Titoli Nuovi
Titoli Aggiunti
Storia Militare
Storia Navale
Storia Aeronautica
Musei Militari
Cartografia - Mappe
Storia Locale
Antiche Civiltà
Grecia - Ellenismo
Medio Evo
Alto Medioevo
Germania - Impero
Nord - Est Europa
Altri Paesi
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estremo Oriente
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
Sec. XIX
Napoleonico Francia
Napoleonico Coaliz.
Guerra Civ. USA
West / Guerre Indiane
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
Sec. XX
Pre 1914
Guerre Coloniali Italia
Guerre Coloniali Altri
I Guerra Mondiale
...IGM Generalità
...IGM Navale
...IGM Aviazione
IGM Italia
IGM Italia - Navale
IGM Italia - Aerea
IGM Austria-Ung.
IGM Germania
IGM Intesa
IGM Fronte Occid.
IGM Fronte Orient.
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
I Dopoguerra
Post 1918 e Riv. Russa
Guerra d'Etiopia
Guerra di Spagna
II Guerra Mondiale
Guerra Terrestre
Guerra Navale
Guerra Aerea
II GM - Nazioni
Italia - Regio Esercito
Italia - Regia Marina
Italia - Regia Aeron.
Italia - MVSN/PNF
Italia - RSI
Germania - Esercito
Germania - Aviazione
Germania - Marina
Germania - Waffen SS
Altre Forze Asse
Gran Bretagna
Stati Uniti
Altri Alleati
II GM - Fronti
Campagna d'Italia
Africa Sett./Medioriente
Africa Orientale It.
Balcani - Egeo
Battaglia d'Inghilterra
Europa Cont.
Germania 1944-45
Fronte Russo
Prig.di guerra / IMI
II Dopoguerra
Guerra Fredda
Europa-ex Yugoslavia
Medio Oriente
...Iraq dal 1978
...Afghanistan dal 1978
Africa - Maghreb
America Lat-Falklands
Missioni ONU
Sec. XXI
Pensiero Strategico
Dottrina Militare
Dottrine non convenz.
Terrorismo Politico Italia
Terrorismo Internazionale
Invest. Private / Security
Sociologia militare
Psicologia Militare
Economia militare
Pensiero politico
Pacifismo e Disarmo
Relazioni Internaz.
Diritto intern. e bellico
Storia Reparti
Esercito Italiano (in lav)
Marina Militare (in lav)
Aeron. Militare (in lav)
Forze dell'Ordine Italia
Paracadutisti Italia
Corpi Speciali - Italia
Arditi e Sturmtruppen
Legione Straniera
Mercenari / Contractors
Paracadutisti - Altri
Corpi Speciali - Altri
Forze dell'Ordine Altri
Prot. Civile / Soccorso
Architettura Militare
Armi Bianche
Munizioni e Esplosivi
Armi da Fuoco
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Tiro - Sniping
Armam. Terrestre
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Carri Armati
Veic. Logistici
Armamento Navale
Marineria Antica
Marineria Moderna
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Armamento Aereo
Stati Uniti
Gran Bretagna
Altri Paesi
Post 1945
Treni e Ferrovie
Mezzi di Soccorso
Mezzi Forze dell'Ordine
Marina Merc.-Diporto
Aviazione Civile
Uniformi Italiane
Evo Antico
Rinascimento - XVI Sec.
Estr. Oriente fino XVIII sec
XVII Secolo
XVIII Secolo
XIX Secolo
Guerra Secessione/ West
XX Secolo
I Guerra Mondiale
II Guerra Mondiale
IIGM - Italia / PNF
IIGM - Germania
IIGM - Alleati
Polizia e Soccorso
Forze Speciali
Collezionismo Vario
Araldica e dintorni
Posta Militare - Numism.
Fumetti - Illustratori
Libri su Giocattoli
Giocattoli/Action Figures
Arti Marziali
Sport Marziali
Tiro - Sniping
Survival / Soccorso
Escursionismo - Viaggi
Rievocazione Storica
Arti e Antichi Mestieri
Cucina Storica
Tecniche Sartoriali
Romanzi e Narrativa
Fantapol./ Storia Altern.
Fantasy - Mitologia
VHS/DVD Storia
VHS/DVD Training
VHS/DVD Mezzi/Armi
CD Rom
Storia Militare Dossier
Riv. Flashbang
Riv. Desperta Ferro
Riv. Caraktere
Riv. Ancient Warfare
Riv. Medieval Warfare
Riv. Armes Militaria HS
Riv. Raids HS
Riv. Gloire&Empire
Riv. Pretorien
Riv. Tradition
AIR Modeller
AFV Modeller
Riv. Steel Masters HS
Riv. Figure Modelling
Coccarde Tricolori
Serie Osprey
Osprey Uniformi
Osprey Storia
Osprey Mezzi - Armi
Osprey Wargame
Serie Sq. Signal
Sq.Signal Terra
Sq.Signal Mare
Sq.Signal Aria
Serie Concord
Serie Concord Mezzi
Serie Concord Forze
Serie Pol/Cze
Serie Pol/Cze-Terra
Serie Pol/Cze-Mare
Serie Pol/Cze-Aria
Storia Militare Speciali
Ricerca rapida
II Guerra Mondiale - Guerra Aerea
II Guerra Mondiale
II GM - Guerra Terrestre
II GM - Guerra Navale
II GM - Camp.Italia
II GM - Africa Sett.
II GM - A.O.I.
II GM - Balcani
II GM - Blitzkrieg
II GM - Batt. Inghilterra
II GM - Europa
II GM - Germania 1944-45
II GM - Fr. Russo
II GM - Prig.di Guerra/IMI
IIGM - Italia/R.Aeronautica
Arm. Aereo (Generalità)
Pol/Cze: Mezzi Aerei
Risultati della Ricerca: 1131 Prodotti
57416 - Ford Jones, M.R.:
'Easy' Boys. The Story of a Bomber Command Aircrew in World War II: Based on the Wartime Diaries of Flying Officer Reg Heffron, RAAF (The)
45.00 €
52818 - Paloque, G.:
12th and 15th Air Forces - Air Stories (The)
29.95 €
52819 - Paloque, G.:
12th et 15th Air Forces - Histoires Aeriennes (Les)
29.95 €
38749 - Rajlich, J.:
13. (slow.) JG 52
23.50 €
28399 - Lucchini, C.:
13. Stormo B.T. Uno Stormo piacentino
31.00 €
29637 - Wolf, W.:
13th Fighter Command in World War II. Air Combat over Guadalcanal and the Solomons
75.00 €
38344 - Lambert, J.W.:
14th Fighter Group in World War II (The)
59.95 €
41638 - Galbiati, F.:
15a Forza Aerea dell'USAAF 1943-1945 - Storia Militare Dossier 76
16.00 €
41536 - Alberti-Bergonzi-Maggi-Merli, A.-P.-C.-L.:
17 August, 1943 East Anglia-Regensburg-Po Valley
15.00 €
46524 - Lawson-Considine, T.W.-B.:
18 Aprile 1942. Il Raid di Doolittle su Tokyo
20.00 €
34321 - Rogers, A. cur:
185 The Malta Squadron
45.00 €
56745 - Thompson , L.:
1940: battaglie nel cielo di Londra
20.00 €
41127 - Parisi, S.:
1944 Gli Italiani tornano a volare. Il prezzo di una scelta tra Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana al Nord e Regia Aeronautica al Sud
25.00 €
41373 - Scalici, G.:
1944 la distruzione. I bombardamenti contro l'Italia e la fine della sovranita' nazionale
18.00 €
52463 - Otter, P.:
1st Group. Swift to Attack. Bomber Command's Unsung Heroes
39.95 €
59255 - Gatti, D.:
20. Gruppo Caccia dalle origini all'Africa Settentrionale 1939-1941 (Il)
27.00 €
51017 - Malayney, N.:
25th Bomb Group (Rcn) in World War II (The)
85.00 €
41895 - Shores-Thomas, C.-C.:
2nd Tactical Air Force Vol 4: Squadrons, Camouflage and Markings, Weapons and Tactics 1943-1945
55.00 €
51241 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
301 Gerhard Barkhorn, l'Asso con trecentouno vittorie
22.00 €
32161 - Konarski, M.:
304 Squadron (Polish) RAF
18.00 €
52698 - Vancata-Radomski, P.-M.:
311 Squadron (Czechoslovak) RAF
23.50 €
24910 - Miller, K.:
363rd Fighter Group in WWII in action over Germany with the P-51 Mustang (The)
65.00 €
34230 - Miller, K.:
365th Fighter Squadron in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-47
75.00 €
15070 - Kolln, J.:
421st Night Fighter Squadron in World War II (The)
59.95 €
23205 - Brett, J.:
448th Group (H). Liberators over Germany in WWII (The)
65.00 €
15072 - Hill, M.:
451st Bomb Group in World War II. A Pictorial History (The)
59.95 €
24919 - Hill, M.:
464th Bomb Group in WWII in action over the Third Reich with the B-24 Liberator (The)
75.00 €
31858 - Watts, P.:
467th Bombardment Group (H) in World War II. in Combat with the B-24 Liberator over Europe (The)
75.00 €
29638 - Fairfield, T.A.:
479th Fighter Group in World War II. In Action over Europe with the P-38 and P-51
85.00 €
52231 - Robinard-Trombetta-Clementine, F.-P.-J.:
50 Aerodromes pour une victoire. Juin-Septembre 1944
65.00 €
43630 - Paloque, G.:
5th Air Force - Air Stories (The)
29.95 €
43631 - Paloque, G.:
5th Air Force - Histoires Aeriennes (La)
29.95 €
51020 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 1: Pearl Harbor to the Reduction of Rabaul (The)
85.00 €
53273 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 2. The End in New Guinea, the Philippines, to V-J Day (The)
85.00 €
57417 - Wolf, W.:
5th Fighter Command in WWII Vol 3: 5FC vs. Japan - Aces, Units, Aircraft, and Tactics (The)
85.00 €
69626 - Galbiati, F.:
8th Air Force. Aerei, uomini e operazioni dell' 8a Forza Aerea dell'USAAF 1944-1945 - Storia Militare Dossier 57
16.00 €
34455 - Pons, G.:
8th Air Force. American Heavy Bomber Groups in England, 1942-45
45.00 €
34456 - Pons, G.:
8th Air Force. Les bombardiers lourds de l'aviation americaine en Angleterre, 1942-1945 (La)
45.00 €
35220 - Lambert, J.W.:
8th Air Force: Victory and Sacrifice. A WWII Photo History (The)
49.95 €
31851 - Vasco, J.:
9.Staffel/Jagdgeschwader 26. The Battle of Britain Photo Album of Luftwaffe Bf 109 Pilot Willy Fronhoefer
45.00 €
40783 - Pons, G.:
9th Air Force. American Tactical Aviation in the ETO 1943-45
45.00 €
40782 - Pons, G.:
9th Air Force. Les groupes d'aviation tactique americains, 1942-1945
45.00 €
29694 - Petrelli, M.:
A difendere i cieli d'Italia. Racconti e testimonianze dei piloti dell'Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana 1943-1945
12.00 €
15115 - Carey, A.:
Above an Angry Sea. US Navy B-24 Liberator and PBY-2 Privateer Operations in the Pacific. October 1944-August 1945
33.00 €
32245 - Going-Jones, C.-A.:
Above the Battle: D-Day The Lost Evidence
29.95 €
51021 - Cook, L.:
Aces of Fighting 17. VF-17's Top Guns in WWII (The)
85.00 €
48378 - Trivett, H.:
Achtung Spitfire. Luftwaffe over England. Eagle Day 14 August 1940
25.00 €
43214 - Bowman, M.W.:
Achtung! Moskito! RAF and USAAF Mosquito Fighters, Fighter-Bombers, and Bombers over the Third Reich 1941-1945
85.00 €
47018 - Bowyer, M.J.F.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 1: Eastern England
39.95 €
47020 - Bowyer, M.J.F.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 2: Central England and the London Area
39.95 €
47021 - Lee, D.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 3: South East England
39.95 €
47022 - Berryman, D.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 4: South West England
39.95 €
47023 - Mclellan, L.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 5: Wales and the Midlands
39.95 €
47024 - Mclellan, L.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 6: Northern England and Yorkshire
39.95 €
51817 - Chorlton, M.:
Action Stations Revisited Vol 7: Scotland and Northern Ireland
39.95 €
59014 - Zauli delle Pietre, E.:
Aerei perduti. Polesine 1943-1945
18.00 €
69062 - Ferrando, I.:
Aerei spia nella seconda battaglia delle Alpi 1944-1945
10.00 €
46584 - Chionetti-Rosa-Usai, B.-R.-G.:
Aerei su Savona. Storie di piloti e aerei caduti in provincia di Savona
15.00 €
20020 - Rocca, G.:
Aeronautica militare italiana nella seconda guerra mondiale
18.00 €
63501 - Alberti, A.:
Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana. Fine di un mito?
