, K.:
Kampfgeschwader 4 General Wever - Chronik
21.00 €
31883 - Dierich, W.:
Kampfgeschwader 51 'Edelweiss'
49.95 €
54265 - Dierich, W.:
Kampfgeschwader 51 Edelweiss - Chronik
21.00 €
48189 - Kiehl, H.:
Kampfgeschwader 53 Legion Condor - Chronik
21.00 €
54263 - Dierich, W.:
Kampfgeschwader 55 Greif - Chronik
21.00 €
69168 - Taghon, P.:
Kampfgeschwader 6 - Histoire des unites 14
55.00 €
32955 - AAVV, :
Kavallerie der Wehrmacht
16.00 €
18321 - Stanaway, J.:
Kearby's Thunderbolts. The 348th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
48539 - Page, M.:
King's African Rifles. A History
27.00 €
29242 - Meyer, H.:
Kriegsgeschichte der 12. SS-Panzer Division Hitlerjugend Vol II
40.00 €
35207 - Arthurs, T.G.:
Land with no Sun. A Year in Vietnam with the 173rd Airborne
27.00 €
57170 - Afiero, M.:
Langemarck. 27. SS-Freiwilligen Grenadier Division
28.00 €
23238 - Carey, A.C.:
Leatherneck Bombers. Marine Corps B-25/PBJ Mitchell Squadrons in WWII
33.00 €
63170 - Taghon, P.:
Lehrgeschwader 1. L'Escadre au Griffon Tome 01: 1936-Avril 1942 - Histoire des unites 07
45.00 €
45179 - Taghon, P.:
Lehrgeschwader 1. L'Escadre au Griffon Tome 02: Mai 1942-1945- Histoire des unites 08
49.95 €
25961 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte im Bild
40.00 €
18455 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte IV/I
69.95 €
28140 - Lehmann, R.:
Leibstandarte IV/II
65.00 €
51678 - Afiero, M.:
Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler 1933-1943
36.00 €
53984 - Afiero, M.:
Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler 1943-1945
36.00 €
38643 - Trang, C.:
Leibstandarte Tome 1: 1933-1942
75.00 €
42217 - Trang, C.:
Leibstandarte Tome 2: 1943-1945
75.00 €
27441 - Zucconi, E.:
Leibstandarte. Storia di una divisione
25.00 €
56599 - Barnes-Williams-Calkins, A.F.-T.-C.:
Let's Go! The History of the 29th Infantry Division 1917-2001
89.95 €
49395 - Hunt, E.:
Light Dragoons. A Regimental History 1715-2009 (The)
19.95 €
25331 - Ullrich, K.:
Like a Cliff in the Ocean. The history of the 3. SS-Panzer Division Totenkopf
95.00 €
49007 - Griesser, V.:
Lions of Carentan. Fallschirmjager-Regiment 6 1943-1945 (The)
27.00 €
34242 - Lambert, J.W.:
Long Campaign. The History of the 15th Fighter Group in World War II
65.00 €
26441 - Lloyd Owen, D.:
Long Range Desert Group 1940-1945. Providence their Guide (The)
27.00 €
43019 - Goldschmidt, M.:
Marching with the Tigers. The History of the Royal Leicestershire Regiment 1955-1975
45.00 €
30097 - Colombo, D.:
Maro': Pola (Istria) Gruppo d'Assalto Brioni
10.33 €
25558 - Shepperd-Roffe, A.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 021: King's Regiment
19.00 €
25596 - Carman-Roffe, W.Y.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 025: Royal Artillery
19.00 €
25583 - Lawford-Youens, J.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 031: 30th Punjabis
19.00 €
25760 - Roffe, M.:
Men-at-Arms 033: US Cavalry
19.00 €
25561 - Nicholson-Roffe, J.B.R.-M.:
Men-at-Arms 041: Gurkha Rifles
19.00 €
25551 - Roffe, M.:
Men-at-Arms 049: Coldstream Guards
19.00 €
25960 - Wilkinson-Latham, C.:
Men-at-Arms 052: Royal Green Jackets
19.00 €
25676 - Wilkinson-Latham-Embleton, C.-G.:
Men-at-Arms 065: Royal Navy 1790-1970
19.00 €
63115 - Nijborg, D.:
Mighty Eight. Masters of the Air over Europe 1942-1945 (The)
45.00 €
28596 - Murawski, M.J.:
Miniatury Lotnicze 01: Jagdgeschwader JG 27 in action Vol 1
21.00 €
28597 - Janowicz, K.:
Miniatury Lotnicze 02: JG 26 'Schlageter' Vol 1
21.00 €
28600 - Murawski, M.J.:
Miniatury Lotnicze 05: Jagdgeschwader JG 27 in action Vol 2
21.00 €
28588 - Janowicz, K.:
Miniatury Lotnicze 11: Luftflotte I 1939
21.00 €
39908 - Murawski, M.J.:
Miniatury Lotnicze 35: JG 52 Vol 2
21.00 €
43494 - Murawski, M.J.:
Miniatury Lotnicze 36: JG 51 Vol 2
21.00 €
65715 - Urbanke, A.:
Mit der Kamera an den Front. Als Kriegsbrichter bei der I.(J)/LG 2 und dem JG 77
75.00 €
39701 - Orioli, L.:
Montelungo, il riscatto. Storia del LI Battaglione Bersaglieri febbraio 1943-maggio 1945
14.00 €
42854 - Belcarz-Morosanu, B.-T.L.:
Montpellier Fighter Squadron
23.50 €
38331 - Sabatini, C. cur:
Motti Militari
18.00 €
19010 - Kaltenegger, R.:
Mountain Troops of the Waffen SS 1941-1945
33.00 €
28912 - Solarz, J.:
No 202 SS-Verfugungstruppen 1939 ENGLISH
21.00 €
50664 - Polak-Rajlich, T.-J.:
No.312 (Czechoslovak) Squadron 1940-1945. Hurricane, Spitfire
25.00 €
50667 - Listemann, P.H.:
No.453 (R.A.A.F.) Squadron 1941-1945. Buffaloes, Spitfire
39.95 €
50668 - Watkins-Listemann, P.H.:
No.501 (County of Gloucester) Squadron 1939-1945. Hurricane, Spitfire, Tempest
33.00 €
19229 - Doherty, R.:
Noble Crusade. The history of the Eighth Army, 1941-45 (A)
45.00 €
56718 - Afiero, M.:
Nord. 6.SS Gebirgs-Division
30.00 €
55711 - Pascoli-Teot-Vazzaz, M.-L.-A.:
O la'... o rompi. Storia dell'8. Reggimento Alpini
28.00 €
31641 - AAVV, :
Official Story of the British Army (The) DVD
18.00 €
49636 - Cortelletti, L.:
Oltre la dura trincea. Opere, mezzi ed eroismi dell'Arma del Genio
19.00 €
25329 - Joiner, J.H.:
One More River to cross. The Story of British Military Bridging
45.00 €
30948 - Culbertson, J.J.:
Operation Tuscaloosa. 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines at An Hoa, 1967
14.50 €
41513 - Greenacre-Peters, J.-M.:
Ops Normal Vol 1. The Authorised Operational History of the Army Air Corps 1957-2017
55.00 €
41317 - Liviero, A.:
Origini della guardia d'onore alle reali tombe del Pantheon 1859-1878 (Le)
50.00 €
63165 - De Gaetano, E.:
Osando Vinco. La fanteria aeromobile italiana dalla costituzione ad oggi
18.00 €
30401 - Chandler, D.G. cur:
Oxford History of the British Army. New Edition
19.95 €
19434 - Ford Jones, M.:
Oxford's own. The Men and Machines of No.15/XV Squadron Royal Flying Corps/Royal Air Force
75.00 €
35234 - Feuer, A.B.:
Packs on! Memoirs of the 10th Mountain Division in WWII
21.00 €
51152 - Lodieu, D.:
Panther en Normandie. Odyssee du Bataillon de Panther de la 116.Panzer-Division en Normandie. Juillet-Aout 1944 (L')
39.95 €
19505 - Lucas, J.:
Panzer Elite
33.00 €
38784 - Steinhardt, P. (cur.):
Panzer Lehr Division 1944-45. Helion WWII German Military Studies Volume 01
45.00 €
71509 - Anderson, T.:
Panzer Reconnaissance
49.95 €
39732 - Fish, K.:
Panzer Regiment 8 in World War II: Poland-France-North Africa
75.00 €
19520 - Jung, H.J.:
Panzer Soldiers for 'God, Honor and Fatherland': the History of Panzer Regiment Grossdeutschland
65.00 €
32948 - Scheibert, H.:
Panzer-Grenadier-Division Grossdeutschland und ihre Schwesterverbaende