14.00 €
71390 - Mattesini, F.:
Aerosiluranti Italiani e Tedeschi nella IIGM 1940-1945 Successi e delusioni Vol 1
35.00 €
71391 - Mattesini, F.:
Aerosiluranti Italiani e Tedeschi nella IIGM 1940-1945 Successi e delusioni Vol 2
35.00 €
37022 - ATB, :
After the Battle 008 Battle of the Falaise Pocket
9.95 €
37023 - ATB, :
After the Battle 009 Obersalzberg
9.95 €
37033 - ATB, :
After the Battle 019 Guide to Hitler's Headquarters
9.95 €
37036 - ATB, :
After the Battle 022 Rescue of Mussolini
9.95 €
37047 - ATB, :
After the Battle 033 St. Malo
9.95 €
37052 - ATB, :
After the Battle 038 Pearl Harbor Then and Now
9.95 €
37061 - ATB, :
After the Battle 047 Operation 'Merkur', The German Invasion of Crete
9.95 €
37062 - ATB, :
After the Battle 048 Germany Surrenders
9.95 €
37065 - ATB, :
After the Battle 051 Libya - Tobruk Revisited
9.95 €
37074 - ATB, :
After the Battle 060 Maginot Line
9.95 €
37075 - ATB, :
After the Battle 061 Reichs Chancellery
9.95 €
37078 - ATB, :
After the Battle 064 Battle of Den Bosch
9.95 €
37088 - ATB, :
After the Battle 074 Peenemuende Rocket Centre
9.95 €
37093 - ATB, :
After the Battle 079 Bielefeld Viaduct
9.95 €
37094 - ATB, :
After the Battle 080 Death of Rommel
9.95 €
37095 - ATB, :
After the Battle 081 Tragino
9.95 €
37098 - ATB, :
After the Battle 084 Supreme Headquarters for D-Day
9.95 €
37104 - ATB, :
After the Battle 090 Battle for Leros
9.95 €
37109 - ATB, :
After the Battle 095 Salerno
9.95 €
37111 - ATB, :
After the Battle 097 Battle of the Alps
9.95 €
37112 - ATB, :
After the Battle 098 Battle for New Georgia
9.95 €
37123 - ATB, :
After the Battle 109 Vaagso Commando Raid
9.95 €
37133 - ATB, :
After the Battle 119 Break-Out Across the Seine
9.95 €
37134 - ATB, :
After the Battle 120 SAS Tragedy at Sennecy-Le-Grand
9.95 €
37136 - ATB, :
After the Battle 122 November push to the Rhine
9.95 €
37137 - ATB, :
After the Battle 123 Siege of Leningrad
9.95 €
37138 - ATB, :
After the Battle 124 German Air Raid Shelters
9.95 €
37144 - ATB, :
After the Battle 130 Battle for Leipzig
9.95 €
37148 - ATB, :
After the Battle 134 Kasserine
9.95 €
37762 - ATB, :
After the Battle 137 Kokoda Trail
9.95 €
40004 - ATB, :
After the Battle 139 Capture of Le Havre
9.95 €
40003 - ATB, :
After the Battle 140 Battle for Geilenkirchen
9.95 €
48325 - ATB, :
After the Battle 150 Fromelles - Cefalonia - Sinalunga
9.95 €
48330 - ATB, :
After the Battle 152 Liberation of Rome
9.95 €
49265 - ATB, :
After the Battle 153 Raid on Rommel's HQ
9.95 €
50386 - ATB, :
After the Battle 154 Heligoland
9.95 €
53060 - Cooper, A.:
Air Battle for Arnhem
36.00 €
60453 - Franks, N.:
Air Battle for Dunkirk. 26 May - 3 June 1940
15.00 €
69956 - Degtev-Zubov, D.-D.:
Air Battle for Moscow 1941-1942
45.00 €
54231 - Cooper, A.:
Air Battle of the Ruhr. RAF Offensive March-July 1943
25.00 €
38691 - Murawski, M.J.:
Air Battles 04: Messerschmitt Bf 109 T the Luftwaffe's Naval Fighters
21.00 €
42844 - Szlagor, T.:
Air Battles 11: Lighthnings of the US 12th Army Air Force
21.00 €
43953 - Szlagor, T.:
Air Battles 12: Lighthnings of the US 15th Army Air Force
21.00 €
42553 - Murawski, M.J.:
Air Battles 13: Messerschmitt Bf 109 C/D in the Polish Campaign 1939
21.00 €
65986 - Timin, M.:
Air Battles over the Baltic 1941. The Air War on 22 June 1941 The Battle for Stalin's Baltic Region
69.95 €
63100 - Dildy, D.C.:
Air Campaign 001: Battle of Britain 1940. The Luftwaffe Eagle Attack
27.00 €
63114 - Lardas, M.:
Air Campaign 002: Rabaul 1943-44. Reducing Japan's great island fortress
27.00 €
64036 - Noppen, R.K.:
Air Campaign 004: Malta 1940-42. The Axis air battle for Mediterranean supremacy
27.00 €
64839 - Zaloga, S.J.:
Air Campaign 005: Operation Crossbow 1944. Hunting Hitler's V-Weapons
27.00 €
64841 - Konstam, A.:
Air Campaign 007: Sink the Tirpitz 1942-44. The RAF and Fleet Air Arm duel with Germany's mighty battleship
27.00 €
66592 - Worrall-Turner, R.-G.:
Air Campaign 011: Battle of Berlin 1943-44. Bomber Harris' Gamble to End the War
27.00 €
66519 - Zaloga-Noon, S.J.-S.:
Air Campaign 012: Ploesti 1943. The great raid on Hitler's Romanian oil refineries
27.00 €
67043 - Worrall-Turner, R.-G.:
Air Campaign 017: Italian Blitz 1940-43. Bomber Command's war against Mussolini's cities, docks and factories
27.00 €
68341 - Lardas-Groult, M.-E.A.:
Air Campaign 021: Battle of the Atlantic 1942-45. The climax of World War II's greatest naval campaign
27.00 €
69384 - Worrall-Turner, R.-G.:
Air Campaign 024: Ruhr 1943. the RAF's brutal fight for Germany's industrial hearthland
27.00 €
59386 - Dildy-Turner, D.C.-G.:
Air Campaign 027: 'Big Week' 1944. Operation Argument and the breaking of the Jagdwaffe
27.00 €
70145 - Zaloga-Groult, S.J.-E.A.:
Air Campaign 030: Oil Campaign 1944-45. Draining the Wehmacht's Lifebood
27.00 €
70973 - McKelvey Cleaver-Pulychronis, T.-A.:
Air Campaign 031: Gothic Line 1944-45. The USAAF starves out the German Army
27.00 €
70974 - Lardas-Tooby, M.-A.:
Air Campaign 032: Arctic Convoys 1942. The Luftwaffe cuts Russia's lifeline
27.00 €
29941 - Hiestand-Tooby, W.E.-A.:
Air Campaign 034: Stalingrad Airlift 1942-43. The Luftwaffe's broken promise to Sixth Army
27.00 €
72885 - Lardas-Groult, M.-E.A.:
Air Campaign 040: Tokyo 1944-45. The destruction of Imperial Japan's capital
27.00 €
72887 - Worrall-Bangso, R.-M.:
Air Campaign 044: Hamburg 1940-45. Long war against Germany's great port city
27.00 €
73207 - Davies, P.E.:
Air Campaign 046: Chrome Dome 1960-68. The B-52s' high-stakes Cold War nuclear operation
27.00 €
73208 - Hiestand, W.E.:
Air Campaign 047: Operation Barbarossa 1941. The Luftwaffe opens the Eastern Front campaign
27.00 €
73209 - Di Martino-Battistelli, B.-P.P.:
Air Campaign 048: Yugoslavia and Greece 1940-41. The Axis' aerial assault in the Balkans
27.00 €
73210 - Konstam, A.:
Air Campaign 049: Sumatra 1944-45. The British Pacific Fleet's oil campaign in the Dutch East Indies
27.00 €
73211 - Young, E.M.:
Air Campaign 050: Philippines 1944. Third Fleet's first victory over Japanese land-based airpower
27.00 €
39568 - Thompson-Smith, J.S.- P.C.:
Air Combat Manoeuvers. The Technique and History of Air Fighting
27.00 €
41978 - Cooper, A.:
Air Gunner. The Men Who Manned the Turrets
39.95 €
15189 - Bender, J.:
Air organization of the Third Reich: the Luftwaffe
49.95 €
46702 - Sutherland-Canwell, J.-D.:
Air Sea Rescue Service 1918-1986 (The)
25.00 €
34583 - Overy, R.J.:
Air War 1939-1945 (The)
30.00 €
15194 - Jackson, R.:
Air War at night
39.00 €
52249 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Assaults from the Sky
39.95 €
54229 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Bloody Beaches
36.00 €
54660 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Gold Juno Sword
36.00 €
53400 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. The Build Up
39.95 €
54228 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War D-Day. Winged Pegasus and the Rangers
36.00 €
41985 - Sutherland-Canwell, J.-D.:
Air War East Africa 1940-1941. The RAF versus Italian Forces
36.00 €
54233 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 1. The Build Up to the Beginning
39.95 €
54234 - Bowman, M.W.:
Air War Market Garden Vol 2. So Near and Yet So Far
39.95 €
57999 - Townshend Bickers, R.:
Air War Normandy
25.00 €
45733 - Canwell-Sutherland, D.-J.:
Air War over the Nore. Defending England's North Sea Coast in WWII
36.00 €
39418 - Smith, P.J.C.:
Air-Launched Doodlebugs. Hitler's V1 Missiles and 111/Kampfgeschwader 3 and 53
36.00 €
15203 - Holmes, T.:
Aircraft of aces. Legends of WWII
35.00 €
19463 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 001: P-51 Mustang Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
21498 - Tillman-Davey, B.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 003: Wildcat Aces of World War II
27.00 €
18421 - Price-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 005: Late Mark Spitfire Aces 1942-45
27.00 €
17310 - Chappell, M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 006: Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Aces of the Russian Front
27.00 €
19053 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 007: Mustang Aces of the Ninth and Fifteenth Air Forces and the RAF
27.00 €
16413 - Styling-Styling, M.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 008: Corsair Aces of World War II
27.00 €
17311 - Weal, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 009: Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Aces of the Western Front
27.00 €
17908 - Tillman-Styling, B.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 010: Hellcat Aces of World War II
27.00 €
15816 - Weal, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 011: Bf 109D/E Aces 1939-41
27.00 €
20457 - Price-Fretwell, A.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 012: Spitfire Mark I/II Aces 1939-41
27.00 €
18260 - Sakaida-Race, H.-G.:
Aircraft of the Aces 013: Japanese Army Air Force Aces 1937-45
27.00 €
18503 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 014: P-38 Lightning Aces of the Pacific and CBI
27.00 €
20390 - Morgan-Weal, H.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 015: Soviet Aces of World War II
27.00 €
20458 - Price-Fretwell, A.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 016: Spitfire Mark V Aces 1941-45
27.00 €
17442 - Morgan-Weal, H.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 017: German Jet Aces of World War II
27.00 €
17997 - Holmes-Fretwell, T.-K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 018: Hurricane Aces 1939-40
27.00 €
18502 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 019: P-38 Lightning Aces of the ETO/MTO
27.00 €
17464 - Scutts-Weal, J.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 020: German Night Fighter Aces of World War II
27.00 €
19700 - Gretzyngier, R.:
Aircraft of the Aces 021: Polish Aces of World War II
27.00 €
18261 - Sakaida-Tullis, H.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 022: Imperial Japanese Navy Aces 1937-45
27.00 €
17114 - Stenman-Styling, K.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 023: Finnish Aces of World War II
27.00 €
19461 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 024: P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
18837 - Weal, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 025: Messerschmitt Bf 110 Zerstoerer Aces of World War II
27.00 €
20875 - Stanaway-Tullis, J.-T.:
Aircraft of the Aces 026: Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces of the Pacific and CBI
27.00 €
20984 - Thomas-Davey, C.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 027: Typhoon and Tempest Aces of World War II
27.00 €
17258 - Ketley-Rolfe, B.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 028: French Aces of World War II
27.00 €
15819 - Weal, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 029: Bf 109 F/G/K Aces on the Western Front
27.00 €
20876 - Scutts-Davey, J.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 030: P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Ninth and Fifteenth Air Forces
27.00 €
18548 - O'Leary, M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 031: Long Reach. VIII Fighter Command at War (Special edit.)
27.00 €
18210 - Apostolo-Caruana, G.-R.:
Aircraft of the Aces 034: Italian Aces of World War II
27.00 €
19458 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 035: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the CBI
27.00 €
19454 - Stanaway-Laurier, J.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 036: P-39 Airacobra Aces of World War II
27.00 €
15818 - Weal-Wyllie, J.-I.:
Aircraft of the Aces 037: Bf 109 Aces of the Russian Front
27.00 €
20909 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 038: Tomahawk and Kittyhawk Aces of the RAF and Commonwealth
27.00 €
15333 - Clements-Laurier, T.J-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 041: American Volunteer Group Colours and Markings
27.00 €
21603 - Thomas-Weal, A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 044: Gloster Gladiator Aces
27.00 €
23384 - Ciglic-Weal, B.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 049: Croatian Aces of World War II
27.00 €
23408 - Punka-Boshniakov, G.-S.:
Aircraft of the Aces 050: Hungarian Aces of World War II
27.00 €
25818 - Bernad-Weal, D.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 054: Rumanian Aces of World War II
27.00 €
25786 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 055: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
26981 - Mellinger-Laurier, G.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 056: LaGG and Lavochkin Aces of World War II
27.00 €
26787 - Holmes-Davey, T.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 061: 'Twelve to One' V Fighter Command Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
30576 - Mellinger-Laurier, G.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 064: Yakovlev Aces of World War II
27.00 €
30589 - Thomas-Weal, A.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 065: Beaufighter Aces of World War II
27.00 €
32067 - Weal, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 068: Bf 109 Defence of the Reich Aces
27.00 €
32063 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 069: Mosquito Aces of World War II
27.00 €
35895 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 075: Royal Navy Aces of World War II
27.00 €
35896 - Weal-Postlethwaite, M.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 076: More Bf 109 Aces of the Russian Front
27.00 €
37157 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 080: American Spitfire Aces of World War II
27.00 €
38021 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 081: Griffon Spitfire Aces
27.00 €
33149 - Nichols, S.:
Aircraft of the Aces 083: Malta Spitfire Aces
27.00 €
33150 - Thompson, W.:
Aircraft of the Aces 084: American Nightfighter Aces of World War II
27.00 €
40722 - Ichimura, H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 085: Ki-43 Oscar Aces of World War II
27.00 €
40723 - Persyn, L.:
Aircraft of the Aces 086: P-36 Hawk Aces of World War II
27.00 €
40724 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 087: Spitfire Aces of Burma and the Pacific
27.00 €
42940 - Gustavsson, H.:
Aircraft of the Aces 090: Fiat Cr.42 Aces of World War II
27.00 €
44581 - Stenman, K.:
Aircraft of the Aces 091: Brewster F2A Buffalo Aces of World War II
27.00 €
46428 - Weal, J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 092: Fw 190 Defence of the Reich Aces
27.00 €
44582 - Thomas, A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 093: RAF Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces
27.00 €
44584 - Maslov, M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 095: Polikarpov I-15, I-16 and I-153 Aces
27.00 €
49405 - Millman-Olshoorn, N.-R.:
Aircraft of the Aces 100: Ki-44 'Tojo' Aces of World War II
27.00 €
49406 - Forsyth-Laurier, R.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 101: Luftwaffe Viermot Aces 1942-45
27.00 €
50841 - Millman-Olsthoorn, N.-R.:
Aircraft of the Aces 103: Ki-27 'Nate' Aces
27.00 €
50843 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 105: Defiant, Blenheim and Havoc Aces
27.00 €
52342 - Rybin-Rusinov, Y.-A.:
Aircraft of the Aces 107: Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War II
27.00 €
52343 - Blake-Davey, S.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 108: P-38 Lightning Aces of the 82nd Fighter Group
27.00 €
52344 - Young-Styling, E.M.-M.:
Aircraft of the Aces 109: American Aces Against the Kamikaze
27.00 €
54543 - Thomas-Davey, A.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 113: V1 Flying Bomb Aces
27.00 €
54544 - McKelvey Cleaver-Davey, T.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 115: Aces of the 78th Fighter Group
27.00 €
54545 - Weal-Weal, J.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 116: Aces of Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet'
27.00 €
55429 - Ivie-Davey, T.-C.:
Aircraft of the Aces 117: Aces of the 325th Fighter Group
27.00 €
55430 - Young-Laurier, E.M.-J.:
Aircraft of the Aces 119: F6F Hellcat Aces of VF-9
27.00 €
58724 - Matusiak, W.:
Aircraft of the Aces 127: Polish Spitfire Aces
27.00 €
64842 - Millman, N.:
Aircraft of the Aces 137: A6M Zero-sen Aces 1940-43
27.00 €
15205 - Barbas, B.:
Aircraft of the Luftwaffe Fighter Aces I
65.00 €
15206 - Barbas, B.:
Aircraft of the Luftwaffe Fighter Aces II
65.00 €
30282 - Price, A.:
Aircraft versus Submarine in Two World Wars
36.00 €
42570 - Wotherspoon-Clark-Sheldon, N.-A.-M.:
Aircraft Wrecks. A Walker's Guide. Historic Crash Sites on the Moors and Mountains of the British Isles
39.95 €
42575 - Jacobs, P.:
Airfields of the D-Day Invasion Air Force. 2nd Tactical Air Force in South-East England in WWII
25.00 €
25302 - Gooderson, I.:
Airpower at the Battlefront. Allied Close Air Support in Europe 1943-45
55.00 €
26302 - Griehl, M.:
Airwar over the Atlantic - Luftwaffe At War 21
17.00 €
26224 - Heilmann, W.:
Alert in the West. A Luftwaffe Pilot on the Western Front
18.00 €
43099 - Morison, S.E.:
Aleutians, Gilberts and Marshalls. June 1942-April 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 7
29.95 €
36045 - Pagani, F.:
Ali d'aquila. Duelli aerei nei cieli d'Europa 1936-1943
17.00 €
43617 - Childers, T.:
Ali del mattino. L'ultimo bombardiere americano abbattuto sulla Germania 21 aprile 1945 (Le)
20.00 €
55742 - Ferrara, O.:
Ali infrante. Storie dimenticate della Regia Aeronautica
15.00 €
15247 - Lazzati, G.:
Ali nella tragedia
10.00 €
69365 - Alberti-Merli, A.-L.:
Ali stellate sul Lazio. Il Lazio nel mirino dlela 12th Air Force dell'USAAF
19.00 €
39314 - D'Aronco, M.:
Ali sull'alto Friuli. Bombardamenti aerei Alleati
26.00 €
28184 - Spick, M.:
Allied Fighter Aces. The Air Combat Tactics and Techniques of World War II
33.00 €
40416 - Witkowski, R.:
Allied Rotorcraft of the WW2 period
23.50 €
15340 - Dean, F.:
America's hundred thousands: US production fighters of WWII
75.00 €
23509 - Hess, W.:
America's Top WWII Aces
27.00 €
24396 - Freeman, R.:
American Eagles 3 - P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the 8th Air Force
29.95 €
39583 - Ducellier, D.:
Amiens Raid. Secrets Revealed (The)
36.00 €
32164 - Kassak, P.:
An ordinary Day in 1945. The War in the Air, 2nd March 1945
18.00 €
66305 - Bianchi-Pellicciari, G.-G.:
Angelo Vezzani. Gregario del Maggiore Visconti
22.00 €
53968 - Marck, B.:
Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Il pilota scrittore
28.00 €
30648 - Irving, D.:
Apocalisse 1945. La distruzione di Dresda
35.00 €
32145 - Walker, S.:
Appuntamento a Hiroshima
18.00 €
46118 - Macchione, P.:
Aprile 1944. Varese sotto le bombe
16.00 €
42134 - Fusco di Ravello, A.:
Aquila disubbidiente. Storia di Alfredo Fusco Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Militare alla memoria (L')
10.00 €
48897 - Montano, M.:
Aquile nella Bufera
15.00 €
38996 - Munzi, U.:
Aquiloni non volano piu'. Storia del pilota che rubo' l'aereo al Duce (Gli)
17.00 €
22309 - Griehl, M.:
Arado Ar 234 (Luftwaffe Profile nr 15)
21.00 €
15424 - Kranzhoff, J.:
Arado: history of an aircraft company
45.00 €
52469 - Luppi, L.:
Arciere alato. Dal 1. Stormo C.T. alla 1. B.A. O.S. Storia della prima unita' da caccia dell'Aeronautica Militare Italiana (L')
35.00 €
65931 - Guillemot, P.:
Ardennes 1944. De Nuages et de Feu. Guerre aerienne sur les Ardennes d'Anvers a Bodenplatte
35.00 €
45855 - Gleed, I.:
Arise to Conquer
13.00 €
53798 - Nesbit, R.C.:
Armed Rovers. Beauforts and Beaufighters Over the Mediterranean (The)
36.00 €
35787 - Facon, P.:
Armee de l'Air dans la tourmente. La bataille de France 1939-1940 (L')
25.00 €
35788 - Facon, P.:
Armee de l'Air de la victoire 1942-1945 (L')
25.00 €
23640 - D'Abzac Epezy, C.:
Armee de l'Air des annees noires. Vichy 1940-1944 (L')
36.00 €
44424 - AAVV, :
Arsenale militare marittimo della Spezia 1945-1950 (L')
32.00 €
46849 - Sims, E.H.:
Assi Americani raccontano
25.00 €
56969 - Gustavsson-Slongo, H.-L.:
Assi del Fiat CR.42 della seconda guerra mondiale (Gli)
20.00 €
48995 - Sims, E.H.:
Assi della RAF raccontano (Gli)
20.00 €
51165 - Massimello-Apostolo, G.-G.:
Assi italiani della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Gli)
12.00 €
48264 - Rudel, H.U.:
Asso degli Stuka (L')
25.00 €
51258 - Flaccovio, S.:
Asso dei Falchi (Un)
20.00 €
52120 - von Forell, F.:
Asso di Picche. La storia di Werner Moelders del JG51 'Pik As'
28.00 €
15595 - Stanaway, J.:
Attack and Conquer. The 8th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
15597 - Glines, C.:
Attack on Yamamoto
27.00 €
26521 - Mattesini, A.:
Attivita' aerea italo-tedesca nel Mediterraneo. Il contributo del X Fliegerkorps gennaio-maggio 1941
25.00 €
27955 - Bradley-Ketley-Wadman, J.-B.-D.:
Aufklaerer und Aufklaerungsverbaende der deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945
25.00 €
48932 - Paloque, G.:
Aviation Alliee en Europe de l'Ouest. 1944-1945: 9th US Air Force - 2nd Tactical Air Force
36.00 €
18240 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 001: Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen
27.00 €
15080 - Freeman, R.A.:
Aviation Elite Units 002: 56th Fighter Group
27.00 €
19228 - Hall, P.:
Aviation Elite Units 003: No. 91 Nigeria Sqn
27.00 €
18466 - Stenman-Keskinen, K.-K.:
Aviation Elite Units 004: Lentolaivue 94
27.00 €
21608 - Takaki -Sakaida, K.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 005: B-29 Hunters of the JAAF
27.00 €
21607 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 006: Jagdgeschwader 54 Gruenherz
27.00 €
21581 - Hess, W.N.:
Aviation Elite Units 007: 354th Fighter Group
27.00 €
22502 - Ivie-Tullis, T.G.-T.:
Aviation Elite Units 008: 352nd Fighter Group
27.00 €
23420 - Saunders-Davey, A.-C.:
Aviation Elite Units 009: No 43 Squadron
27.00 €
23438 - Smith, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 010: 359th Fighter Group
27.00 €
25511 - O Neill-Styling, B.-M.:
Aviation Elite Units 011: 303 Bombardment Group
27.00 €
25699 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 012: Jagdgeschwader 27 'Afrika'
27.00 €
27028 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 013: Luftwaffe Schlachtgruppen
27.00 €
29895 - Hess-Davey, W.N.-C.:
Aviation Elite Units 014: 49th Fighter Group. Aces of the Pacific
27.00 €
29928 - Weal-Weal, J.-J.:
Aviation Elite Units 015: Jagdgeschwader 52. The Experten
27.00 €
30592 - Van Wyngarden-Dempsey, G.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 019: Jagdgeschwader Nr II Geschwader 'Berthold'
27.00 €
32068 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 020: Luftwaffe Sturmgruppen
27.00 €
34743 - Molesworth, C.:
Aviation Elite Units 021: Very Long Range P-51 Mustang Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
34744 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 022: Jagdgeschwader 51 'Moelders'
27.00 €
35899 - Stanaway-Davey, J.-C.:
Aviation Elite Units 023: 475th Fighter Group
27.00 €
35900 - Bucholtz-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aviation Elite Units 024: 332nd Fighter Group - Tuskegee Airmen
27.00 €
37782 - Weal, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 025: Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik-As'
27.00 €
38023 - Forsyth-Laurier, R.-J.:
Aviation Elite Units 027: Jagdverband 44. Squadron of Experten
27.00 €
38024 - Guttman-Dempsey, J.-H.:
Aviation Elite Units 028: USAS 1st Pursuit Group
27.00 €
33151 - Forsyth, R.:
Aviation Elite Units 029: Jagdgeschwader 7 'Nowotny'
27.00 €
40727 - Molesworth, C.:
Aviation Elite Units 031: 23rd Fighter Group. Chennault's Sharks
27.00 €
40728 - Stanaway, J.:
Aviation Elite Units 032: 479th Fighter Group. Riddle's Raiders
27.00 €
42942 - Bateman, A.:
Aviation Elite Units 034: No 617 'Dambusters' Squadron
27.00 €
44585 - Nijboer, D.:
Aviation Elite Units 035: No 126 Wing RCAF
27.00 €
44586 - Tillman, B.:
Aviation Elite Units 036: VF-11/111 'Sundowners' 1943-95
27.00 €
46430 - Ransom-Laurier, S.-J.:
Aviation Elite Units 037: Jagdgeschwader 400
27.00 €
46431 - Mattioli-Caruana, M.-R.:
Aviation Elite Units 038: 53. Stormo
27.00 €
47706 - Molesworth-Laurier, C.-J.:
Aviation Elite Units 039: 57th Fighter Group. First in the Blue
27.00 €
42100 - Cony-Ledet, C.-M.:
Aviation francaise en Indochine 1910-1945 - Histoire de l'Aviation 21 (L')
80.00 €
28319 - Pagliano, F.:
Aviatori Italiani 1940-1945
17.50 €
28179 - Bowman, M.W.:
B-17 Groups of the 8th Air Force in Focus
33.00 €
34589 - Feuer, A.B.:
B-24 in China. General Chennault's Secret Weapon in WWII (The)
21.00 €
34231 - Hill-Beitling, M.D.-R.:
B-24 Liberators of the 15th Air Force/49th Bomb Wing in World War II
75.00 €
34856 - Alberti-Merli-Merli, A.-S.-L.:
Baa Baa Black Sheep! - Tuskegee Airmen
16.00 €
40094 - Frayn Turner, J.:
Bader Wing (The)
36.00 €
34318 - Christopher, J.:
Balloons at War. Gasbags, Flying Bombs and Cold War Secrets
36.00 €
47429 - Stenge, C.B.:
Baptism of Fire. The First Combat Experiences of the Royal Hungarian Air Force and Slovak Air Force, March 1939
39.95 €
28541 - Kopanski, T.:
Barbarossa Victims. Luftwaffe Kills in the East
22.50 €
56041 - Roba-Cornil, J.L.-P.:
Batailles Aeriennes HS 01: Le debarquement. Les combats aeriens de Juin 1944
21.00 €
50409 - Martelli, A.:
Battaglia d'Inghilterra (La)
14.00 €
43846 - Watkins, R.A.:
Battle Colors Vol IV: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the US Army Air Force in WWII. European, African, Middle Eastern Theater of Operations
59.95 €
41101 - Spencer , J.H.:
Battle for Crete
36.00 €
22231 - Conyers Nesbit, R.:
Battle of Britain (The)
45.00 €
44596 - Moore, K.:
Battle of Britain (The)
17.50 €
46704 - Turner, J.F.:
Battle of Britain (The)
25.00 €
57976 - Saunders, A.:
Battle of Britain RAF Operational Manual. July to October 1940
39.95 €
25285 - Cox, S. (ed.):
Battle of Britain. Air Defence of Great Britain Vol II (The)
49.95 €
45123 - Bowyer, M.J.F.:
Battle of Britain. Fight for Survive in 1940
19.95 €
31596 - AAVV, :
Battle of Britain. The Fight for the Sky DVD
18.00 €
41665 - Holmes, R.:
Battle of Heligoland Bight 1939. Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe's Baptism of Fire
29.95 €
38245 - Jackson, R.:
Battle of the Baltic. The Wars 1918-1945
36.00 €
31376 - AAVV, :
Battlefield: Arnhem. Operation Market Garden DVD
18.00 €
42437 - Williams, P.:
Battleground Mediterranean - Malta. Island Under Siege
25.00 €
35329 - Boiten-Bowman, T.-M.:
Battles with the Nachtjagd.The Night Airwar over Europe 1939-1945
75.00 €
40684 - Stevens, S.:
Beaufighter Over The Balkans. From the Balkans Air Force to the Berlin Airlift
25.00 €
34252 - Parry, S.:
Beaufighter Squadrons in Focus
33.00 €
49612 - Thomas, N.:
Ben Bennions DFC. Battle of Britain Fighter Ace
36.00 €
57418 - Hartwig, Q.L.:
Bendix Field. The History of an Airport and Legendary Pilot Homer Stockert
27.00 €
46774 - Middlebrook, B.:
Berlin Raids. The Bomber Battle, Winter 1943-1944 (The)
39.95 €
15814 - McLaren, D.:
Beware the Thunderbolt! The 56th Fighter Group in WWII
49.95 €
38353 - Werneth, R.:
Beyond Pearl Harbor. The Untold Stories of Japan's Naval Airmen
75.00 €
54238 - Cooper, A.W.:
Beyond the Dams to the Tirpitz. The Later Operations of 617 Squadron
25.00 €
40086 - Caygill, P.:
Biggin Hill Wing 1941. From Defence to Attack (The)
36.00 €
38650 - Drake, B.:
Billy Drake, Fighter Leader. The Autobiography of Group Captain B.Drake DSO, DFC and US DFC
33.00 €
53869 - Smith, W.S.:
Birth of the Black Panthers
22.50 €
15947 - Knott, R.:
Black Night for Bomber Command. The Tragedy of 16 December 1943
36.00 €
15840 - Hill, M.:
Black Sunday: Ploesti!