16.00 €
42538 - Kurowski, F.:
Panzer-Lehr-Division 1944-1945 (Die)
18.00 €
63845 - Schneider, W.:
Panzer-Regiment 1 1935-45
39.95 €
42551 - Regenberg, W.:
Panzerfahrzeuge und Panzereinheiten der Ordnungspolizei 1936-1945
19.95 €
37932 - Bishop, C.:
Panzergrenadier Divisions 1939-45
39.95 €
46611 - Michaelis, R.:
Panzergrenadier Divisions of the Waffen-SS
49.95 €
24782 - AAVV, :
Panzergrenadiere der 5. SS-Panzerdivision 'Wiking' im Bild
40.00 €
57821 - Tiquet, P.:
Panzerjaeger. SS-Pz.Jg.Abt.2
27.50 €
39330 - Pruett, M.H.:
Panzerkampfgruppe Strachwitz. A Photographic Study of the Battles for the Ostsack and Westsack. Narva 1944
49.95 €
42539 - Spaeter, H.:
Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland. Berichte ueber das Erleben, Einsaetze, die Maenner und Kampfraeume
18.00 €
47335 - Hartmann, B.:
Panzers in the Sand. The History of Panzer-Regiment 5 Vol 1: 1935-41
39.95 €
47336 - Hartmann, B.:
Panzers in the Sand. The History of Panzer-Regiment 5 Vol 2: 1942-45
39.95 €
42889 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Paracadutisti britannici. Le truppe d'assalto dell'impero
35.00 €
39194 - Vuerich, C.:
Paracadutisti! Breve storia dei paracadutisti di Slovacchia, Croazia, Ungheria, Romania, Bulgaria
15.00 €
50898 - Cocke-Harkless Moore, C.-E.:
Pass in Review. An Illustrated History of West Point Cadets 1794-Present
29.95 €
27609 - Ripley, T.:
Patton unleashed. Patton's Third Army and the Breakout from Normandy, August-September 1944
36.00 €
64749 - Romagnoli, M.:
Per l'Onore. La Decima Flottiglia MAS e la sua Propaganda 1934-1945
50.00 €
28247 - Parlour-Parlour, A.-S.:
Phantom at War. The British Army's Secret Intelligence and Communication Regiment of WWII
36.00 €
35342 - Lambert, J.W.:
Pineapple Air Force: Pearl Harbor to Tokyo (the)
75.00 €
24651 - AAVV, :
Pioniere der Waffen-SS im Bild
40.00 €
73386 - Malatesta, L-.:
Plutone a difesa del cielo italiano. Storia del 72. Gruppo IT dal 1959 al 2010
35.00 €
61958 - Afiero, M.:
Polizei Division. 4.SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier Division
36.00 €
66399 - Carr, J.:
Pope's Army. The Papacy in Diplomacy and War (The)
39.95 €
67299 - Baumann, G.:
Posen '45. Bastion on the Warthe
65.00 €
28324 - Wilson, E.:
Press on regardless. The Story of the Fifth Royal Tank Regiment in World War Two
45.00 €
43251 - Romeo di Colloredo Mels, P.:
Pretoriani di Mussolini. Storia Militare delle Camicie Nere 1923-1943 (I)
12.00 €
17943 - Kumm, O.:
Prinz Eugen. The History of the 7. SS Mountain Division 'Prinz Eugen'
55.00 €
30673 - Konstam, A.:
PT-Boats Squadrons. US Navy Torpedo Boats - Spearhead 18
24.00 €
38897 - Duma, A.:
Quelli del Cavallino Rampante. Storia del 4. Stormo Caccia Francesco Baracca - Cofanetto 2 Voll
40.00 €
56627 - Fornaciari, P.:
Ragazzi venuti dalla terra di Israele. Luoghi e storie della Brigata Ebraica in Romagna (I)
15.00 €
43208 - Black, R.W.:
Ranger Force. Darby's Rangers in WWII
39.95 €
38903 - Ommert, S.:
Recon for Rommel. The 2. (H)/14 Air Recon Flyers in Africa, die 2. (H)/14 - Rommels Naehaufklaerer in Afrika
65.00 €
53193 - Giannoni, B.:
Reggimento Cavalleggeri di Lucca in guerra. Le operazioni tra il 1911 e il 1943 (Il)
15.00 €
65668 - Iacuzzi, S. cur:
Reggimento R.M. San Marco. Memorie dal 1917 al 1919 (Il)
60.00 €
35224 - Dufour, P.:
Regiment Infanterie Chars de Marine. Il revint immortel de la Grande Bataille
45.00 €
47550 - AAVV, :
Remount blue 1945. Dal Tirreno al Garda con la Decima Divisione da Montagna USA
10.00 €
38332 - Rainero, R.H.:
Reparti arabi e indiani dell'Esercito italiano nella Seconda Guerra mondiale Frecce Rosse (I)
23.50 €
67007 - AAVV, :
Reparto Sperimentale di Volo 1949-2019. 70 Anni di Ricerca e Innovazione
40.00 €
32944 - Braake, G.:
Rheinisch-westfaelische 126. Infanterie-Division 1940-1945 (Die)
16.00 €
67588 - Fuselli, E.:
Riservata speciale 1914-1915. Notizie d'oltre frontiera, polizia militare e contrabbando di guerra. La Regia Guardia di Finanza e il confine italo-austriaco
15.00 €
47994 - Afiero, M.:
Ritterkreuz Speciale 2010/III: Den Norske Legion
12.00 €
53708 - Afiero, M.:
Ritterkreuz Speciale 2012/II: 1. SS-Infanterie-Brigade sul Fronte dell'Est 1941-1943
15.00 €
25636 - Whitlock, F.:
Rock of Anzio. From Sicily to Dachau: a History of the US 45th Infantry Division
27.00 €
39647 - Salecker, G.E.:
Rolling Thunder Against the Rising Sun
45.00 €
70563 - Schmaeling-Bock, B.-W.:
Royal Bavarian Jagdstaffel 23
89.95 €
70598 - Schmaeling, B.:
Royal Bavarian Jagdstaffel 76
59.95 €
66575 - Macfarlane, P.:
Royal Dragoon Guards. A Regimental History 1685-2018 (The)
21.00 €
42890 - Di Nunzio, M.:
Royal Marines Commandos (I)
22.00 €
23636 - Brooks, R.:
Royal Marines. A History 1664 to the present
43.50 €
70564 - Schmaeling-Bock, B.-W.:
Royal Prussian Jagdstaffel 30
49.95 €
36723 - Michaelis, R.:
Russen in der Waffen-SS
25.00 €
54307 - Maini, V.:
Sacrificio del Battaglione Alpini Monte Clapier. Cimone, Priafora', Ortigara, Caporetto, Grappa, Tonale (Il)
19.00 €
52443 - Iacomino, L.:
Saette nel cielo. Storia del 101. Gruppo Volo
30.00 €
37754 - AAVV, :
Saint-Maixent. L'Ecole. Maison-Mere des Sous-Officers
39.00 €
66159 - Iacuzzi-Areni, S.-P.:
San Marco in Cina (Il)
60.00 €
48435 - Baldrati-Lombardi, P.-A.:
San Marco sulla Linea Gotica (La)
29.00 €
39919 - Holdsworth-Pugsley, A.-C.:
Sandhurst. A Tradition of Leadership
75.00 €
32964 - Buchner, A.:
Sanitaetsdienst des Heeres. Organisation, Ausruestung, Einsaetze (Der)
16.00 €
30035 - Lewis, J.E. cur:
SAS and Special Forces. Thirty Missions of ultimate Danger behind Enemy Lines, from WWII to Afghanistan and the Iraq War
17.50 €
39161 - AAVV, :
Saumur. Ecole des blindes de demain
40.00 €
27419 - Jacobsen, A.R.:
36.00 €
42536 - AAVV, :
Schicksalsweg der 13. Panzer-Division 1939-1945 (Der)
18.00 €
27534 - Murphy, E.F.:
Semper Fi Vietnam. From Da Nang to the DMZ. Marine Corps Campaigns 1965-1975
13.00 €
52616 - Hamilton, J.:
Settimo Cavalleggeri. Storia della cavalleria americana da Custer al Mekong (Il)
16.00 €
62880 - Forsyth, R.:
Shadow over the Atlantic. The Luftwaffe and the U-boats 1943-45 Fernaufklaerungsgruppe 5 'Atlantik'
39.95 €
34243 - Mackay-Wilson, R.-P.:
Sky Scorpions. The Story of the 389th Bomb Group in World War II
75.00 €
52253 - Martin, L.:
So Few Got Through. With the Gordon Highlanders from Normandy to the Baltic
27.00 €
43266 - Affinati, R.:
Soldati del Papa. Dall'antichita' ai giorni nostri
12.00 €
59735 - Romeo di Colloredo Mels, P.:
Soldati Lunghi. I Granatieri di Sardegna nella guerra 1915-1918 (I)
29.00 €
38272 - Biot-Nicolas, J.P.-J.:
Soldats Montagnards
35.00 €
28467 - Marchington, J.:
Special Forces Weapons and Equipment
55.00 €
33559 - Davies, B.:
Spellmount Military Handbooks Vol 1: SAS
18.00 €
60466 - Gatti, D.:
Squadriglia Autonoma Caccia e Mitragliamento 'Frecce' sulla Spagna. Marzo 1938-Giugno 1939
30.00 €
51313 - Ingrao-Green, C.-P.:
SS Dirlewanger Brigade. The History of the Black Hunters (The)
29.95 €
23461 - Mattson, G.:
SS-Das Reich. The history of the Second SS division 1939-1945
35.00 €
38349 - Michaelis, R.:
SS-Fallschirmjaeger-Bataillon 500/600
39.95 €
44639 - Michaelis, R.:
SS-Fallschirmjaeger-Bataillon 500/600 (Das)
18.00 €
30839 - Michaelis, R.:
SS-Fallschirmjaeger-Bataillon 500/600 (Das)
30.00 €
26228 - Butler, R.:
SS-Hitlerjugend. The History of the Twelfth SS Divsion 1943-45
35.00 €
22155 - Butler, R.:
SS-Leibstandarte. The History of the First SS Division 1933-45
35.00 €
42544 - Fischer, T.:
SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Rgt. 1 LAH an allen Fronten (Das)
19.95 €
28063 - Fischer, T.:
SS-Panzer-Artillery Regiment 1 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH)
75.00 €
47653 - Poller-Mansson-Westberg, H.-M.-L.:
SS-Panzer-Aufklaerungs-Abteilung 11 'Nordland' and the Swedish SS-Platoon in the Baltic States, Pomeraina and Berlin 1943-1945. Armoured Reconnaissance with the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front
55.00 €
32924 - Mabire, J.:
SS-Panzer-Division 'Wiking' (Die)
18.00 €
69714 - Cazenave, S.:
SS-Panzer-Regiment 12 in the Normandy Campaign 1944
105.00 €
36320 - Afiero, M.:
SS-Skijaeger Batalion 'Norge'. Il Battaglione Sciatori norvegese della Waffen-SS
18.00 €
36718 - Michaelis, R.:
SS-Sturmbrigade 'Dirlewanger'. Vom Warschauer Aufstand bis zum Kessel von Halbe
29.95 €
28334 - Butler, R.:
SS-Wiking. The History of the Fifth SS Division 1941-45
35.00 €
32175 - Bishop, C.:
SS: Hitler's Foreign Divisions. Foreign Volunteers in the Waffen-SS 1940-1945
36.00 €
67006 - Cornacchini, A. cur:
Storia d'eccellenza. L'addestramento al volo dei piloti dell'Aeronautica Militare (Una)
30.00 €
24699 - Oliva, G.:
Storia degli alpini dal 1872 a oggi
13.50 €
37759 - Bertolotti, C.:
Storia del Battaglione Bassano. Divisione Alpina Monterosa. RSI 1943-45
21.50 €
24912 - D'Ascia, R.:
Storia dell'Arma del Genio Vol VI 1918-1935
25.00 €
52446 - Iacomino, L.:
Storia dell'aviazione in Capitanata
22.00 €
38401 - Veneziani Santonio, G.:
Storia dell'equitazione italiana Vol 1: Epoca Militare Pinerolese
18.00 €
72362 - Cadeddu, L.:
Storia della Brigata Sassari nella Grande Guerra dal Carso all'Altipiano di Asiago
24.00 €
34842 - Meccariello, P.:
Storia della Guardia di Finanza
44.00 €
34151 - Delcuratolo, D.:
Storia della Guardia Svizzera Pontificia
15.00 €
34119 - Royal, R.:
Storia delle Guardie Svizzere
15.00 €
30928 - Melville, M.L.:
Story of the Lovat Scouts 1900-1980
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41765 - Lombardi-Galazzetti, F.-A.:
Studio bibliografico sulla Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale
15.00 €
36003 - Muench, K.H.:
StuG.Abt. 197
59.95 €
38881 - Muench, K.H.:
StuG.Abt./Brig. 210
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