59.95 €
48978 - Boiten, T.:
Blenheim Strike. Blenheim Operations over Holland in WWII
39.95 €
72660 - Fitzgibbon, C.:
Blitz sull'Inghilterra e gli attacchi aerei della Luftwaffe contro Londra (Il)
24.00 €
22317 - Myhra, D.:
Blohm und Voss Bv 141
17.00 €
54019 - Brew, S.:
Blood, Sweat and Valour: 41 Squadron RAF 1942-1945
55.00 €
33657 - Goss, C.:
Bloody Biscay. The History of V Gruppe/Kampfgeschwader 40
17.50 €
38651 - AAVV, :
Bloody Shambles. First Comprehensive Account of Air Operations Over South-East Asia, December 1941 - April 1942 Vol 1
55.00 €
49654 - Veronico, N.S.:
Bloody Skies. US Eighth Air Force Battle Damage in World War II
33.00 €
72217 - Cerda-Gil Martinez, J.A.-E.M.:
Blue Squadrons. The Spanish in the Luftwaffe 1941-1944
45.00 €
47319 - Manrho-Puetz, J.-R.:
Bodenplatte. The Luftwaffe's Last Hope
29.95 €
51491 - Labanca, N. cur:
Bombardamenti aerei sull'Italia (I)
26.00 €
57526 - Gentiloni, U.:
Bombardare Auschwitz. Perche' si poteva fare, perche' non e' stato fatto
17.00 €
35755 - Gentiloni Silveri-Carli, U.-M.:
Bombardare Roma. Gli Alleati e la 'citta' aperta' (1940-1944)
25.00 €
67889 - Alberti-Merli, A.-L.:
Bombe sulla Linea Gustav. Le operazioni della Twelfth Air Force sull'Italia
15.00 €
33849 - von Leesen, H.J.:
Bombenterror. Der Luftkrieg ueber Deutschland
29.00 €
42112 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Bases of WWII. 3rd Air Division, 8th Air Force USAF 1942-1945
25.00 €
38172 - Rolfe, M.:
Bomber Boys. Dramatic and true-life experiences over occupied Europe 1942-45
18.00 €
38310 - Delve, K.:
Bomber Command 1936-1968 an Operational and Historical Record
36.00 €
54668 - Thorburn, G.:
Bomber Command 1939-1940
36.00 €
52659 - Stubbington, J.:
Bomber Command : Kept in the Dark
45.00 €
15890 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 1: 1939-40 2nd Ed.
33.00 €
15891 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 2: 1941
24.00 €
15894 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 5: 1944
40.00 €
15895 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 6: 1945
27.00 €
26679 - Chorley, W.L.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 7: OTUs 1940-47
35.00 €
28321 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 8: Heavy Conversion Units and Miscellaneous Units, 1939-1947
29.95 €
38195 - Chorley, W.R.:
Bomber Command Losses Vol 9: Roll of Honour, 1939-1947
36.00 €
49616 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 1. Cover of Darkness: Retaliation 1939-1941
39.95 €
51227 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 2: Live to Die Another Day. June 1942 - Summer 1943
39.95 €
51363 - Bowman, M.W.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 3: Battleground Berlin. July 1943 - March 1944
39.95 €
52581 - Bowman, M.V.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 4: Battles with the Nachtjagd. 30/31 March - September 1944
39.95 €
52677 - Bowman, M.V.:
Bomber Command. Reflections of War Vol 5: Armageddon 27 September 1944-May 1945
39.95 €
70003 - Hastings, M.:
Bomber Command. The Strategic Offensive 1939-45
21.00 €
22455 - Bowyer, C.:
Bomber group at War
35.00 €
22243 - Probert, H.:
Bomber Harris. His Life and Times
45.00 €
60369 - Gladwell, M.:
Bomber mafia. Gli scienziati, i generali e i piloti che volevano cambiare le sorti della seconda guerra mondial
20.00 €
38428 - Reshetnikov, V.:
Bomber Pilot on the Eastern Front. 307 Missions Behind Enemy Lines
36.00 €
38160 - De Zeng-Stankey, H.L.-D.G.:
Bomber Units of the Luftwaffe 1933-1945. A Reference Source Vol 1
65.00 €
15899 - Neillands, R.:
Bomber War. Arthur Harris and the Allied Bomber Offensive 1939-1945 (The)
45.00 €
31608 - AAVV, :
Bombers of WWII DVD
18.00 €
53731 - Cooper, A.:
Bombers over Berlin. The RAF Offensive November 1943 - March 1944
27.00 €
49607 - Granfield, A.:
Bombers over Sand and Snow. 205 Group RAF in WWII
45.00 €
63387 - Rivas, S.:
Brazilians at war. Brazilian Aviation in Second World War - Latin America@War 04
29.95 €
50292 - Prudhomme-Jouineau, A.-A.:
Breguet 693. Le 'lion' de l'aviation d'assaut
29.95 €
36444 - Bennett Robertson, G.:
Bringing the Thunder. The Missions of a WWII B-29 Pilot in the Pacific
27.00 €
41949 - AAVV, :
Britain 1940. The RAF Fights a Desperate Battle Against the Luftwaffe
36.00 €
30712 - Mackay, R.:
Britain's Fleet Air Arm in World War II
75.00 €
35328 - Franks, N.:
British and Commonwealth Aces of World War II. The Pictorial Record
75.00 €
59734 - Allen, H.R.:
British Bombing Policy During the Second World War
36.00 €
36396 - AAVV, :
British Fighter Aircraft of WWII 3 DVD
39.00 €
45845 - Ince, D.:
Brotherhood of the Skies. Wartime Experiences of a Gunnery Officer and Typhoon Pilot David Ince DFC
33.00 €
19772 - Gatti, D.:
Bruno Alessandrini. Il moschettiere dei 'Diavoli Rossi'
15.00 €
49211 - Costa, C.:
Cacciatore del cielo. Luigi Gorrini (Il) DVD
29.95 €
37274 - Saggiomo, C.:
Cacciatori del Vesuvio. Trenta eroici piloti a difesa del cielo di Napoli contro cinquecento aerei anglo-americani
10.00 €
22533 - Zaloga-Gerrard, S.J.-H.:
Campaign 104: D-Day 1944 (2) Utah Beach and US Airborne Landings
27.00 €
29230 - Hendrie, A.:
Canadian Squadrons in Coastal Command
45.00 €
16127 - AAVV, :
Carrier Air Group 86
59.95 €
16128 - Lawson, R.:
Carrier Air Group Commanders. The men and their machines
59.95 €
43310 - Brown, J.D.:
Carrier Operations in WWII
59.95 €
53727 - French, J.:
Catalina over Arctic Oceans. Anti-Submarine and Rescue Flying in World War II
36.00 €
67218 - Fiegel-Hamady, S.-T.:
Champions of Flight. Clayton Knight and William Heaslip Artists who chronicled aviation from the Great War to Victory in WWII
59.95 €
54808 - Paloque, G.:
Chasseurs de la 8th Air Force - Histoires Aeriennes (Les)
29.95 €
16215 - Glines, C.:
Chennault's forgotten warriors. The Saga of the 308th Bomb Group in China
39.95 €
54185 - Stiaccini-Caffarena, C.-F.:
Chi vola vale. L'immagine della Regia Aeronautica nell'Archivio del Generale Cagna
45.00 €
53691 - Orange, V.:
Churchill and his Airmen. Relationships, Intrigue and Policy Making 1914-1945
33.00 €
52822 - Benat, A.:
Cinquante Avions Celebres
29.95 €
51006 - Sage, E.H.:
Clay Pigeons. A B-17 Pilot's Story of World War II (The)
45.00 €
36449 - Feuer, A.B.:
Coast Watching in WWII. Operations against the Japanese on the Solomon Islands, 1941-43
21.00 €
45853 - Bird, A.D.:
Coastal Dawn. Blenheims in Action from the Phoney War Through the Battle of Britain
33.00 €
52328 - Eichelbaum, H.:
Colpo su colpo. La Luftwaffe in Polonia: un rapporto fotografico. Libro+DVD
25.00 €
18284 - Weal-Chappell, J.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 001: Junkers Ju 87 Stukageschwader 1937-41
27.00 €
15654 - Scutts-Tullis, J.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 002: B-26 Marauder Units of the Eighth and Ninth Air Forces
27.00 €
18996 - Bowman-Davey, M.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 004: Mosquito Bomber/Fighter-Bomber Units 1942-45
27.00 €
15844 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 005: Blenheim Squadrons of World War II
27.00 €
18290 - Weal, J.:
Combat Aircraft 006: Junkers Ju 87 Stukageschwader of North Africa and the Mediterranean
27.00 €
15841 - Thompson-Styling, W.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 008: P-61 Black Widow Units of World War II
27.00 €
18997 - Bowman-Davey, M.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 009: Mosquito Fighter/Fighter-Bomber Units of World War II
27.00 €
20173 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 010: SBD Dauntless Units of World War II
27.00 €
15670 - Dorr-Rolfe, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 011: B-24 Liberator Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
17856 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 014: Halifax Squadrons of World War II
27.00 €
15667 - Dorr-Rolfe, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 015: B-24 Liberator Units of the Eighth Air Force
27.00 €
20807 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 016: TBF/TBM Avenger Units of World War II
27.00 €
18285 - Weal, J.:
Combat Aircraft 017: Ju 88 Kampfgeschwader on the Western Front
27.00 €
15660 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 018: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Eighth Air Force (Part 1)
27.00 €
20804 - Tillman-Tullis, B.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 020: TBD Devastator Units of the US Navy
27.00 €
15668 - Dorr-Rolfe, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 021: B-24 Liberator Units of the Fifteenth Air Force
27.00 €
18947 - Tagaya-Styling, O.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 022: Mitsubishi Type 1 Rikko Betty Units of World War II
27.00 €
22568 - Lake-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 031: Lancaster Squadrons 1942-43
27.00 €
22511 - Pace-Laurier, S.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 032: B-25 Mitchell Units of the MTO
27.00 €
22512 - Dorr-Styling, R.F.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 033: B-29 Superfortress Units of World War II
27.00 €
22591 - Carey-Tullis, A.C.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 034: PV Ventura/Harpoon Units of World War II
27.00 €
25977 - Hess-Styling, W.N.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 038: B-17 Flying Fortress of the MTO
27.00 €
25396 - Bowman-Styling, M.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 039: B-17 Flying Fortress Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
27006 - Scutts-Laurier, J.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 040: PBJ Mitchell Units of the Pacific War
27.00 €
30571 - Isby-Davey, D.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 054: C-47/R4D Units of the ETO and MTO
27.00 €
37748 - Dorny, L.B.:
Combat Aircraft 062: US Navy PBY Catalina Units of World War II Pacific War
27.00 €
33163 - Weal, J.:
Combat Aircraft 074: Junkers Ju 87 Stukageschwader of the Russian Front
27.00 €
33167 - Weal, J.:
Combat Aircraft 075: Junkers Ju 88 Kampfgeschwader in North Africa and the Mediterranean
27.00 €
46432 - Weal, J.:
Combat Aircraft 079: Junkers Ju 88 Kampfgeschwader on the Russian Front
27.00 €
42952 - Scutts, J.:
Combat Aircraft 082: A-26 Invader Units of World War 2
27.00 €
52362 - Forsyth-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 083: Me 262 Bomber and Reconnaissance Units
27.00 €
46434 - Thomas-Thomas, C.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 086: Typhoon Wings of 2nd TAF 1943-45
27.00 €
47709 - Young-Styling, E.-M.:
Combat Aircraft 087: B-24 Liberator Units of the CBI
27.00 €
50856 - Weal-Weal, J.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 091: He 111 Kampfgeschwader in the West
27.00 €
50857 - Bernstein-Davey, J.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 092: P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the Twelfth Air Force
27.00 €
53583 - Khazanov-Yurgenson-Medved, D.-A.-A.:
Combat Aircraft 096: Pe-2 Guards Units of World War 2
27.00 €
54559 - Weal-Weal, J.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 100: He 111 Kampfgeschwader on the Russian Front
27.00 €
56884 - Mattioli-Caruana, M.-R.:
Combat Aircraft 106: Savoia-Marchetti S.79 Sparviero Torpedo-Bomber Units
27.00 €
57372 - de Jong-Davey, P.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 110: Dornier Do 24 Units
27.00 €
58731 - Forsyth, R.:
Combat Aircraft 112: Luftwaffe Mistel Composite Bomber Units
27.00 €
58734 - Goss, C.:
Combat Aircraft 115: Fw 200 Condor Units of World War 2
27.00 €
58730 - Thomas, C.:
Combat Aircraft 117: Tempest Squadrons of the RAF
27.00 €
58729 - Forsyth, R.:
Combat Aircraft 118: He 162 Volksjaeger Units
27.00 €
61774 - Chambers, M.:
Combat Aircraft 119: Nakajima B5N 'Kate' and B6N 'Jill' Units
27.00 €
61775 - Forsyth, R.:
Combat Aircraft 120: Ju 52/3m Bomber and Transport Units 1936-41
27.00 €
63087 - Mattioli-Caruana, M.-R.:
Combat Aircraft 122: Savoia-Marchetti S.79 Sparviero Bomber Units
27.00 €
64843 - Forsyth, R.:
Combat Aircraft 123: Heinkel He 177 Units of World War 2
27.00 €
64051 - Falconer, J.:
Combat Aircraft 124: Short Stirling Units of World War 2
27.00 €
64844 - Young, E.M.:
Combat Aircraft 126: B-25 Mitchell Units of the CBI
27.00 €
66521 - Goss-Davey, C.-C.:
Combat Aircraft 129: Dornier Do 17 Units of World War 2
27.00 €
66523 - Forsyth-Laurier, R.-J.:
Combat Aircraft 131: Me 210/410 Zerstoerer Units
27.00 €
15254 - Napier, M.:
Combat Aircraft 133: Vickers Wellington Units of Bomber Command
27.00 €
15427 - Forsyth-Beale, R.-N.:
Combat Aircraft 134: Arado Ar 234 Bomber and Reconnaissance Units
27.00 €
68338 - de Jong, P.:
Combat Aircraft 136: Arado Ar 196 Units in Combat
27.00 €
69387 - Goss, C.:
Combat Aircraft 139: Dornier Do 217 Units of World War 2
27.00 €
69388 - Chambers-Holmes, M.-T.:
Combat Aircraft 140: Yokosuka D4Y Judy' Units
27.00 €
70163 - Mattioli-Hector, M.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 145: Macchi C.202/C.205V Units in Combat
27.00 €
70164 - Forsyth-Hector, R.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 146: Junkers Ju 188 Units of World War 2
27.00 €
71469 - Eleftheriou-Laurier-Hector, G.-J.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 148: Nakajima Ki-49 Helen Units
27.00 €
71470 - Lowe-Laurier-Hector, M.V.-J.-G.:
Combat Aircraft 149: Bf 109 Jabo Units in the West
27.00 €
73213 - Streetly, M.:
Combat Aircraft 154: Wilde Sau Nightfighters.
27.00 €
63319 - Goss, C.:
Combat Over the Mediterranean - Air War Archive
25.00 €
36214 - Stava, R.:
Combat Recon. 5th Air Force Images from the SW Pacific 1943-45
49.95 €
38484 - Costa-Ojetti, S.-P.:
Come foglie al vento. Storie di guerra e di piloti
17.50 €
71411 - Staid, M.:
Come un sottile strato di nubi
12.00 €
22355 - Dwyer, J.:
Commandos from the Sea. The history of amphibious special warfare in WWII and the Korean war
36.00 €
46222 - Bianchi, G.:
Con l'ala tesa a gloria o a morte. La storia del Ten.Pil. Franco Cappa 36esimo Stormo A.S.
24.00 €
42310 - Fabretto, M.:
Con tutte le mie forze. Storia di Giovanni Battista Boscutti
12.00 €
30655 - Westwell, I.:
Condor Legion. The Wehrmacht's Training Ground - Spearhead 15
24.00 €
40685 - Bowman, M.W.:
Confounding the Reich. The RAF's Secret War of Electronic Countermeasures in WWII
36.00 €
45847 - Saunders, A.:
Convoy Peewit. Blitzkrieg from the Air and Sea, 8 August 1940
29.95 €
47159 - Morison, S.E.:
Coral Sea, Midway and Submarine Actions. May 1942-August 1942. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 4 (The)
29.95 €
49692 - Alberti-Merli, A.-S.:
Cremona sotto le bombe. Incursioni aeree sul territorio cremonese
25.00 €
49197 - Steinhoff, J.:
Cuore Rosso. La storia di Johannes 'Maecki' Steinhoff asso del JG 77 'Hertz-Ass' [sic!] con 176 vittorie
25.00 €
45887 - Nowotny, R.:
Cuore Verde. La storia di Walter 'Nowy' Nowotny asso del JG54 Gruenherz con 258 vittorie
25.00 €
28180 - Hurt, Z.:
Czechs in the RAF in focus
33.00 €
44792 - Darlow, S.:
D-Day Bombers. The stories of Allied Heavy Bombers During the Invasion of Normandy
29.95 €
48868 - Graziani, G.C.:
Dal primo all'ultimo giorno. 10 giugno 1940-5 maggio 1945
15.00 €
53955 - Bowman, M.W.:
Dam Busters (The)
19.95 €
40894 - Ottaway, S.:
Dambuster. The Life of Guy Gibson VC
25.00 €
42132 - Ward-Lee, C.-A.:
Dambusters. The Forging of a Legend: 617 Squadron in WWII
39.95 €
72219 - Morisi, P.:
Damned Hunchbacks. Italy's Forgotten Torpedo Bomber Units of the Second World War 1940-1943
45.00 €
25083 - Franks, N.:
Dark Sky, Deep Water. First Hand Reflections on the Anti-U-Boat War in WWII
19.00 €
57218 - Mrazek, R.J.:
Dawn Like Thunder. The True Story of Torpedo Squadron Eight (A)
19.95 €
50953 - Caldwell, D.:
Day Fighters in Defense of the Reich. A War Diary 1942-1945
65.00 €
22794 - Lord, W.:
Day of Infamy. Attack on Pearl Harbor
9.00 €
24067 - Granholm, J.:
Day we bombed Switzerland (The)
19.00 €
16543 - McManus, J.C.:
Deadly sky. The American Combat Airman in WWII
32.50 €
56153 - Young, E.M.:
Death from Above. The 7th Bombardment Group in WWII
85.00 €
43688 - Werrell, K.P.:
Death from the Heavens. A History of Strategic Bombing
45.00 €
16546 - Wolf, W.:
Death Rattlers: Marine Squadron VMF-323 over Okinawa
65.00 €
16549 - Speer, F.:
Debden Warbirds. 4th Fighter Group in WWII
59.95 €
56449 - Evans, B.:
Decisive Campaigns of the Desert Air Force 1942-1945 (The)
36.00 €
16561 - Spick, M.:
Defeat in the West 1943-45 - Luftwaffe at War 6
17.00 €
25574 - Harris, A.T.:
Despatch on War Operations. 23rd February 1942 to 8th May 1945
145.00 €
24213 - Cohen, S.:
Destination Tokyo.A Pictorial History of Doolittle's Tokyo Raid, April 18, 1942
18.00 €
51137 - Wildenburg, T.:
Destined for Glory. Dive Bombing, Midway, and the Evolution of Carrier Airpower
25.00 €
43313 - Stern, R.C.:
Destroyer Battles. Epics of Naval Close Combat
39.95 €
21593 - Ciampaglia, G.:
Destroyers. I distruttori nella IIGM
19.00 €
33004 - Galland-Ries-Ahnert, A.-K.-R.:
Deutsche Luftwaffe 1939-1945. Eine Dokumentation in Bildern
19.95 €
45732 - Bamford-Boxall, J.-H.:
Devotion to a Calling. Far East Flying and Survival with 62nd Squadron RAF
36.00 €
16598 - Myhra, D.:
DFS 228
27.00 €
53770 - Schiliro', G.:
Diario giornaliero della guerra aerea sulle isole di Lampedusa, Pantelleria, Linosa 1940-1943
24.00 €
42577 - Muirhead, C.:
Diary of a Bomb Aimer. Flying with the 12th Squadron in WWII
36.00 €
57522 - De Saint Exupery, A.:
Diritto di vivere. Scritti di guerra (Il)
14.00 €
71377 - Francois-Vendrame, L.-A.:
Disperati dell'AOI: la missione del S.Ten. Nicola De Carlo. Pilota farmacista
25.00 €
56721 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
Distruttore degli Sturmovik. Otto 'Bruno' Kittel del JG54 asso con 267 vittorie
22.00 €
42866 - Smith, P.C.:
Dive Bomber. Aircraft, Techniques and Tactics in WWII
19.95 €
42723 - De Zeng-Stankey, H.L.-D.G.:
Dive-Bomber and Ground-Attack Units of the Luftwaffe 1933-1945. A Reference Source Vol 1
55.00 €
53501 - De Zeng-Stankey, H.L.-D.G.:
Dive-Bomber and Ground-Attack Units of the Luftwaffe 1933-1945. A Reference Source Vol 2
85.00 €
38173 - Cull, B.:
Diver! Diver! Diver! RAF and American Fighter Pilots battle the V-1 Assault over South-East England 1944-45
55.00 €
70165 - Forsyth-Hector, R.-G.:
Dogfight 001: Fw 190D-9. Defence of the Reich 1944-45
25.00 €
54241 - Classen, A.:
Dogfight. The Battle of Britain
27.00 €
47739 - Holmes, T. cur:
Dogfight: The greatest air duels of World War II
33.00 €
47463 - Galland, A.:
Dolfo Galland. Dai cieli di Spagna e Gran Bretagna ai jet del JV44
30.00 €
47462 - Laiolo-Schifano, S.-P.:
Domenico Laiolo. Volando all'ala di Visconti
30.00 €
16732 - Glines, C.:
Doolittle Raid (The)
33.00 €
42115 - Frayn Turner, J.:
Douglas Bader. A Biography of the Legendary WWII Fighter Pilot
36.00 €
40892 - Dixon, J.:
Dowding and Churchill. The Dark Side of the Battle of Britain
39.95 €
38180 - Butterworth McGlashan, K.:
Down to Earth. A fighter pilot's experiences of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, Dieppe, D-Day and beyond
35.00 €
70075 - Johnen, W.:
Duels sous les etoiles. Memoires d'un pilote de la Nachtjagd
30.00 €
45856 - Shores, C.:
Dust Clouds in the Middle East. Air War for East Africa, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Madagascar 1940-1942
39.95 €
42573 - Bowman, M.W.:
Duxford and the Big Wing 1940-45. RAF and USAAF Fighter Pilots at War
36.00 €
37526 - Mitcham, S.W.:
Eagles of the Third Reich. Men of the Luftwaffe in WWII
27.00 €
24122 - Gordon, Y.:
Early Soviet Jet Fighters. The 1940s and early 1950s - RedStar 04
36.00 €
16813 - Stanaway, J. et al.:
Eight Ballers: Eyes of Fifth Air Force. The 8th Photo Reconnaissance Squadron in WWII
49.95 €
43218 - Speer, F.L.:
Eighty-One Aces of the 4th Fighter Group
75.00 €
38046 - Barber-Walsh, M.-S.:
Elite 165: British Fleet Air Arm in World War II
23.00 €
47028 - Gibson, G.:
Enemy Coast Ahead Uncensored
17.50 €
16876 - Guillen, S.:
Escuadrillas Azules en Rusia. Historia y Uniformes
45.00 €
49622 - McKelvey Cleaver, T.:
Fabled Fifteen. The Pacific War Saga of Carrier Air Group 15
33.00 €
43566 - Poolman, K.:
Faith, Hope and Charity. The Defence of Malta
15.00 €
49856 - Mattioli, M.:
Falchi di Mussolini. I reparti da caccia dell'ANR 1943-1945 (I)
19.00 €
52251 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
Fantasma della notte. La storia di Heinz Wolfgang Schnaufer Asso del NGJ 1 [sic!] con 121 vittorie
22.00 €
38654 - Twiss, P.:
Faster than the Sun. The Compelling Story of a Record-breaking Test Pilot and WWII Navy Flyer
21.00 €
52741 - Freidlin-Richardson, W.-S.:
Fatal Decisions. First Hand Accounts by Hitler's Generals (The)
36.00 €
22451 - Myhra, D.:
Fieseler Fi 103R
17.00 €
67895 - Alberti-Merli, A.-S.D.:
Fifteenth Air Force dell'USAAF in azione sull'Italia (La)
15.00 €
17079 - Toliver-Constable, R.F.-T.J.:
Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe
65.00 €
38313 - Kaplan, P.:
Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe in World War II
36.00 €
38312 - Kaplan, P.:
Fighter Aces of the RAF in the Battle of Britain
36.00 €
17080 - Toliver-Constable, R.F.-T.J.:
Fighter Aces of the USA
75.00 €
43555 - Revell, A.:
Fighter Aces! The Constable Maxwell Brothers: Fighter Pilots in Two World Wars
36.00 €
42532 - Bowman, M.V.:
Fighter Bases of WWII. US 8th Army Air Force Fighter Command USAAF 1942-45
25.00 €
38424 - Delve, K.:
Fighter Command 1936-1968 an Operational and Historical Record
45.00 €
48967 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 1. September 1939 to September 1940 (The)
29.95 €
48968 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 2. September 1940 to December 1941 (The)
39.95 €
48969 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 3. January 1942 to June 1943 (The)
39.95 €
48970 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 4. July 1943 to June 1944 (The)
39.95 €
48973 - Foreman, J.:
Fighter Command War Diaries Vol 5. July 1944 to May 1945 (The)
39.95 €
62501 - Franks, N.:
Fighter Command's Air War. RAF Circus Operations and Fighter Sweeps Against the Luftwaffe
39.95 €
17085 - Toliver-Constable, R.F.-T.J.:
Fighter General. The Life of Adolf Galland.
59.95 €
53524 - Stout, J.A.:
Fighter Group. The 352nd 'Blue-Nosed Bastards' in World War II
39.95 €
51192 - Wragg, D.:
Fighter Operations in Europe and North Africa 1939-1945
36.00 €
38655 - Richey-Franks, P.-N.:
Fighter Pilot's Summer
15.00 €
17088 - Miller, K.:
Fighter Units and Pilots of the 8th Air Force September 1942 - May 1945. Volume 1 Day-to-Day Operations - Fighter Group Histories
75.00 €
17089 - Miller, K.:
Fighter Units and Pilots of the 8th Air Force September 1942 - May 1945. Volume 2 Aerial Victories - Ace Data
75.00 €
51225 - Cunningham, P.:
Fighter! Fighter! Corkscrew Port! Vivid Memories of Bomber Aircrew in WWII
36.00 €
54809 - Paloque, G.:
Fighters of the 8th Air Force - Air Stories (The)
29.95 €
69967 - Crandall, J.:
Fighters of the Iron Cross. Men and Machines of the Jagdwaffe
105.00 €
46916 - Bedle, J.:
Fighting Cocks. 43rd Fighter Squadron (The)
45.00 €
48180 - Cook, L.:
Fighting Seventeen. A Photographic History of VF-17 in World War II
85.00 €
22048 - Isby, D. cur:
Fighting the bombers. The Luftwaffe's struggle against the Allied Bomber Offensive
39.00 €
42253 - Saunders, A.:
Finding the Few. Some Outstanding Mysteries of the Battle of Britain Investigated and Solved
33.00 €
45850 - Saunders, A.:
Finding the Foe. Outstanding Luftwaffe Mysteries of the Battle of Britain and Beyond investigated and Solved
33.00 €
40456 - Keskinen-Stenman-Partonen, K.-K.-K.:
Finnish Air Force 1943
55.00 €
45734 - Stern, R.C.:
Fire from the Sky. Surviving the Kamikaze Threat
45.00 €
53051 - Middlebrook, M.:
Firestorm Hamburg. The Facts Surrounding the Destruction of a German City 1943 (The)
39.95 €
57424 - Mackay, R.:
First Combat Bomb Wing in World War II (The)
49.95 €
36159 - MacKay, R.:
First in the Field: The 1st Air Division over Europe in WWII
75.00 €
17132 - Wakefield, K.:
First pathfinders (The)
29.95 €
35480 - Smith, P.C.:
Fist from the Sky. Japan's Dive Bomber Ace of WWII
21.00 €
23581 - Westermann, E.B.:
Flak. German anti-aircraft defenses
35.00 €
70799 - Hobbs, D.:
Fleet Air Arm and the War in Europe 1939 1945 (The)
55.00 €
27445 - Thamm, W.:
Fliegerbomben. Die Spreng- und Brandbombenentwicklung in der Luftwaffe. Von der einfachen Fliegerbombe zur modernen Abwurfmunition
29.95 €
48963 - Leicester, L.:
Flights into the Night. Story of a WWII RAF Wellington Pilot
13.00 €
53283 - Enright, M.:
Flyers Far Away. Australian Aircrews over Europe in World War II
49.95 €
28153 - Higham, R. (ed.):
Flying American Combat Aircraft of WWII 1939-45
27.00 €
52279 - Hendrie, A.:
Flying Catalinas. The Consolidated PBY Catalina in WWII
36.00 €
22728 - Lucas, L.:
Flying Colours. The Epic Story of Douglas Bader
12.00 €
26154 - Williams-Gustin, A.G.-E.:
Flying Guns World War II. Development of Aircraft Guns, Ammunition and Installations 1933-45
69.00 €
38656 - Rolfe, M.:
Flying into Hell. The Bomber Command Offensive as Witnessed by the Crews Themselves
18.00 €
17166 - Losonsky, T.:
Flying Tiger. A crew chief's story
45.00 €
40848 - Eswards, G.:
Flying to Norway Grounded in Burma. A Hudson Pilot in WWII
36.00 €
17170 - Baisden, C.:
Flyng Tiger to Air Commando
33.00 €
27082 - Hermann, D.:
Focke-Wulf FW 190 'Long Nose'. An illustrated History of the FW 190 D series
75.00 €
46464 - Mahnke, A.:
For Kaiser and Hitler. From Military Aviator to High Command. The Memoirs of Luftwaffe General Alfred Mahnke 1910-1945
39.95 €
33514 - Roba, J.L.:
Foreign Planes in the Service of the Luftwaffe
36.00 €
23333 - Wrynn, V.D.:
Forge of Freedom. American Aircraft Production in WWII
29.95 €
17212 - Probert, H.:
Forgotten Air Force (The)
35.00 €
64509 - Baldoli-Knapp, C.-A.:
Forgotten Blitzes. France and Italy under Allied Air Attack 1940-1945
49.95 €
63811 - Stenge, C.B.:
Forgotten Heroes. Aces of the Royal Hungarian Air Force in the Second World War
89.95 €
45021 - Jackson, D.R.:
Forgotten Squadron. The 449th Fighter Squadron in World War II. Flying P-38s with the Flying Tigers, 14th AF (The)
85.00 €
42969 - Konstam, A.:
Fortress 085: Scapa Flow. The defences of Britain's great fleet anchorage 1914-45
23.00 €
42870 - Stout, J.A.:
Fortress Ploesti. The Campaign to Destroy Hitler's Oil Supply
19.95 €
49206 - Sulla, G. cur:
Forza Aerea Brasiliana nella Campagna d'Italia. Struzzi nei cieli d'Italia (La)
28.00 €
48504 - Trizzino, A.:
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20.00 €
38657 - Franks, N.:
Frank Chota Carey. The Epic Story of G/C Carey CBE, DFC and 2 Bars, AFC, DFM, US Silver Star
35.00 €
31803 - Schottelkorb, R.W.:
From Model T to P-38 Lightning. Celebrating the life of William Frank Schottelkorb
35.00 €
68627 - Alberti-Merli-Merli, A.-S.D.-L.:
From Olive to Stalemate. Le operazioni aeree alleate sull'Italia 26 agosto1944-31 dicembre 1944
22.00 €
17315 - Gabreski, F.:
Gabby: a fighter pilot's life
59.95 €
34051 - Thomas, M.:
GC III/3 en 1939-1940. Condors et Pirates au combat - Histoire des unites 13
45.00 €
17327 - Maguire, J.A.:
Gear up! Flight clothing and equipment of USAAF airmen
75.00 €
42641 - Engelmann, J.:
Geheime Waffenschmiede Peenemuende. V2, Wasserfall, Schmetterling
16.00 €
17331 - Herwig-Rode, :
Geheimprojecte der Luftwaffe Band II Strategische Bombers
55.00 €
25804 - Herwig-Rode, D.-H.:
Geheimprojecte der Luftwaffe Band III Schlachtflugzeuge und Kampfzerstoerer 1935-1945
59.95 €
21804 - Boyne (cura di), W.J.:
German aircraft and armament
30.00 €
24946 - Alexandrov-Petrov, A.-G.:
German Aircraft in Russian and Soviet Service 1914-1951 Vol I 1914-1940
49.95 €
24955 - Alexandrov-Petrov, A.-G.:
German Aircraft in Russian and Soviet Service 1914-1951 Vol II 1941-1951
49.95 €
17412 - Griehl, M.:
German Bombers over Russia - Luftwaffe at war 15
17.00 €
17420 - Jaeger, M.:
German fighter ace E.Hartmann
49.95 €
17421 - Kurowski, F.:
German fighter ace H.J. Marseille
49.95 €
35212 - Held, W.:
German fighter ace Walter Novotny. An illustrated Biography
59.95 €
35211 - Obermaier-Held, E.-W.:
German fighter ace Werner Moelders. An illustrated Biography
65.00 €
17423 - Held, W.:
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33.00 €
17440 - Diedrich, H.:
German Jet Aircraft 1939-1945
39.95 €
22495 - Kay, A.:
German Jet Engine and Gas Turbine Development 1930-45
75.00 €
17443 - Hess, W.:
German Jets vs US Army Air Force
28.00 €
24377 - Beauvais-Koessler-Mayer-Regel, H.-K.-M.-C.:
German secret flight centres to 1945.
63.00 €
38658 - Gray, P.:
Ghosts of Targets Past. The Lives and Losses of a Lancaster Crew in 1944-45
15.00 €
50700 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
Giallo 14. La storia di Hans Joachim Marseille
26.00 €
39892 - Bianchi, G.:
Giovani Aquile. Storie dimenticate di piloti della Regia Aeronautica nella IIGM
20.00 €
28751 - Bianchi, G.:
Giovani Assi
16.00 €
53234 - Lucchini Gilera, M.:
Giovanni 'Nani' Lucchini. Un pilota veneto della Regia Aeronautica
28.00 €
38141 - Pesce, G.:
Giuseppe Cenni pilota in guerra
12.00 €
17540 - Pelliccia, A.:
Giuseppe Valle una difficile eredita'
15.00 €
53229 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
Gladio Alato. La storia di Wilhelm Batz asso del JG 52 con 237 vittorie
25.00 €
42571 - Peters-Buist, M.-L.:
Glider Pilots at Arnhem
36.00 €
42402 - Crespi, R.:
Gobbo maledetto e il Baltimore (Il)
20.00 €
17555 - Maguire, J.:
Gooney Birds and Ferry Tales. The 27th Air Transport Group in WWII
75.00 €
17606 - Apostolo, G.:
Grandi battaglie aeree del XX secolo (Le)
22.50 €
51855 - Lopreiato, A.:
Grandi battaglie aeree. Le imprese, le vittorie e le sconfitte piu' incredibili mai avvenute in cielo (Le)
12.00 €
22404 - Hess, W. et al.:
Great American Bombers of WWII
36.00 €
31861 - Lambert, J.W.:
Great Pacific Air Offensive of World War II Vol 1: Return to the Phillippines, 1944 (The)
39.95 €
39335 - Lambert, J.W.:
Great Pacific Air Offensive of World War II Vol 2: Severing the Empire's Lifeline 1945 (The)
39.95 €
39336 - Lambert, J.W.:
Great Pacific Air Offensive of World War II Vol 3: On Japan's Doorstep 1945 (The)
39.95 €
57428 - Larson, G.A.:
Great Plains Warriors of World War II. Air Bases and Plants Built for War: Nebraska's Contribution to Winning the War
65.00 €
25607 - Cox, S. (ed.):
Growth of Fighter Command. Air Defence of Great Britain Vol I
165.00 €
53769 - Schiliro', G.:
Guerra Aerea in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo Occidentale. Giorno dopo giorno 1940-1943
48.00 €
48408 - Mancini, U.:
Guerra nelle terre del Papa. I bombardamenti alleati tra Roma e Montecassino attraversando i Castelli Romani (La)
33.00 €
51509 - De Stefani, L. cur:
Guerra, monumenti, ricostruzione. Architetture e centri storici italiani nel secondo conflitto mondiale
80.00 €
46154 - Keeney, L.D.:
Gun Camera WWII. Photography from Allied Fighters and Bombers Over Occupied Europe
25.00 €
54436 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
Gunther Rall. Il terzo asso
26.00 €
38342 - Tate, R.:
Hans-Joachim Marseille. An Illustrated Tribute to the Luftwaffe Star of Africa
65.00 €
17867 - Ilfrey, J.:
Happy Jack's go buggy. A fighter Pilot's Story
45.00 €
66320 - Hillier Graves, T.:
Heaven High Ocean Deep. Naval Fighter Wing at War
33.00 €
22508 - Griehl, M.:
Heinkel He 162 (Luftwaffe Profile nr 16)
21.00 €
17901 - Remp, R.:
Heinkel He 219. An Illustrated History of Germany's Premier Nightfighter
45.00 €
38660 - Rolfe, M.:
Hell on Eart. Dramatic First-hand Experiences of Bomber Command at War
18.00 €
31175 - Ringlstetter, H.:
Helmut Wick. An Illustrated Biography of the Luftwaffe Ace and Commander of Jagdgeschwader 2 during the Battle of Britain
59.95 €
17913 - Green, H.:
Herky! The Memoirs of a Checkertail
59.95 €
45852 - Bond, S.:
Heroes All. Veteran Airmen of Different Nationalities Tell Their Stories of Service in WWII
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38661 - Feast, S.:
Heroic Endeavour. The Remarkable Story of One Pathfinder Force Attack a Victoria Cross and 206 Brave Men
35.00 €
42203 - Dewez-Faley, L.-M.:
High Noon over Haseluenne. The 100th Bombardment Group over Berlin, March 6,1944
85.00 €
55945 - Alexander-Makos, L.-A.:
Higher Call. The Incredible True Story of Heroism and Chivalry During the Second World War (A)
15.00 €
40219 - Facon, P.:
Histoire de l'Armee de l'Air. Une jeunesse tumultueuse 1880-1945 (L')
65.00 €
57804 - Jarbinet, P.:
Historica Speciale: McCurry, NY, 11 settembre 2001
12.99 €
17934 - Cescotti, R.:
History of German Aviation: Bombers and Reconnaissance Aircraft 1939 to the Present. Bombers and Reconnaissance Aircraft 1939 to the Present (The)
65.00 €
18373 - Wagner, W.:
History of German Aviation: Kurt Tank - Focke Wulf designer and test pilot
49.95 €
51813 - Shores-Massimello-Guest, C.-G.-R.:
History of the Mediterranean air War 1940-1945 Vol 1: North Africa, June 1940-January 1942
75.00 €
53954 - Shores-Massimello-Guest, C.-G.-R.:
History of the Mediterranean air War 1940-1945 Vol 2: North African Desert, February 1942-March 1943
75.00 €
27897 - Shores-Massimello et al., C.-G.-R.:
History of the Mediterranean air War 1940-1945 Vol 3: Tunisia and the end in Africa, November 1942-May 1943
79.95 €
64432 - Shores-Massimello et al., C.-G.-R.:
History of the Mediterranean air War 1940-1945 Vol 4: Sicily and Italy to the fall of Rome 14 May 1943-5 June 1944
79.95 €
68703 - Shores-Massimello et al., C.-G.-R.:
History of the Mediterranean air War 1940-1945 Vol 5: From the fall of Rome to the end of the war 1944-1945
79.95 €
29344 - Rajlich, J.:
History Profile 01: Air War over the Czech Lands
20.00 €
52411 - McNab, C.:
Hitler's Eagles. The Luftwaffe 1933-45
45.00 €
43325 - Longmate, N.:
Hitler's Rockets. The Story of the V-2s
27.00 €
56849 - Baudin, P.:
Hitler's Spyplane Over Normandy 1944. The World's First Jet
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30027 - Ward, J.:
Hitler's Stuka Squadrons. The Ju 87 at War 1936-1945
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23436 - Mallmann Showell, J.P.:
Hitler's U-Boat Bases
23.50 €
34320 - Brown, P.:
Honour Restored. The Battle for Britain, Dowding and the Fight for Freedom
36.00 €
71526 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 43: La chasse allemande a l'ouest Mai-Juin 1940
17.50 €
71842 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 45: Fliegerfuehrer Afrika! La Luftwaffe en Afrique 1941-1943
17.50 €
72240 - Caraktere, :
HS Aerojournal 46: La Fleet Air Arm dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale
17.50 €
33848 - Avions HS, 21:
HS Avions 21: Les pertes de la chasse de jour allemande en France Vol 3: 1942
17.50 €
41885 - Avions HS, 25:
HS Avions 25: Les as francais de 1939-1940 Vol 2: de Le Golan a Williame
17.50 €
22967 - Williams, D.P.:
Hunters of the Reich - Night Fighters
36.00 €
56162 - Persen, L.:
Hunting Tito. A History of Nachtschlachtgruppe 7 in WWII
45.00 €
45833 - Rajlich, J.:
Hurricane Ace Josef Frantisek. The True Story
23.50 €
17998 - Barker, R.:
Hurricats. The fighters that coud not return
33.00 €
18000 - Doolittle, J.:
I could never be so lucky again
39.95 €
51767 - Lepage, J.D.:
Illustrated Handbook of Flak. German Anti-Aircraft Defences 1935-1945, Weapons, Emplacements, Equipements (The)
33.00 €
40441 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Ilmavoitot osa 1 - Aerial Victories Part 1
33.00 €
40442 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Ilmavoitot osa 2 - Aerial Victories Part 2
33.00 €
42531 - Ward-Lee, C.-A.:
Images of War. 617 Dambuster Squadron at War
25.00 €
51348 - Simons, G.:
Images of War. B-17 Memphis Belle
27.00 €
53841 - Simons, G.:
Images of War. Fighters Under Construction in World War Two
27.00 €
48546 - Handleman, P.:
Images of War. Flying Legends of World War II
36.00 €
40599 - Bodle, P.:
Images of War. Liberators in England in World War II
25.00 €
54378 - Kaplan, P.:
Images of War. Naval Aviation in the Second World War
27.00 €
54377 - Kaplan, P.:
Images of War. The Battle of Britain. Luftwaffe Blitz
27.00 €
33570 - Crosby, F.:
Images of War. The Luftwaffe in World War II
25.00 €
41069 - Smith, P.C.:
Images of War. Torpedo Bombers
25.00 €
48185 - Marsh-Starkings, D.-P.:
Imperial Japanese Army Flying Schools 1912-1945
99.00 €
56257 - Montano, M.:
In cielo l'inferno
20.00 €
53532 - O Hara, V.P.:
In Passage Perilous. Malta and the Convoy Battles of June 1942
45.00 €
47100 - National Air and Space Museum, :
In the Cockpit 2: Inside History-Making Aircraft of World War II
35.00 €
42410 - Mombeeck-Roba, E.-J.L.:
In the Skies of France. A Chronicle of JG2 Richtofen. Vol 1 1934-1940
65.00 €
48169 - Moebius, I.:
In the Skies Over Europe. The Memoirs of Luftwaffe Figher Pilot Guenther Scholz
39.95 €
40344 - Pellegrini, E.:
Industria aeronautica in Italia 1939-1945 (L')
30.00 €
59407 - Malizia, N.:
Inferno su Malta. La piu' lunga battaglia aeronavale nel Mediterraneo 1940-1943
23.00 €
33909 - Anthoine, R.:
Infringing Neutrality. The RAF in Switzerland 1940-45
36.00 €
56447 - Schultz, D.:
Into the Fire. Ploesti: the Most Fateful Mission of World War II
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47076 - Parry, S.W.:
Intruders over Britain. Luftwaffe Night Fighters Offensive 1940-1945
21.00 €
52219 - Montano, M.:
Irriducibili del cielo. Piloti dell'ANR 1943-1945 (Gli)
18.00 €
37904 - Gioannini-Massobrio, M.-G.:
Italia bombardata. Storia della guerra di distruzione aerea 1940-1945
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37622 - Patricelli, M.:
Italia sotto le bombe (L')
20.00 €
54785 - Malizia, N.:
Italy Primary Target. Attacchi aerei dell'USAAF e della RAF. Diari di guerra 1943-1945
21.00 €
18239 - Obermaier, E.:
Jagdflieger Oberst Werner Molders
27.00 €
18238 - Held, W.:
Jagdflieger Walter Nowotny. Bilder und Dokumente
27.00 €
29655 - Nauroth, H.:
Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen. A Photographic History
85.00 €
22914 - Nauroth, H.:
Jagdgeschwader 2 Richtofen
39.95 €
54268 - Ring-Girbig, H.-W.:
Jagdgeschwader 27 - Chronik
21.00 €
26654 - Prien-Stemmer, J.-G.:
Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' in WWII. II./JG 3 in action with Messerschmitt Bf 109
85.00 €
24928 - Prien-Stemmer, J.-G.:
Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' in WWII. Stab and I./JG 3 in action with Messerschmitt Bf 109
85.00 €
32225 - Lorant-Guyat, J.Y.-R.:
Jagdgeschwader 300 'Wilde Sau'. A Chronicle of a Fighter Geschwader in the Battle for Germany Vol 1: June 1943-September 1944
99.00 €
31148 - Reschke, W.:
Jagdgeschwader 301/302 'Wilde Sau'. In Defense of the Reich with the Bf 109, Fw 190 and Ta 152
49.95 €
54267 - Girbig, W.:
Jagdgeschwader 5 Eismeerjaeger - Chronik
21.00 €
53290 - Girbig, W.:
Jagdgeschwader 5. The Luftwaffe's JG 5 'Eismeerjaeger' in World War II
55.00 €
22657 - Aders-Held, G.-W.:
Jagdgeschwader 51 Moelders - Chronik
21.00 €
18241 - Prien, J.:
Jagdgeschwader 53. A history of the 'Pik As' Geschwader Vol 1 Mar 1937 - May 1942
115.00 €
18242 - Prien, J.:
Jagdgeschwader 53. A history of the 'Pik As' Geschwader Vol 2 May 1942 - Jan 1944
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18243 - Prien, J.:
Jagdgeschwader 53. A history of the 'Pik As' Geschwader Vol 3 Jan 1944 - May 1945
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47017 - Zuk-Zurakowski, B.-J.:
Janusz Zurakowski. Legend in the Skies
19.95 €
24177 - Hata-Izawa-Shores, I.-Y.-C.:
Japanese Army Air Force Fighter Units and their Aces
55.00 €
52703 - Picarella, G.:
Japanese Experimental Transport Aircraft of the Pacific War
45.00 €
45854 - Hata-Izawa-Shores, I.-Y.-C.:
Japanese Naval Air Force Fighter Units and Their Aces 1932-1945
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53517 - Hata-Izawa-Shores, I.-Y.-C.:
Japanese Naval Fighter Aces 1932-45
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32163 - Ishiguro, R.:
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36.00 €
18269 - Griehl, M.:
Jet Planes of the Third Reich: the Secret Projects Vol I
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45929 - Pavelec, S.M.:
Jet Race and the Second World War (The)
25.00 €
18273 - Caldwell, D.L.:
JG 26 Diary Vol 1 (The)
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55101 - Caldwell, D.L.:
JG 26. Top Guns of the Luftwaffe
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18275 - Held, W.:
JG 54 a Photographic History of the Grunherzjager
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21536 - Boehme, M.:
JG 7 World's First Jet Fighter Unit
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54439 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
Joachim Muenchenberg. 'Der Adler' di Malta, Francia e Tunisia
26.00 €
18282 - AAVV, :
Jolly Rogers. The 90th Bombardment Group in the Southwest Pacific 1942-1944
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25036 - Griehl, M.:
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka
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49120 - Malizia-Maraziti, N.-A.:
Junkers JU-87/B/R e D in azione. I Picchiatelli della Regia Aeronautica
15.00 €
59135 - Iredale, W.:
Kamikaze Hunters. Fighting for the Pacific 1945
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54264 - Gundelach, K.:
Kampfgeschwader 4 General Wever - Chronik
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31883 - Dierich, W.:
Kampfgeschwader 51 'Edelweiss'
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54265 - Dierich, W.:
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55412 - Kiehl, H.:
Kampfgeschwader 53 'Legion Condor'. The Complete History of KG 53 in World War II
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48189 - Kiehl, H.:
Kampfgeschwader 53 Legion Condor - Chronik
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54263 - Dierich, W.:
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52252 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
Karaya uno. La storia di Erich Hartmann. Asso degli assi con 352 vittorie
26.00 €
18321 - Stanaway, J.:
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48549 - Thomas, N.:
Kenneth 'Hawkeye' Lee DFC. Battle of Britain and Desert Air Force Fighter Ace
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27683 - Thomas, G.J.:
KG 200. The Luftwaffe's most secret unit
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18326 - Hall-Quinland, S.-L.:
KG 55: Greif Geschwader. The photographic history of the famous Luftwaffe bomber unit
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33123 - Rearden, J.:
Koga's Zero. The Fighter that Changed World War II
18.00 €
38667 - Darlow, S.:
Lancaster Down! The Extraordinary Tale of Seven Young Bomber Aircrew at War
15.00 €
24115 - Postlethwaite, M.:
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48964 - Currie, J.:
Lancaster Target
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41975 - Griehl, M.:
Last Days of the Luftwaffe. German Luftwaffe Combat Units 1944-1945
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23238 - Carey, A.C.:
Leatherneck Bombers. Marine Corps B-25/PBJ Mitchell Squadrons in WWII
33.00 €
42533 - Bowman, M.W.:
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26587 - Hinchliffe, P.:
Lent Papers. Helmut Lent (The)
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43101 - Morison, S.E.:
Leyte. June 1944-January 1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 12
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43102 - Morison, S.E.:
Liberation of the Phillippines. Luzon, Mindanao, the Visayas 1944-1945. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 13
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45028 - Mackay-Bailey-Scorza, R.-M.-D.:
Liberators over Norwich. The 458th Bomb Group (H), 8th USAAF at Horsham St. Faith 1944-1945
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29999 - Sager, A.:
Line Shoot. Diary of a Fighter Pilot
23.50 €
37665 - Schwarzer, W.:
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26667 - Treadwell, T.C.:
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34242 - Lambert, J.W.:
Long Campaign. The History of the 15th Fighter Group in World War II
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18570 - Lambert, J.W.:
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49639 - Le Page, R.:
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31178 - Kurowski, F.:
Luftwaffe Aces
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18578 - Kurowski, F.:
Luftwaffe Aces. German Combat Pilots of WWII
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34093 - Meier, I.:
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55.00 €
36019 - Hooton, E.R.:
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36785 - Hooton, E.R.:
Luftwaffe at War Vol 2: Blitzkrieg in the West 1939-1940
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22574 - Haeberlen, H.:
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33386 - Goss, C.:
Luftwaffe Bombers' Battle of Britain. The inside Story: July-October 1940 (The)
36.00 €
18582 - Rosch, B.:
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18584 - Griehl-Dressel, :
Luftwaffe Combat Aircraft development production operations 1939-45
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40567 - Schuck, W.:
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28894 - Hannig, N.:
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43500 - Hannig, N.:
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45851 - Fischer, W.:
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48910 - Goss, C.:
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33676 - Goss, C.:
Luftwaffe Fighters' Battle of Britain. The inside Story: July-October 1940 (The)
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33387 - Goss-Cornwell-Rauchbach, C.-P.-B.:
Luftwaffe Fighters-Bombers over Britain. The Tip and Run Campaign 1942-43
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18592 - Nauroth, H.:
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18593 - Held, W.:
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30244 - Griehl, M.:
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36509 - Caldwell-Muller, D.-R.:
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42726 - Rosch, B.:
Luftwaffe Support Units. Units, Aircrafts, Emblems and Markings 1933-1945
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18599 - Bekker, C.:
Luftwaffe War Diaries
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28194 - Griehl, M.:
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45989 - Goss, C.:
Luftwaffe's Blitz. The Inside Story. November 1940-May 1941 (The)
27.00 €
38826 - Bekker, C.:
Luftwaffe. Le forze aeree tedesche della Seconda Guerra Mondiale
26.00 €
31220 - Staerck-Sinnott, C.-P.:
Luftwaffe. The Allied Intelligence Files
35.00 €
18601 - Meyer, M.:
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38854 - Ketley-Rolfe, B.-M.:
Luftwaffen Embleme 1939-1945
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27444 - Spick, M.:
Luftwafffe Fighter Aces
27.00 €
31141 - Amico, P.:
Lunga notte delle Aquile
13.00 €
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46591 - Barnham, D.:
Malta Spitfire Pilot. A personal account of ten weeks of war, April-June 1942
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54715 - Da Fre', G.:
Marina tedesca 1939-1945. Azioni belliche e scelte operative (La)
28.00 €
49196 - Bianchi, G.:
Mario Visintini. Storia e leggenda di un asso italiano
24.00 €
42780 - Feast, S.:
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58499 - Ehler, R.S.:
Mediterranean Air War. Airpower and Allied Victory in World War II
55.00 €
60925 - Graham, I.:
Meglio non essere un aviatore nella seconda guerra mondiale. Un'avventura da evitare
10.00 €
23162 - Perkins, B.W.:
Memphis Belle. Biography of a B-17 Flying Fortress
59.95 €
21614 - Anderson, C.J.:
Men of Mighty Eight 1942-45 - GI 24
17.00 €
41998 - Bowman, M.W.:
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25.00 €
20077 - Cormack-Volstad, A.-R.:
Men-at-Arms 225: Royal Air Force 1939-45
19.00 €
52094 - Bowden, R.:
Merseburg: Blood, Flak and Oil. The 8th Air Force Missions
29.95 €
18838 - Shacklady, E.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 - Classic WW2 Aviation
35.00 €
23082 - Ishoven, A.A.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 at War
36.00 €
40433 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2
27.00 €
40434 - Keskinen-Stenman, K.-K.:
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6
27.00 €
21876 - Mackay, R.:
Messerschmitt Bf 110
45.00 €
26668 - Treadwell, T.C.:
Messerschmitt Bf 110 - Classic WW2 Aviation 05
35.00 €
23187 - Vasco, J.:
Messerschmitt Bf 110. Bombsight over England
65.00 €
26005 - Mankau-Petrick, H.-P.:
Messerschmitt Bf 110/Me 210/Me 410. An Illustrated Story
85.00 €
60277 - Cavagliano, C.:
Messerschmitt del Comandante Drago. Memorie del Sottufficiale Pilota Carlo Cavagliano 2. Gruppo Caccia Terrestre (I)
15.00 €
23148 - Dabrowski, H.P.:
Messerschmitt Me 321/323. Luftwaffe's Giants in WWII
65.00 €
32197 - Steinhoff, J.:
Messerschmitts over Sicily. Diary of a Luftwaffe Fighter Commander
21.00 €
39955 - Smith, P.C.:
Midway. Dauntless Victory. Fresh Perspectives on America's Seminal Naval Victory of World War II
55.00 €
46595 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mighty Eight at War. The USAAF 8th Air Force Bombers versus the Luftwaffe 1943-1945 (The)
36.00 €
23515 - Freeman, R.A.:
Mighty Eight war manual (The)
35.00 €
63115 - Nijborg, D.:
Mighty Eight. Masters of the Air over Europe 1942-1945 (The)
45.00 €
42864 - Alling, C.:
Mighty Fortress. Lead Bomber Over Europe (A)
19.95 €
27768 - Gordon, Y.:
Mikoyan's Piston-engined Fighters - RedStar 13
36.00 €
53407 - Breda-Padovan, M.A.-G.:
Milano: Rifugi Antiaerei. Scudi degli inermi contro l'annientamento
34.00 €
33002 - Nowarra, H.J.:
Minensuchgruppe Mausi. Mit der Tante Ju in den Kampfeinsatz
19.95 €
39374 - Hadaway, S.:
Missing Believed Killed. The Royal Air Force and the Search for Missing Aircrew 1939-1952
25.00 €
53523 - De Jong, I.:
Mission 85. The US Eighth Air Force's Battle Over Holland August 19, 1943
25.00 €
46067 - Stergulc-Vinci-Orlando, F.-E.-F.:
Missione 139. Gente di montagna e aviatori americani. Una storia di guerra del 1944 in Friuli
20.00 €
54422 - Steinbeck, J.:
Missione Compiuta
16.50 €
38099 - Weinberg, G.L.:
Mondo in armi. Storia globale della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Il)
35.00 €
42854 - Belcarz-Morosanu, B.-T.L.:
Montpellier Fighter Squadron
23.50 €
38742 - Treccani, G.P. cur:
Monumenti alla guerra. Citta', danni bellici e ricostruzione nel secondo dopoguerra
30.00 €
56608 - Bianchi-Pennisi, G.-S.:
Morire vittorioso. La storia di Giuseppe Oblach-Garolla Asso del 4. Stormo
24.00 €
40420 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mosquito Menacing the Reich. Combat Actions in the Twin-Engine Wooden Wonder of WWII
27.00 €
39697 - Bowman, M.W.:
Mosquito Missions. RAF and Commonwealth De Havilland Mosquitoes
36.00 €
48942 - Smith-Smith, A.-I.:
Mosquito Pathfinders. Navigating 90 WWII Operations
12.00 €
48965 - Currie, J.:
Mosquito Victory
9.95 €
41669 - Curtis, D.:
Most Secret Squadron (A)
33.00 €
52515 - Mattioli, M.:
Mussolini's Hawks 2nd ed. The Fighter Units of the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana 1943-1945
22.00 €
34088 - Williams, D.P.:
Nachtjaeger. Luftwaffe Night Fighters Units 1939-1945
45.00 €
36597 - Olivi, F.J.:
Nagasaki per scelta o per forza
14.00 €
47648 - Lanza, M.:
Natale Fiorito. L'Aquila di Valfernera sui cieli di Malta
10.00 €
40620 - Piszkiewicz, D.:
Nazi Rocketeers. Dreams of Space and Crimes of War (The)
21.00 €
33864 - Pelliccia, A.:
Nel segno dell'aquila
19.00 €
43100 - Morison, S.E.:
New Guinea and the Marianas. March 1944-August 1944. History of United States Naval Operations in WWII Vol 8
29.95 €
25412 - Cox, S. (ed.):
Night Air Defence during the Blitz. Air Defence of Great Britain Vol i iI
125.00 €
55646 - Gosling, D.:
Night Fighter Navigator. Beaufighters and Mosquitos in WWII
36.00 €
40641 - Heaton-Lewis, C.D.-A.M.:
Night Fighters. Luftwaffe and RAF Air Combat over Europe 1939-1945
33.00 €
48966 - Brandon, L.:
Night Flyer. The Success Story of RAF 100 Group Mosquitos
9.95 €
48534 - Brandon-Rawnsley-Wright, L.-C.F.-R.:
Night Flyer/Mosquito Pathfinder. Night Operations in World War II
29.95 €
43222 - Mays, T.M.:
Night Hawks and Black Widows. 13th Air Force Night Fighters in the South and Southwest Pacific 1943-1945
85.00 €
46503 - MacLachan, I.:
Night of the Intruders. The Slaughter of Homeward Bound USAAF Mission 311
36.00 €
46152 - Kelly, T.:
Nine Lives of a Fighter Pilot. A Hurricane Pilot in WWII
25.00 €
47154 - Deere, A.C.:
Nine Lives: Air Commodore Alan Deere
12.00 €
38354 - Wolf, W.:
North American B-25 Mitchell. The Ultimate Look. From Drawing Board to Flying Arsenal
85.00 €
60137 - Alberti-Vezzoli, A.-D.:
Obiettivo Brescia
15.00 €
32406 - Bonacina, G.:
Obiettivo: Italia. I bombardamenti aerei delle citta' italiane dal 1940 al 1945
21.00 €
55884 - Poire', F.:
Oeil de la 7eme Armee. Le GR 1/35 de septembre 1939 a juin 1940 - Histoire des unites 02 (L')
33.00 €
52106 - Carr, J.:
On Spartan Wings. The Royal Hellenic Air Force in WWII
36.00 €
39734 - Bowman, M.:
On the Highways of the Skies. The 8th Air Force in World War II
85.00 €
28886 - Polmar-Bell, N.-D.:
One Hundred Years of World Military Aircraft
39.95 €
44041 - Kent, J.:
One of the Few. A Triumphant Story of Combat in the Battle of Britain
13.00 €
68630 - Alberti-Merli, A.-L.:
Operation Matterhorn. Il debutto operativo del Boeing B-29 Superfortress
15.00 €
40621 - Sadler, J.:
Operation Mercury. The Fall of Crete 1941
21.00 €
33883 - Sadler, J.:
Operation Mercury. The Fall of Crete 1941
36.00 €
52070 - Robinson-Scott, N.-P.:
Operation Overlord. June to September 1944 Vol 2. USAAF 8th and 9th Air Forces
27.00 €
52722 - Robinson-Scott, N.-P.:
Operation Torch. November-December 1942. The Anglo-American Invasion of Vichy French North Africa
27.00 €
72543 - Dionigi, F.:
Operazione 'S', Il piano dell'Italia per bombardare New York
15.00 €
69404 - Hastings, M.:
Operazione Chastise. 1943: il raid dei Dambusters i guastatori delle dighe
20.00 €
72073 - Fagone, S.:
Operazione Husky. Cronaca dei bombardamenti alleati sulla Sicilia 1943
30.00 €
72713 - Alberti-Merli-Merli, A.-L.-S.:
Operazioni aeree sulla Normandia
15.00 €
41753 - McNab, C.:
Order of Battle: German Luftwaffe in WWII
33.00 €
19417 - Hinchliffe, P.:
Other battle. Luftwaffe night aces versus Bomber Command (The)
21.00 €
39588 - Donnelly, L.:
Other Few. The contribution made by Bomber and Coastal aircrew to the winning of the Battle of Britain (The)
55.00 €
55417 - Marshall, J.W.:
Our Might Always. The 355th Fighter Group in World War II
99.00 €
40638 - Timofeeva Egorova, A.:
Over Fields of Fire. Flying the Sturmovik in action on the Eastern Front 1942-45
29.95 €
19434 - Ford Jones, M.:
Oxford's own. The Men and Machines of No.15/XV Squadron Royal Flying Corps/Royal Air Force
75.00 €
22702 - Christy-Ethell, J.-J.:
P-38 Lightning at War
35.00 €
19460 - Shacklady, E.:
P-47 Thunderbolt - Classic WW2 Aviation 04
32.50 €
31283 - Wiest-Mattson, A.-G.L.:
Pacific War (The)
36.00 €
42839 - Costello, J.:
Pacific War 1941-1945. The first comprehensive one-volume account of the conduct of WWII in the Pacific (The)
27.00 €
38670 - Orange, V.:
Park. The Biography of Air Chief Marshall Sir Keith Park, GCB, KBE, MC, DFC, DCL
25.00 €
32834 - Scotti, G.:
Partigiano del cielo. Luigi Rugi pilota della resistenza jugoslava (Il)
13.00 €
34204 - Pinardi, D.:
Partigiano e l'aviatore. Vite troppo brevi di vincitori e vinti ugualmente dimenticati (Il)
16.00 €
53194 - Guidi-Giannasi, I.-A.:
Passione per il volo. Storia di un aliantista d'assalto. Casabianca 1941-Bergamo 1945 (La)
12.00 €
51954 - Feast, S.:
Pathfinder Companion. War Diaries and Experiences of the RAF Pathfinder Force 1942-1945 (The)
33.00 €
42779 - Stocker-Feast, T.-S.:
Pathfinder's War. An extraordinary tale of surviving over 100 Bomber Operations against all odds (A)
30.00 €
26055 - Ivie, T.:
Patton's Eyes in the Sky. USAAF Combat Reconnaissance Missions North-West Europe 1944-1945
55.00 €
21953 - van der Vat, D.:
Pearl Harbor: the day of infamy, an illustrated history
45.00 €
48502 - Boyington, G.:
Pecora nera. La storia di 'Pappy' Boyington. dalle Tigri Volanti al 214. Sqn 'Black Sheep'
25.00 €
45848 - Rhoderick Jones, R.:
Pedro. The Life and Death of Fighter Ace Osgood Villiers Hanbury DFC and BAR
29.95 €
33878 - Middlebrook, M.:
Peenemuende Raid. The Night of 17-18 August 1943 (The)
27.00 €
55144 - Deriu, L.:
Piccolo principe dall'isola alle stelle. Antoine de Saint Exupery in Sardegna e Corsica (Il)
18.00 €
23541 - Stoff, J.:
Picture history of World War II american aircraft production
20.00 €
27603 - Baur, I.:
Pilot's Pilot. Karl Baur Chief Test Pilot for Messerschmitt (A)
39.00 €
37718 - Paravicini, P.P.:
Pilota da caccia 1942-1945
15.00 €
44062 - Tonicchi, G.:
Pilota del Turbine: Carlo Tommasi (Un)
12.00 €
41109 - Bassi-D'Odorico, R.-M.:
Pilota dimenticato. Storia del recupero del caccia Macchi 202 e del suo pilota sergente Emidio Tola (Un)
10.00 €
49385 - Metellini, G.:
Pilota racconta (Un)
14.00 €
52291 - Poppi, A.:
Piloti nella neve. 29 dicembre 1942: la scomparsa del generale Enrico Pezzi e del tenente pilota Giovanni Busacchi nei cieli ucraini
10.00 €
35342 - Lambert, J.W.:
Pineapple Air Force: Pearl Harbor to Tokyo (the)
75.00 €
38345 - Blake, S.:
Pioneer Mustang Group. The 354th Fighter Group in World War II (The)
85.00 €